
IPMS(UK) SMW 2017 - Swapshop

Started by Thorvic, October 13, 2017, 12:23:22 AM

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As all are aware under table sales are banned for Branch & SIGs that are not traders for a number of good reasons. Stash sales are all handled by the Kitswap, where the IPMS assigned a separate designated area for members to sell their models (& accessories) with the IPMS doing the administration whilst you go enjoy the show and collect the unsold items and their takings at the end of the weekend (less a % for the IPMS for doing it).

We have also noticed over the years that when we get chatting later on and discuss what people are after, we used to discover that some were after older Out of Production kits for a project and can not find what they were after or the price is in the collectors range way to much for a builders project. Now as it happens probably 8 out of 10 times somebody will chime in that they may have a surplus kit of that in their stash and that they should have asked before the show, so here's you opportunity !!!! :mellow:

Please put any requests for specific models that you are looking for at SMW, in this thread, as members who are also going or know someone that is can then arrange a deal via the PM system (but please say if a deal has been reached and the request fulfilled !). It does work and it does save on disappointment.

Also if nobody has one to spare in their stash, their are some in the group who are expert searchers at the show, and can often ferret out a model on stands that you think that you have scoured.

Generally most modellers tend to go to pick up the latest kits or clearance items whilst collectors look for specific boxings, however What-if and Project Cancelled modellers may have different requirements and look for older kits due to subject, hack-up ability and shape for use in creating a completely different model. So we can have quite a varied wants list.  :thumbsup:
Project Cancelled SIG Secretary, specialising in post war British RN warships, RN and RAF aircraft projects. Also USN and Russian warships


Quote from: Thorvic on October 13, 2017, 12:23:22 AM

Also if nobody has one to spare in their stash, their are some in the group who are expert searchers at the show, and can often ferret out a model on stands that you think that you have scoured.

Tell me about it. Some are that good they can ferret kits out you didn't even know you wanted  ;) ;D

Seriously it is a good and well tried system. So if you are after something try asking here.
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


I am/will be looking for a two seat Kfir conversion and if anyone can find one at the show a Kfir C10 conversion of which I know about three different manufacturer's abet two are South American companies and the other South African  :o

My Ability to Imagine is only exceeded by my Imagined Abilities

Gondor's Modelling Rule Number Three: Everything will fit perfectly untill you apply glue...

I know it's in a book I have around here somewhere....


Quote from: Gondor on October 13, 2017, 07:54:23 AM
I am/will be looking for a two seat Kfir conversion and if anyone can find one at the show a Kfir C10 conversion of which I know about three different manufacturer's abet two are South American companies and the other South African  :o


Try Martin Brundell at Coastal Craft kits, I seem to recall Scalecast did the Kfir 2 seater many years ago and I think Martin has the masters.
Project Cancelled SIG Secretary, specialising in post war British RN warships, RN and RAF aircraft projects. Also USN and Russian warships


I too would like a 2 seater Kfir conversion kit, also a Super Mystere B2 in 72nd scale. The old airfix one will do as I am not bothered about anything new. Cheapness also plays a big part in that too  :wacko: :-X
The dogs philosophy on life.
If you cant eat it hump it or fight it,
Pee on it and walk away!!


I'm looking for the HP Victor in 1/144 (from GWH or Pit-road).

The Wooksta!

Just the usual stuff -
Airkit Spitfires and conversion parts
Skybirds Hornets
Magna Spiteful/Seafang
And definitely cheap Hawk/Testors Swifts.  Want two or three of these.

Holy Grail: Contrail Avro Tudor

AKI Hawker Sea Fury
I wouldn't mind another one of the Firebrand either.

Edit:  I'm also after a bottle or two of the old formulation Johnson's Klear.  Mine is just about exhausted.  I only us it for bathing canopies and affixing decals, so a new one should last a decade or so!

Howard of Effingham

Quote from: The Wooksta! on October 18, 2017, 01:06:18 PM
Skybirds Hornets

And definitely cheap Hawk/Testors Swifts.  Want two or three of these.

