
DONE @p.3 +++ 1:60 German Police Labor "Michael I" (Mecha)

Started by Dizzyfugu, March 28, 2021, 05:10:09 AM

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It's always good to keep traditions up, and I will use this GB as a motivation to tackle a mecha model from the Patlabor universe - in this case, and fitting well into the Patlabor world, it will be a police Labor unit, but in German Bundespolizei use. This one will not be based on the obvious Japanese Police Ingram Labors from the OAV/movies (O.K., that's nerdy and only a useful info for the illuminated ;) ), but rather an individual conversion of a Phantom Labor robot into a manned support and law enforcement vehicle - for a different overall look of this mecha.

Might take a while to materialize, but I am already checking ingredients, body donors, paints and protential markings/decals.

Stay tuned.  :mellow:


Work has started yesterday, even though details have not been settled yet. However, some parts can already be assembled, because this 3rd generation mecha kit comes with vinyl caps for its joints and can be built in separate elements, which can be worked upon independently before final total assembly into a poseable figure.

Like all of Bandai's Patlabor mecha kits, it has its pecularities - the most significant is the partial "endoskeleton" with silicone covers, onto which hull parts are attached as an outer layer. That's a little complicated and special, but also offers some freedom during the building phase. On the other side, there's only gradual progress because the hull comes together in an "onion layer" fashion, with alternating construction, painting and PSR phases between the layers.


Work makes slow progress here - and here's a look at the box art for some reference:

...and now think of a crossbreed with (kinda) this:

It has also become clearer what I want to change:

  • New head section; the Phantom has a kind of fixed "hood" with a relatively small "face unit" in ist front. This will be changed into a free-standing head unit, like the standard Labors. This will be challenging!
  • A cockpit fairing will be added to the chest, since this will be a manned vehicle, not a robot
  • As a simplification, the retractable boosters in the back as well as the extentable upper body will be omitted
  • I need new hands; the OOB hand are much too slender and claw-like
  • Potential arms or equipment are pending; I fancy with a clear riot shield and a baton, and I may add a searchlight to the shoulder

Things are still fluid, esp. the head and the shoulder area.


Since everything remained quite abstract so far, some impressions (which might appear quite incoherent). For instance, some bits and pieces that will become arms and legs:

Patlabor +++ 1:60 Schaft Enterprise Europe Type-10P "Michael I" in German Police service (Whif/Bandai kit conversion) - WiP
by Dizzyfugu, on Flickr

Openings in the chest filled with styrene sheet, PSR follows:

Patlabor +++ 1:60 Schaft Enterprise Europe Type-10P "Michael I" in German Police service (Whif/Bandai kit conversion) - WiP
by Dizzyfugu, on Flickr

Some of the silicone covers on the arms and legs, which need some trimming and paint treatment with acrylics:

Patlabor +++ 1:60 Schaft Enterprise Europe Type-10P "Michael I" in German Police service (Whif/Bandai kit conversion) - WiP
by Dizzyfugu, on Flickr

The roomy inside of a lower leg:

Patlabor +++ 1:60 Schaft Enterprise Europe Type-10P "Michael I" in German Police service (Whif/Bandai kit conversion) - WiP
by Dizzyfugu, on Flickr

Construction of the upper arms/shoulders, with endoskeleton parts:

Patlabor +++ 1:60 Schaft Enterprise Europe Type-10P "Michael I" in German Police service (Whif/Bandai kit conversion) - WiP
by Dizzyfugu, on Flickr

The same for the upper legs:

Patlabor +++ 1:60 Schaft Enterprise Europe Type-10P "Michael I" in German Police service (Whif/Bandai kit conversion) - WiP
by Dizzyfugu, on Flickr

Upper body/chest with a scratched (2C putty) cockpit fairing added:

Patlabor +++ 1:60 Schaft Enterprise Europe Type-10P "Michael I" in German Police service (Whif/Bandai kit conversion) - WiP
by Dizzyfugu, on Flickr

...and yesterday we had a "standing chassis" which eventually allows an assessment of overall proportions for the new head/shoulder section:

Patlabor +++ 1:60 Schaft Enterprise Europe Type-10P "Michael I" in German Police service (Whif/Bandai kit conversion) - WiP
by Dizzyfugu, on Flickr

This will become the biggest challenge, because I want something of the right size, and it should convey the idea of police service. We'll see.


I'm actually wondering how far away from the truth this might be in the near future ?
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Yesterday I gathered my mojo and started work around the shoulders. A raid thorugh The Stashâ„¢ revealed some VERY useful surplus parts and remnants from former Patlabor builds, including a complete leftover head from a "Helldiver" airborne miltary Labor. While I had a different shape in mind, its protective visor shield suits a police Labor well, too, and its size was just right, so I adopted it. Sensor booms from an AV-98 were added for a different look, and behind the clear blue visor I attached a small mirror plate that creates an eye-like look.

