Kitbashers' Delight - Spares/Repair sale!

Started by sideshowbob9, July 11, 2020, 05:51:04 AM

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Arado   Ar-240A   1/72         
BAe   Hawk T.1   1/72   
Bae   Hawk 100   1/72   
Bae   Sea Harrier FRS.1   1/48   
Bell   P-63A Kingcobra   1/72      
Bell   P-63 Kingcobra   1/72   Spares
Beriev    Be-6   1/100    No engines     
Bloch   MB.152   1/72      
Boeing   707   1/144   
Boeing   B-17   1/48?   Spares   
Chance-Vought   F-8 Crusader   1/48   
Chase   C-123   1/144   Spares       Provisional
Convair   PB4Y-2   1/72         
Curtiss   P-6E   1/72   Spares   
Dassault    Mirage 2000D   1/72   
Dassault    Mirage 2000D   1/72   
Dewoitine   D.520   1/72   
Dornier   Do-217K-2   1/72      
Douglas   A-4B Skyhawk   1/100      
Douglas   A-4 Skyhawk   1/72   
Fiat   BR.20    1/72      
Focke-Wulf   Fw-190F-8   1/72      
General Dynamics   F-111A Aardvark   1/72      
Hawker   Demon I   1/72   Spares
Hawker   Hunter 9   1/72   Matchbox
Hawker Siddeley   Harrier GR.1   1/72   
Hawker Siddeley   Dominie    1/72   Spares
Hispano   Buchón   1/48   
Lockheed   EC-121D Warning Star   1/144         
Macchi   C.202/5?   1/72      
Martin   B-26   1/72   Spares       
Martin   B-26   1/72   Spares       

McDonnell   F2H-2   1/72   
McDonnell    F-101B Voodoo    1/72      
McDonnell Douglas   F-15A Eagle   1/72   
McDonnell Douglas   F-15B Eagle   1/72
McDonnell Douglas F-4E Phantom II 1/72   
McDonnell Douglas F-4E Phantom II  1/72   
McDonnell Douglas RF-4C   1/72   

Messerschmitt    Bf-109G-10   1/72   
Miles   Master   1/72   
North American   FJ-1 Fury   1/72      
North American   T-28A Trojan    1/48   
North American   SNJ Texan   1/72      
Reggiane   Re.2001   1/72   
Republic   P-47D   1/72
Saab   J32 Lansen   1/72      
Savoia-Marchetti   SM.79   1/72   Spares       
Supermarine   Spitfire FR.XIVc   1/72   
Supermarine   Spitfire LF.XIVc   1/48   
Tupolev   Tu-16 'Badger'   1/72      
Vickers   VC-10   1/144      
Westland   Lynx   1/72   
Xian   JH-7A Flying Leopard   1/48   
Yakovlev   Yak-9S   1/72   
Yoko oh no   D4Y2   1/72   



Italeri? C-119 1/72 – Most parts present to build a full model incl. Decking, rear doors etc.     
1/72 B7A    
1/72? Rockwell Jet Commander
1/72 P2V Neptune      
1/72 A-1E
1/60? F7U-3
1/72 Sunderland
? Martin MB-2                
? Hughes H-4 Spruce Goose          
1/72 V-22
1/48 Ar-234
1/32 MC.205 – found engine & some landing gear
1/72 S-3 Viking
1/72 F-84 – Navy, Republic – what was I thinking?! L/G broken & missing canopy – spares
1/48 P-40B/C – blade missing
Batplane !
1/72 Fi-167
1/72 Hornet – missing tailplanes           
1/72 Whirlwind – props damaged/missing           
? YS-11 – props damaged/missing
1/144 Tu-160 Blackjack
1/48 F-4C/D Phantom II
1/72 spare Baltimore? wings                   
1/72 Fulmar
1/72 F-20
1/72 A-1E
1/48 G.55
1/72 Curtiss A-8 Shrike
1/72 Whirlwind – minus engines
Rotodyne – minus engines           
another A-1E
1/72 Fuji T-1
1/200 Vulcan
1/72 Frog Swift        
1/72 DH Hornet fuselage – no wings               
1/72 P-51D x 2 bought in job lot – in poor condition – as is
1/72 vacuform Gannet AEW.3 fuselage, wings, tail
1/72 resin magna? Blackburn YB.1 (no props)

The Wooksta!

Me! Me! Me!

Can I take the dead Swift and the DH Hornets* please?  Is the F100 72nd ? Asking as I *think* it may work as a basis for the Supermarine 554.

That's a lot of dead or rather "resting" projects.  Almost as many as me...

*The fuselage w.tailplanes can provide spares for the more complete one and then the fuselage will be the basis for the Hornet/Vampire mash up I've been planning for some time.


Owwww, I'm such a sucker for offers like this....and see a lot interesting part. Could sending to the Netherlands be ok as it's near the UK eventhough on mainland  Europe..

David aka 63cpe


Wooksta, the Hornets & Swift are yours. If its the one in the photo of the bottom of a box, the F-100 is a Super Mystere and is only 1/100 so no help I'm afraid.

63cpe, I had you in mind when I said I'd consider the near continent! We'll sort out the logistics via PM.


Oooh yes!  Will be in touch tomorrow.  Or sooner!!

EDIT: At the mo am interested in the Tempests/Typhoons but will narrow it down a bit.  Also the S-2 Tracker.
The F-104 and Tornado are tempting but not quite sure yet.

Will get back you tomorrow to confirm.

What If? & Secret Project SIG member.
On the go: Beaumaris/Battle/Bronco/Barracuda/F-105(UK)/Flatning/Hellcat IV/Hunter PR11/Ice Cream Tank/JP T4/Jumo MiG-15/P1103 (early)/P1127/P1154-ish/Phantom FG1/I-153/Sea Hawk T7/Spitfire XII/Spitfire Tr18/Twin Otter/FrankenCOIN/Frankenfighter/Zero



Have looked more closely at the list and have decided against the F-104 (hadn't previously spotted the scale), Tornado and Tracker.

Deffo 1/72 TempestS/Typhoons, will PM later.
What If? & Secret Project SIG member.
On the go: Beaumaris/Battle/Bronco/Barracuda/F-105(UK)/Flatning/Hellcat IV/Hunter PR11/Ice Cream Tank/JP T4/Jumo MiG-15/P1103 (early)/P1127/P1154-ish/Phantom FG1/I-153/Sea Hawk T7/Spitfire XII/Spitfire Tr18/Twin Otter/FrankenCOIN/Frankenfighter/Zero



 :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Thanks mate! You can do it!

David aka 63cpe


The box fairy has paid a visit.

Having been forced to go through my various odds & sods boxes it occurs to me that I have a little too much in the way of ordnance. A medium-high single digit figure could net someone at least 50 missiles and bombs if there is any interest? Mostly 1/72. From Mk.82s & FAB-somethings, Sparrows, Firestreaks, Exocets, Shrikes, the odd Phoenix or Alamo, some 1/48 SRAMs and oh, a pair of whatever those dandy little 4-intake jobs that go under a Su-34 are.

Also is anyone after some 1/144 A380 engines? Possibly the wings too?


Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



Those are SERIOUS engines!  :o

A little too serious for anything I'm likely to build. The A380 is getting Victor wings....one day....


A380 with victor wings....interesting thought! :thumbsup:

David aka 63cpe


...or even a Victor with A380 wings.  :o

World altitude record stuff perhaps?
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



The A380/Victor will hopefully be a big troop transporter. The Victor will become a Harridan that I did a profile of a while back.

An A380 winged Victor. Woah! That'll shift!