
Best way to stick a resin canopy to a resin kit.

Started by chrisonord, November 01, 2019, 04:12:16 PM

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I am currently  building  a resin  aircraft  kit that  has a resin  canopy.  I thought about  using  crystal clear  on ot but the canopy needs a  bit of pressure  for it to fit better,  plus  I am  not sure  if it would be  strong enough to  stick . I  know super glue  is out of the  question,  as it causes  fogging , so any ideas will be  great.
Thankyou in advance.
The dogs philosophy on life.
If you cant eat it hump it or fight it,
Pee on it and walk away!!


I haven't seen that over  here in the UK,  do y3 think it will stick a resin canopy though,  as it is resin to clear resin I need to stick.
The dogs philosophy on life.
If you cant eat it hump it or fight it,
Pee on it and walk away!!


Good old white glue will work, 2 part epoxy or simply dip the canopy in Klear/Future a few times and then use super glue. There are probably a few other ways nowadays.

Personally for resin on resin I use 2 part epoxy.
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Thanks  Chris,  if i dip it in clear/ future will i be able to  mak off and  paint the  canopy  or should I  do that first?
The dogs philosophy on life.
If you cant eat it hump it or fight it,
Pee on it and walk away!!


You should be ok to mask mate. Klear/Future is pretty robust.

I must admit I use painted transfer or masking tape strips. Much easier with my eyesight issues. :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


I use the Hypo cement for all my canopies, plastic or resin.  Works a treat!   :thumbsup:
How to reduce carbon emissions - Tip #1 - Walk to the Bar for drinks.


Thanks again, I  am not  sure  the white  glue  will hold it as the canopy  needs some  slight  pressure  to get it to sit properly,  mainly  due to the resin fuselage  being  badly  shaped,  hopefully I can  do some  more shaping to it next time I  submerge the  thing to sand it :lol:
The dogs philosophy on life.
If you cant eat it hump it or fight it,
Pee on it and walk away!!


I used to use white glue but never found it to be strong enough - I'm cack- handed and always knocked them off.  I switched to Humbrol Clearfix and I've not had any major problems since.
I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.


Quote from: Mossie on November 02, 2019, 06:20:00 AM
I used to use white glue but never found it to be strong enough - I'm cack- handed and always knocked them off.  I switched to Humbrol Clearfix and I've not had any major problems since.
Does it work with resin to clear resin too mossie?
The dogs philosophy on life.
If you cant eat it hump it or fight it,
Pee on it and walk away!!


Quote from: chrisonord on November 02, 2019, 06:59:18 AM
Quote from: Mossie on November 02, 2019, 06:20:00 AM
I used to use white glue but never found it to be strong enough - I'm cack- handed and always knocked them off.  I switched to Humbrol Clearfix and I've not had any major problems since.
Does it work with resin to clear resin too mossie?

I've never tried it myself, but it works fine on resin.  I can't be certain it won't attack the clear resin, but I wouldn't think it'd be a problem.
I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.


Quote from: Mossie on November 02, 2019, 07:27:51 AM
Quote from: chrisonord on November 02, 2019, 06:59:18 AM
Quote from: Mossie on November 02, 2019, 06:20:00 AM
I used to use white glue but never found it to be strong enough - I'm cack- handed and always knocked them off.  I switched to Humbrol Clearfix and I've not had any major problems since.
Does it work with resin to clear resin too mossie?

I've never tried it myself, but it works fine on resin.  I can't be certain it won't attack the clear resin, but I wouldn't think it'd be a problem.
Cheers,  I am  cursed when it comes to  canopies  so I  want  to be as careful as I can with this one,  and especially on my type 599.
The dogs philosophy on life.
If you cant eat it hump it or fight it,
Pee on it and walk away!!


Quote from: chrisonord on November 02, 2019, 06:59:18 AM
Quote from: Mossie on November 02, 2019, 06:20:00 AM
I used to use white glue but never found it to be strong enough - I'm cack- handed and always knocked them off.  I switched to Humbrol Clearfix and I've not had any major problems since.
Does it work with resin to clear resin too mossie?

It has on a couple I used it on however remember there are different types of resin, witness the black resin some companies use for undercarriage legs. So whilst you should be ok, is there anything you can test it on first ? Nav lights perhaps ? or maybe a couple of the trimmings where you have removed the mouldings ? At the end of the day drop the manufacturer a line ?
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Quote from: NARSES2 on November 03, 2019, 01:49:54 AM
Quote from: chrisonord on November 02, 2019, 06:59:18 AM
Quote from: Mossie on November 02, 2019, 06:20:00 AM
I used to use white glue but never found it to be strong enough - I'm cack- handed and always knocked them off.  I switched to Humbrol Clearfix and I've not had any major problems since.
Does it work with resin to clear resin too mossie?

It has on a couple I used it on however remember there are different types of resin, witness the black resin some companies use for undercarriage legs. So whilst you should be ok, is there anything you can test it on first ? Nav lights perhaps ? or maybe a couple of the trimmings where you have removed the mouldings ? At the end of the day drop the manufacturer a line ?
The canopy is  pre cut from its moulding,  but there is  some  bits of  main  kit sprue I can  try.  The  kit I am  building is the  anigrand  xf-88, also the type 559 has a resin canopy  and is made by anigrand,  so I  will need to do that too.
The dogs philosophy on life.
If you cant eat it hump it or fight it,
Pee on it and walk away!!


Chris I've built a few Anigrand kits and have used Clearfix in the past and it was o.k.
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Quote from: NARSES2 on November 04, 2019, 06:22:52 AM
Chris I've built a few Anigrand kits and have used Clearfix in the past and it was o.k.
Thanks  Chris,  I  will try some of that  and  see how it  goes.
The dogs philosophy on life.
If you cant eat it hump it or fight it,
Pee on it and walk away!!