
DC Comics 1/72 - The Haunted Tank (Jigsaw Tank)

Started by strobez, January 28, 2021, 09:37:06 AM

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So this is a project tailor-made for this community.  The Haunted Tank's Jigsaw Tank!

I already completed the M3 Stuart tank, but why not just go for broke and build the Jigsaw (and then the M4 Sherman!) too? In the DC Comics' series G.I. Combat (issue 150) the Haunted tank crew is left homeless after their M3 Stuart is destroyed. So, using various tank parts from the "spares box" in the tank graveyard, they bring the Jigsaw tank to life.

Here's the "official" fact sheet from the comics... mileage may vary, issue to issue, panel to panel... shape/size/number of wheels... ;)

So. To that end, I've grabbed a Trumpeter T-34 for the chassis, but reached into my own spares box for the rest.  I'm still struggling a bit, but I'm really hoping to make use of the leftover turret from the M26 Pershing that I used for my Tintin lunar tank.  I also started trying to shoehorn in some leftover bits from a Matchbox M24 Chaffee for the forward driver's hatches.  Jigsaw indeed~




Greg, hate to break it to you, but that turret is most definitely a Panzer Turret, either from a III or IV
"Mind that bus." "What bus?" *SPLAT!*


Quote from: nighthunter on January 28, 2021, 09:46:39 AM

Greg, hate to break it to you, but that turret is most definitely a Panzer Turret, either from a III or IV

OK, I'm not much of a 'tank person', but the turret that Greg's using does look like one from an M26.

For a start, it's got two hatches in the top, side by side, whereas the Panzer III only has one, in the middle. And the bit around the base of the gun looks just like the M26s, whereas the Panzer bits are more angular.

The Panzer IV turret is much more angular, with large chunks filed off on the corners, not like the one Greg's using.
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



I can verify that the turret I'm using is from a M26 Pershing - I've got the box (and the rest of the tank) to prove it.  I think the discussion is more centred on the one displayed in the comic book image.  That one is unknown, but wiser minds than mine have suggested that Sam Glazman (the artist) was likely inspired by M42 Walker's that he'd have seen on T.V. in the late 60's/early 70's.

I'm open for suggestions on the turret... because the Pershing's isn't quite right for the image. However, I'm also keen to preserve the "jigsaw" aspect of the build and go with something that a) could have conceivably be found in a "tank graveyard" in WWII, b) somewhat looks the part and (most importantly) c) that I already have kicking around in the spares box~

If there's a cheapo Airfix 1/76 "classic" kit I can easily get my hands on... I may consider a substitute.


Rick Lowe

Greg, that's coming along nicely, and it's certainly a good way to use up stuff you probably wouldn't otherwise!  ;)

I reckon you could use the kit T-34 turret as a pattern; it's basically hexagonal to start with, so closer to the comic image, and if you built the front end up to be more vertical, you'd have more room for the crew.
Say make it 1.5 times the size? But a bit lower in profile.


I think you would be better scratching the turret.  All slab sides shouldn't be too hard and it really doesn't look like any real turret.  Has a little of the look of the M-41 or even the M-18 Hellcat but they are both too rounded.

I also would modify the hatch on the front of the tank.  The drawing makes it look more like a flip up viewing hatch and not big enough for an exit like it was on the T-34.

Also had another thought on your JEB Stuart.  How about making a mold and cast it in clear resin?
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


Quote from: PR19_Kit on January 28, 2021, 10:39:59 AM
Quote from: nighthunter on January 28, 2021, 09:46:39 AM

Greg, hate to break it to you, but that turret is most definitely a Panzer Turret, either from a III or IV

OK, I'm not much of a 'tank person', but the turret that Greg's using does look like one from an M26.

For a start, it's got two hatches in the top, side by side, whereas the Panzer III only has one, in the middle. And the bit around the base of the gun looks just like the M26s, whereas the Panzer bits are more angular.

The Panzer IV turret is much more angular, with large chunks filed off on the corners, not like the one Greg's using.
I do stand corrected on the turret, thank you Kit. I saw the very panzer angles and thought as much. Learning as I go.
"Mind that bus." "What bus?" *SPLAT!*


The turret seems to come from one of the Trumpeter 1:72 M26 kits - specifically the T26E4 kit, which comes with the extended rear section/extra stowage box.

Rick Lowe

Quote from: Dizzyfugu on January 29, 2021, 02:03:29 AM
The turret seems to come from one of the Trumpeter 1:72 M26 kits - specifically the T26E4 kit, which comes with the extended rear section/extra stowage box.

And the sprue shot shows:
Standard WW2,
WW2 Super Pershing, and
Post-war barrels.


The dogs philosophy on life.
If you cant eat it hump it or fight it,
Pee on it and walk away!!


So, yes. I can confirm that the sprue shots do indeed come from the Trumpeter 1/72 scale US T26E4 Pershing Heavy Tank kit. The real questions is how best to use it to construct a jigsaw tank.  I'm a little torn between trying to depict what is actually in the reference image - which is a) accurate to the comic book and will likely just need to scratchbuild an entire angular turret, or just going with the Pershing turret - which is b) real and accurate to the period and which will require little to no modification (although likely the Pershing will still be sacrificed in need of its hatches).


Rick Lowe

How about:

Shave off all the detail and then cut the T-34 turret vertically in half, lengthwise.
Make a bigger turret base and ring, more to the size you want, and glue the turret halves to the outer points of the sides to get the correct angles, then clad them with longer strips to get the right size of the side pieces.
Make a new rear and front end/mantlet, and a new roof.

You'll still need hatches, but can you use the Chaffee ones? Or was the turret used for the other Tintin tank a while ago?
Or could you use the hatches from the T-34 turret?

Hopefully that is clear enough...  :unsure:

More work than using the Pershing turret as-is, but a bit more accurate to the comic version.
There again as you say, the Pershing hull has been used elsewhere and the turret's a bit of an orphan.


Build to the comic.  You can't call it a DC Comics build if you don't.

Given your scratchbuilding talents it'll be a doddle.

Go on, don't be lazy... :mellow:

- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..

Old Wombat

I note that the 4-view is not only inconsistent with the artistic image of the tank, it's inconsistent within itself.

I'd use the T-34 turret as a starting point to get the correct angularity (although a Crusader turret might work, too), with the top & gun mantlet of a M4A2/3 added (the T-26 didn't even get to the ETO until the last couple of months of the war) & a German MG ring around the commander's cupola (which wouldn't survive firing the .50cal but what the heck, it's a comic!). You should, also, cut a length equivalent to one set of road wheels off the T-34 hull, if you go by the images shown, although I wouldn't.

Mind you, Crusader wheels seem to be of a greater diameter than the T-34 wheels, so shuffling the Christie suspension to use 4 sets of Crusader wheels might work.

Like the TC said, it's "from cannibalized parts of other long dead tanks", trying to get by with only 2 tanks ain't gunna cut it! :wacko:
Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est