
Hawker Havoc

Started by kerick, August 03, 2022, 10:18:44 AM

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Here's a late start I hope I can finish in time. From ysi-maniac's cyber drawing of a straight wing Hunter I have commenced to build something similar. A salvaged Matchbox Hunter fuselage, some wings from an F-86 donated by Ron from IPMS Duneland, an old 1/32nd scale F-16 centerline drop tank, (where would we be without drop tanks!) a Jaguars tail and junk box parts should be able to do it. Further inspiration was found in the Boeing Skyfox aircraft proposed back in the 80's. I've mentioned this in a couple other threads but I figured it was time to start a real thread.
My stumbling block right now is what should the two engines look like? Is there 5000+lb thrust dry British engines from the 80's or earlier that would work mounted A-10 style? I've been looking around and haven't found anything that would look right except for some 1/100th scale A-10 engines.
The concept here is Hunter airframes with previously undiscovered wing cracks are recalled from everybody that ever bought them and rebuilt with straight wings to reinforce the Harriers in their ground attack missions. This is from a build up of events leading to the war in 1985. See the novel ww3 1985.
So if anyone has suggestions about engines I'd love to hear them while I sand putty for awhile.
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


BTW, any objections to the previously built Hunter fuselage? I pretty much tore it apart anyway. I'll get a couple pics up soon.
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


The Bristol Orpheus would be a nice match, if  you don't absolutely need a turbofan. British, in the 5000lbs-class and neat enough to fit into pods you make from - drop tanks..  ;)

The Matchbox single seat nose is outright awful. But sod that. Get on with it!
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!


I suppose a turbofan would work just as well, like the Skyfox. I'll look up the Orpheus.
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


A pair of TFE731s sounds just the ticket.  Nacelles from a Dominie could be modified to fit the story. 
So I got that going for me...which is nice....


I'll have to get a Dominie somewhere. I hate to buy a kit just for a couple parts. Unless the wings would fit in a straight position. Hmmmmm... a searching I go!

BTW, I have a two seat Harrier that I think is the Heller snap kit. I'm imagining what it would take to upgrade it into something presentable. I almost cut it up for parts for the Havoc.
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


Actually the Heller Bobcat Harrier T2 is surprisingly good. It's a very accurate shape and just misses out because of the 'clip together' construction.
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



Quote from: kerick on August 03, 2022, 10:24:07 AM
BTW, any objections to the previously built Hunter fuselage? I pretty much tore it apart anyway. I'll get a couple pics up soon.

No worries mate.  Just post a starting pic of all the bits in a heap.

- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..


Quote from: PR19_Kit on August 04, 2022, 02:13:34 AM
Actually the Heller Bobcat Harrier T2 is surprisingly good. It's a very accurate shape and just misses out because of the 'clip together' construction.

That clip together construction means that the sides of the canopy are flat where they meet the fuselage, there are also a couple of pillars on the inside to help it clip in place so if you can get a vac-form canopy that would be a help.

My Ability to Imagine is only exceeded by my Imagined Abilities

Gondor's Modelling Rule Number Three: Everything will fit perfectly untill you apply glue...

I know it's in a book I have around here somewhere....


If someone has a Mach II Dassault Falcon 20 kit, there's two engine options in it. One option is the Bristol Orpheus and the nacelles match the diagram below.

Incidentally, the Canadair CL-76 was a proposal that looked a bit like your project. Guess what I have plans to make  ;D

If I'm not building models, I'm out riding my dirtbike


I've had an idea for a long time to do an extended service F-86 with J85 engines that would look just like that!' I'll save that pic.
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


Here's the pics I promised. First is the starting pile of junk.

Not all of this will be used, just different options.
Here's some parts glued up after paint stripping with Easy Off oven cleaner in the yellow can.

I've added the old F-16 fuel tank cut close to the original Hunter fuselage length. Also the tapered end of a gas bag for a Harrier style laser nose.
This is an overall shot of the future configuration.

I don't know if I should square off the F-86 wings or leave then the way they are. They will receive winglets pretty soon. I replaced the first Jaguar tail with a different one that had the ECM gear already on. The engines are from the old box scale Hustler from God knows when. Very brittle plastic. I cut off much of the front and rear of each pod and glued extra plastic on to have something to shape into an inlet and exhaust. I'll have to do something with the canopy as a very small portion of the rear edge was short shot. Probably fill it and paint something over it. With the laser nose I'll add some GBU laser guided bombs and/or a couple of Mavericks. Landing gear is going to be a problem. The original main gear wouldn't work with the F-86 wings and I don't have the wheel well covers anyway. The nose Gear I can work around as the gear doors are pretty simple but for the main gear I'm thinking something that retracts forward like the A-10. I'll have to see what else I have in the junk box.

Here's a couple of pics of the Skyfox so you can see some of my inspiration.

" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise

The Wooksta!

Given the relative shape and thickness of the outer wings, might it not be a more spectacular build with VG wings?


That's an interesting idea! I just glued the wings on so not this time. Still working on engines and landing gear.
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise

Old Wombat

"... in these confines with a Monarch's voice cry 'Havoc!' and let slip the dogs of war." ;D

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est