Possible P-3 AEW battleship configuration

Started by Roberto139, March 27, 2022, 06:08:08 AM

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Howdy folks, my first topic here after gawking at the marvellous imageineering works y'all are pushing out.
I'd like to convert Hasegawa's P-3 to an AEW similar to the USC&B Patrol aircraft, however this one with a considerable sting capability.
I have seen P-3s with donkey many as six Harpoons, but would like to add more weapon pylons to it for air to air self defense and perhaps rework the rear sensor/buoys bay to carry additional air to surface weapons.
Any P-3 expert here to suggest CG issues if rear bay used for AGM-84s or AGM-142s?


You can use the Grumman E-2 Hawkeye or the RVHP Erieye radar. The Cammett BAe Nimrod AEW.3 conversion set doesn't fit, I know because I have tried it. The rear radome fits but the front one loses a lot of the cockpit area. It fits the Revell Dassault Atlantic ALT1 as well as the B-36 Peacemaker and C-130.


I already have an E-2 radar dish and struts from a Fujimi kit, that's pretty much what the current set is for the P-3 AEW.
I was more curious about opening up a second weapons bay where the current sonobuoys chutes are.


Or you could use the pannier from the Airfix BAe Nimrod to create on big weapons bay.

Old Wombat

Quote from: Roberto139 on March 27, 2022, 10:05:04 AM
I already have an E-2 radar dish and struts from a Fujimi kit, that's pretty much what the current set is for the P-3 AEW.
I was more curious about opening up a second weapons bay where the current sonobuoys chutes are.

Additional weapons for a surveillance platform is probably not the best idea, but swapping out the sonobuoy chutes for a big suite of chaff & flare launchers would be of benefit to a high-value target like an AEW platform.

Maybe put extra fuel in the existing weapons bays, giving you a better Time On Station, & a couple of self-defence AMRAAM's under the wings (in addition to the extra chaff & flares) ... maybe four.

Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


An in-flight refuelling probe from a C-130 might improve the endurance.
Try looking at the P-3A the ones that the C.I.A. flew.


The P-7 might be a good basis, it was an enlarged P-3 project that was cancelled.  It had a fuselage stretch and a widened wing centre section.  Lots of hardpoints.

P-3 hardpoints for comparison:

I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.


I like the P-7 idea, perhaps using the new E-2 scimitar blade propellers.
I understand how in reality you would not want to risk a high value asset as a surface strike platform, I was thinking about something to the likes of a multiple use platform even adding AGM-88 capability.
I like the idea  of an IFR probe, because 12 hours in the air may not be enough.

Old Wombat

Just remember, if you're trying to keep it remotely plausible, that the more weapons it's carrying the heavier the aircraft & the higher the fuel consumption.

Add any significant number of those weapons outside the fuselage & you also increase drag, meaning an even higher fuel consumption.

Having the big radar disc on top is going to slaughter any pretense at fuel economy & your endurance is going to take some significant damage; I think you'd be lucky to get 9 hours, maybe 10 at a stretch.

IFR will fix the endurance issue, at a significant cost increase, but it won't fix the issue of aircrew fatigue, especially for the pilots & RO's.
Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


I have flown on a P-3C II  Orion and on the Canadian CP-140 Aurora  when I was in Gibraltar for a NATO exercise.


Old Wombat beat me to it, your P-3 with all that gear will be very draggy.

I would stick to the existing weapons bay and a few wing stations.

I do think heavy weapons in the area of the aft sonobouy chutes would adversely effect center of gravity.
Dave "Sandiego89"
Chesapeake, Virginia, USA


Or try the Lockheed P-3A Airseeker firefighter panner layout.