Patlabor +++ 1:60 Schaft Enterprise Europe Type-10P "Michael I" in German Police service (Whif/Bandai kit conversion) - WiP
by Dizzyfugu, on Flickr

With this basis I was able to define a "neck pole":

Patlabor +++ 1:60 Schaft Enterprise Europe Type-10P "Michael I" in German Police service (Whif/Bandai kit conversion) - WiP
by Dizzyfugu, on Flickr

...with this rough result:

Patlabor +++ 1:60 Schaft Enterprise Europe Type-10P "Michael I" in German Police service (Whif/Bandai kit conversion) - WiP
by Dizzyfugu, on Flickr

With the head position defined, the rim of the gaping hole on the shoulders could be filled and sculpted with 2C putty:

Patlabor +++ 1:60 Schaft Enterprise Europe Type-10P "Michael I" in German Police service (Whif/Bandai kit conversion) - WiP
by Dizzyfugu, on Flickr

Patlabor +++ 1:60 Schaft Enterprise Europe Type-10P "Michael I" in German Police service (Whif/Bandai kit conversion) - WiP
by Dizzyfugu, on Flickr


More progress. Head and collar come to a close, next the back. The original Phantom features a set of three foldable jet boosters, but I want something more mundane. I found a nice donor part in my mecha morgue - the back pack from an 1:144 "Jha Giga" (from Imai's Megaro Zamac kit series) that toppled down 6' from a board more than 30 years ago, but now found a suitable new home and duty. It almost fits perfectly into the dorsal recess, even though PSR will nevertheless be necessary:

Patlabor +++ 1:60 Schaft Enterprise Europe Type-10P "Michael I" in German Police service (Whif/Bandai kit conversion) - WiP
by Dizzyfugu, on Flickr

Patlabor +++ 1:60 Schaft Enterprise Europe Type-10P "Michael I" in German Police service (Whif/Bandai kit conversion) - WiP
by Dizzyfugu, on Flickr

Further raids in the donor banks turned up suitable alternatives for the shoulder guards. I initially wanted to stick to the OOB parts, but found these replacements (from an 1:144 Serpent Custom from Gundam) so good that I will use them. Their boxy style is less organic than the rest of the Phantom, but the louvres might hide claxons and the side consoles will later hold flashlights.  :lol: Their upwards extensions make the mecha look more different from the Phantom, too - and the fit with inly a little trimming! I might change knees and lower arms now a little, for a more coherent look - but that's O.K. when I get away from the Phantom basis just a little more.

Patlabor +++ 1:60 Schaft Enterprise Europe Type-10P "Michael I" in German Police service (Whif/Bandai kit conversion) - WiP
by Dizzyfugu, on Flickr


One thing (like the new shoulder guards) leads to another, so that I tried to incorporate these more boxy/tringular forms onto other hull parts. The choice fell onto knees and elbows, which will have rhomboid surfaces added, their flanks filled/sculpted with putty. I also found a pair of new, suitable hand, from an 1:24 PA-24HD from Dorvack. I thought that they were too big and was about to cut away the pinkie and respective parts of the hand, but once the adapter had been tailored to the arm they work better than expected - and they can be quite big, the Phantom is a bulky Labor model when compared with other models! Lots of PSR pending, though...

Patlabor +++ 1:60 Schaft Enterprise Europe Type-10P "Michael I" in German Police service (Whif/Bandai kit conversion) - WiP
by Dizzyfugu, on Flickr

Patlabor +++ 1:60 Schaft Enterprise Europe Type-10P "Michael I" in German Police service (Whif/Bandai kit conversion) - WiP
by Dizzyfugu, on Flickr

Patlabor +++ 1:60 Schaft Enterprise Europe Type-10P "Michael I" in German Police service (Whif/Bandai kit conversion) - WiP by Dizzyfugu, on Flickr

Without paint, the whole affair is a little challenging for the unprotected eye... But this will change, even though I am not certain if it will be less eye-catching.

At the moment I am looking for options for suitable flashlights and also hold out for something that I can turn into a riot shield.  :rolleyes:


Starting to look like powerarmor from the RPG sourcebook "Rifts: Germany"
"Mind that bus." "What bus?" *SPLAT!*


Small stuff going on, and painting preparation. Last hardware additions were some extra headlights (left over from the recent Daihatsu Move, from its "sport package" for the turbocharged version) with protective grills, details on the cockpit (including a hatch) and equipment adapters on the lower arms. I also found a stun baton from an Ingram in the spares box - I am about to try to mod the right hand to hold it. I furthermore found a suitable basis for the clear riot shield I am planning: a nicely curved piece from a mouthwash bottle, which might be attached to the left lower arm.  :wacko:

Patlabor +++ 1:60 Schaft Enterprise Europe Type-10P "Michael I" in German Police service (Whif/Bandai kit conversion) - WiP
by Dizzyfugu, on Flickr

In the meantime, some German police decals arrive that will hopefully work properly, and I found a good tone that comes close to RAL 5017, the "real" German police blue.




Patlabor +++ 1:60 Schaft Enterprise Europe Type-10P "Michael I" in German Police service (Whif/Bandai kit conversion) - WiP
by Dizzyfugu, on Flickr

Patlabor +++ 1:60 Schaft Enterprise Europe Type-10P "Michael I" in German Police service (Whif/Bandai kit conversion) - WiP
by Dizzyfugu, on Flickr

No idea yet how to attach it, and it has some scratches - but the latter just add some realism.  ;)

In the meantime, basic overall painting has been done, some weathering/surface effects with a black ink washing and some dry-brushing follow.

Old Wombat

Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


I throw one of those bottles away, mouthwash, every ten days or so ;D. Never even considered the possibilties of them being raw material.
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

Old Wombat

They make quite a good starting point for space ships, too. ;)
Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est