
2018 One Week Build - Discussion Thread

Started by NARSES2, June 06, 2018, 07:12:33 AM

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Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Doing a flying wing jet that rams bombers. If I finish that, I might try a second build with a P-47 painted like a cow.
-Sprues McDuck-


Victim kit selected.  Night fighter that needs a bit of a boost....
Dave "Sandiego89"
Chesapeake, Virginia, USA



- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..


My kit is selected, just a re-paint but it's a fairly complicated scheme so that's my excuse.  :angel:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Moderator here.  I'll set up the vote as soon as I can after 1WGB18 closes.  Will be relying on a friend's wifi whilst away from home so bear with me if it isn't done first thing the Monday after the GB closes, especially as i will be reliant on 4G and public library/coffee shop library during voting week!  Will remind myself of the vote setting up procedure this week; the vote will shut down after a set period but a quick look suggests it can't be automatically open.  More to follow.....

Meanwhile enjoy the GB.  I won't be entering - have you not seen how many GBs entries I still haven't finished?? - so will be totally neutral.

What If? & Secret Project SIG member.
On the go: Beaumaris/Battle/Bronco/Barracuda/F-105(UK)/Flatning/Hellcat IV/Hunter PR11/Hurricane IIb/Ice Cream Tank/JP T4/Jumo MiG-15/M21/P1103 (early)/P1154-ish/Phantom FG1/I-153/Sea Hawk T7/Spitfire XII/Spitfire Tr18/Twin Otter/FrankenCOIN/Frankenfighter


More or less at the half way point, chums.  Hope the building is going well - and of course the fun!
What If? & Secret Project SIG member.
On the go: Beaumaris/Battle/Bronco/Barracuda/F-105(UK)/Flatning/Hellcat IV/Hunter PR11/Hurricane IIb/Ice Cream Tank/JP T4/Jumo MiG-15/M21/P1103 (early)/P1154-ish/Phantom FG1/I-153/Sea Hawk T7/Spitfire XII/Spitfire Tr18/Twin Otter/FrankenCOIN/Frankenfighter


What If? & Secret Project SIG member.
On the go: Beaumaris/Battle/Bronco/Barracuda/F-105(UK)/Flatning/Hellcat IV/Hunter PR11/Hurricane IIb/Ice Cream Tank/JP T4/Jumo MiG-15/M21/P1103 (early)/P1154-ish/Phantom FG1/I-153/Sea Hawk T7/Spitfire XII/Spitfire Tr18/Twin Otter/FrankenCOIN/Frankenfighter


Well done to all who finished and posted up their builds.  Tough call is a 1WGB, I've failed miserably in the past to meet the deadline.  Anyway, poll will be set up later today.

What If? & Secret Project SIG member.
On the go: Beaumaris/Battle/Bronco/Barracuda/F-105(UK)/Flatning/Hellcat IV/Hunter PR11/Hurricane IIb/Ice Cream Tank/JP T4/Jumo MiG-15/M21/P1103 (early)/P1154-ish/Phantom FG1/I-153/Sea Hawk T7/Spitfire XII/Spitfire Tr18/Twin Otter/FrankenCOIN/Frankenfighter