
And another Comet

Started by TomZ, June 29, 2019, 06:54:30 AM

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Dutch DH-88 Comet

After the MacRobertson air race the Green Comet and Black Magic were put up for sale. Black Magic was sold to Portugal and renamed Salazar.

For the Green One there was interest from both the French and Dutch government. In the end it was sold to the Netherlands. After this the French ordered two new-built comets which were delivered in 1935 as F-ANPY and F-ANPZ.

The green Comet was repainted in Dutch military colours and used for a number of flights to the Dutch East Indies. After 1936 was stored in a hangar in Amsterdam airport where it was destroyed in 1940.

Reality is an illusion caused by an alcohol deficiency


Good! :thumbsup:
Is the nose glassware "normal" or longer?
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]

Captain Canada

Nice one ! Great job on the paint and the markings look awesome on her !
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Very smart, TomZ, well done. 
What If? & Secret Project SIG member.
On the go: Beaumaris/Battle/Bronco/Barracuda/F-105(UK)/Flatning/Hellcat IV/Hunter PR11/Hurricane IIb/Ice Cream Tank/JP T4/Jumo MiG-15/M21/P1103 (early)/P1154-ish/Phantom FG1/I-153/Sea Hawk T7/Spitfire XII/Spitfire Tr18/Twin Otter/FrankenCOIN/Frankenfighter


Quote from: Tophe on June 29, 2019, 07:48:13 AM
Is the nose glassware "normal" or longer?
It's the new KP kit. It has quite a big glass nose....

Reality is an illusion caused by an alcohol deficiency

Paper Kosmonaut

Quote from: TomZ on June 29, 2019, 11:34:07 AM
It's the new KP kit. It has quite a big glass nose....

My favourite propeller plane ever! And in the Dutch colours! Prachtig. Nice idea.
I googled the kit, it doesn't look bad at all, It even has a cockpit, something you can't say of the equally big Airfix model. What did you pay for it?
dei t dut mout t waiten!


Quote from: Paper Kosmonaut on June 29, 2019, 12:15:12 PM
What did you pay for it?

Somewhere in the region of 16 euros.

I must say the fit is not a lot better than the old airfix kit. The wings and tailplanes are butt joints and with the thin wings that doesn't give you a very strong construction.
The undercarriage is much finer, way more to scale than the Airfix kit. But that does make it a little bit fragile.

Reality is an illusion caused by an alcohol deficiency



- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..


A natural in those colours  :thumbsup:

Quote from: Paper Kosmonaut on June 29, 2019, 12:15:12 PM
It even has a cockpit, something you can't say of the equally big Airfix model. What did you pay for it?

True, but then the Airfix kit is almost as old as me  ;D I built one a couple of years ago and it didn't take much to give it a very simple cockpit. I also gave it a nose wheel landing gear  :mellow:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.