Edit:  I'm also after a bottle or two of the old formulation Johnson's Klear.  Mine is just about exhausted.  I only us it for bathing canopies and affixing decals, so a new one should last a decade or so!

hello Wooksta I may have two of the three items above. I certainly have an unopened bottle of old formulation Klear but this is not for sale at any price, regretfully. let me check the stash for the first two items.

I have a complete and unstarted skybirds 86 Sea Hornet NF21 kit which less the WM castings I am happy to let go for tea or beer/ exchange tokens at SMW [I need a Airfix Mk21/22 new tool prop, Lee remember]. the testor swift I can't find as yet.
Keeper of George the Cat.

Howard of Effingham

available to any What-if SIG member on the stand at 2017 SMW only the following pots of acrylic paints in exchange for a cup of International Centre Coffee tokens.

All from the Vallejo Model Color range.

Respectively 70730 'Dayglo Yellow'. 70737 'Dayglo Green', 70733 'Dayglo Orange', 70934 'red' and 70956 'orange'. Would prefer all went to same home but am prepared to split set by negiotation only.

sold elsewhere.
Keeper of George the Cat.

Howard of Effingham

I need for SMW all of the undercarriage bits from the old Matchbox F-101 kit in 1/72.

will pay in tea/beer/exchange tokens.
Keeper of George the Cat.

The Wooksta!


I'm looking for the last boxing of the Airfix Puma from 2004, which has the sand filters and updated markings. I have the older boxing's but would like to try and get this one if possible

Project Cancelled SIG Secretary, specialising in post war British RN warships, RN and RAF aircraft projects. Also USN and Russian warships


I never do these shows (or clubs or any such thing being an unsocial old g*t) so I never know what's available at these shindigs - yes I realise I'm missing out but such is life ! One thing that does peeve me is the rareness of some kits that shouldn't really be rare. An example was I recently wanted an Airfix Hampden unless I picked a very bad time I could not find one on ebay for less than £15. I've since sourced one but it still cost £9.00 + postage.

Now my thoughts are these type of kits are stash fodder - it shocked me when I found I didn't have one nor a Hudson. Yes there may be some at the shows which will be cheap and grabbable but if you don't go, you don't get. Maybe it might be a good idea if we had a 'Wanted' section on What-If. I don't mean the holy grail kits like Wooksta's Contrail Tudor  (mines the Legato SM.93) or for Airfix to do a 1/72nd scale Trident but for the common kits that we may have in the stash that we wouldn't mind parting with. Just a thought.

Anyway back on topic - I won't be going but if anyone stumbles across a Hasegawa Mistubishi MU-2J (that's the civil one) then I'm happy to reimburse them the cost and postage etc, etc..... or maybe swap with something I have that they want.

Quote from: Howard of Effingham on October 18, 2017, 10:34:22 PM
I need for SMW all of the undercarriage bits from the old Matchbox F-101 kit in 1/72.

Howard if you don't get one of these at SMW then let me know. I definitely have the full kit and I'm sure we could come to some arrangement either for the parts or the complete kit.
"A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five." - Julius Henry Marx (Groucho)


Quote from: Bungle on October 19, 2017, 04:24:29 AM

Now my thoughts are these type of kits are stash fodder - it shocked me when I found I didn't have one nor a Hudson. Yes there may be some at the shows which will be cheap and grabbable but if you don't go, you don't get. Maybe it might be a good idea if we had a 'Wanted' section on What-If. I don't mean the holy grail kits like Wooksta's Contrail Tudor  (mines the Legato SM.93) or for Airfix to do a 1/72nd scale Trident but for the common kits that we may have in the stash that we wouldn't mind parting with. Just a thought.

People just tend to put up individual requests but there's no reason why we couldn't have a specific thread. Do you want to set it up ?

Howard if you don't get one of these at SMW then let me know. I definitely have the full kit and I'm sure we could come to some arrangement either for the parts or the complete kit.
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.