
Would this make me certifiably insane?

Started by upnorth, May 25, 2010, 09:44:26 AM

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Hey all:

My girlfriend and I will be taking a week of holidays in and around Salzburg, Austria in the first week of July.

Of the many things to see and do, I could visit the home of the Flying Bulls (Red Bull's aircraft fleet) at Salzburg airport.

Now I love aircraft and would love to see some of the vintage birds they have there. However, I have no intrest at all in seeing restored vintage warbirds polished beyond mirror finish and plastered with Red Bull logos.

In short, I'm not putting a visit there on my itinerary.

Does that make me insane? :unsure:
My Blogs:

Pickled Wings: http://pickledwings.com/

Beyond Prague: http://beyondprague.net/


as a matter a fact it does  :rolleyes:

ive seen the red bull aircraft perform in Belgium, and i always wanted to visit hangar 5 (or 7) and intend to when i get the chance.
they have aircraft you practicly dont see anymore (P-38, Sea Vixen, F-4U,...)
and more, these aircraft are painted as whiffs, so that might make it some sort of whiffers shang ri la  ;D
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


As much as I love the care and attention lavished on those gorgeous aircraft, I have to say that to see them used as flying billboards does make me feel it's all a bit cynical.
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


Does that make me insane?

No more than the rest of us :blink:

Alle kunst ist umsunst wenn ein engel auf das zundloch brunzt!!

Sic biscuitus disintegratum!

Cats are not real. 
They are just physical manifestations of collisions between enigma & conundrum particles.

Any aircraft can be improved by giving it a SHARKMOUTH!


I think we should be grateful that rare props and jets are flying with Red Bull. But the livery does need changing. How about a camo with the artwork 'Red Bull Gives You Wings'?


Quote from: hurricanemk1c on May 26, 2010, 09:16:16 AM
I think we should be grateful that rare props and jets are flying with Red Bull. But the livery does need changing. How about a camo with the artwork 'Red Bull Gives You Wings'?

I'm certainly not ungrateful for the intrest Red Bull shows in aviation and warbird preservation. I just think it's not really in the spirit of warbird preservation to make them all into flying Red Bull cans.

Perhaps if they restored them to authentic schemes and kept the Red Bull logos to a more reasonable size and a bit more discretely or tastefully placed I'd be more inclined to visit the place.
My Blogs:

Pickled Wings: http://pickledwings.com/

Beyond Prague: http://beyondprague.net/

Doc Yo

 I'd go, but I agree with you about the logos. Its one of the reasons I don't take more interest in racing
generally, and air racing in particular.


Well, I said I wouldn't go there. However, yesterday I did.

I came away more than a bit disappointed. I had expected something of a museum, but it was closer to a reception hall with a few aircraft and F1 cars scattered about that rich folks could hobknob around in. In fact the place was so posh that I was expecting to see some minor Arab shieks walking about.

I got close to a Mitchell bomber, a Stearman, a Huey Cobra and a bunch of F1 cars.

I also got fairly close to a couple of Alpha Jets though I had to be content at shooting them through glass and the fence. The building is divided into two parts and in the other part I could see a C-54, a Corsair, an Extra 300 and a Dassault Falcon among others.

When I asked how to get to the other building, they told me it was the maintenance hangar and the public wasn't allowed there. Go figure, some of the stuff I was most interested in seeing was stuff I couldn't get close to. :angry:

I went, I saw, I wouldn't cross the street to see it again. If you ever go to Salzburg and decide to check it out, just remember "museum" is a rather deeceptive term for the place.

My Blogs:

Pickled Wings: http://pickledwings.com/

Beyond Prague: http://beyondprague.net/