
Nieuport Delage 622

Started by Nick, January 26, 2017, 02:25:57 AM

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I've acquired* a rather odd looking thing. It's got 1-and-a-half-wings, a spinny thing on the front and it's.... French?!  :o
Heller's Nieuport Delage 622 instructions would win prizes for weirdness, the drawings page is in French but Heller have kindly included a photocopied English and German translation which includes the phrases 'Allow the glues to set for long time' and 'Broken parts can fix with glue'  ;D

What is a good shade of Olive green to use? 
Are there any aftermarket decals?

*At the club meet last night we had a Lucky Dip competition. You each put a wrapped up kit in a pile, pick a number out of a hat and take home a new mystery kit. You can only spray a primer coat, all top coats must be done by brush. To be done for the April meeting (when I might be in Scotland :-X )


Built that kit, it's a sesquiplane as a fair number of Nuieport designs were.

Olive Green ? French aircraft from that period could vary between a quite bright green through to a dark almost olive drab so the world is your oyster.

After market transfers ? Not sure.

The Aeronvale used it as well as the A.F. A rather attractive mid grey/blue top colour and those big roundels with anchors. Mirage blue/grey is near to it.

I think it was used (possibly made) in Spain during the Civil War. Nationalist Chinese might be a good WIF option (someone now tell me they had some  ;D)

Depends what you want to do with it but I may have some suitable French transfers in the stash.
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Found a few bits in a book I have. It was still in use in second line and training units in both Metropolitan France and North Africa at the start of WWII. The remaining aircraft being scrapped post the Armistice. So you could have an aircraft that was flown to the U.K. and quickly had RAF roundels painted ? Or a Vichy trainer ?

Yet another book tells me that yes it was built in Spain by Hispano and did take a part in the Civil War.
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


There's also Siamese, Viet or even Francophone Africa as possibilities.
"If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you....."
It  means that you read  the instruction sheet


Quote from: Rheged on January 26, 2017, 07:23:38 AM
There's also Siamese, Viet or even Francophone Africa as possibilities.

Viet and Africa are a little to late really, but Siamese is a distinct possibility. There was a short lived conflict between Vichy French Indo China and Siam (as she was then known) in 1941. Siam declared war on 9th January 1941. The Japanese stepped into mediate after a short period and some areas of Indo China were handed over to the Siamese.

So a captured aircraft in Siamese markings ? They had some interesting aircraft in an attractive green/brown over light grey scheme.

As an aside G.B. signed a non aggression pact with Siam in June 1940 which was ended by the Siam - Japan treaty of Alliance signed on the 21/12/41 and then by Siam's declaration of War on 25/1/42. All gets a tad complicated after that.
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Sorry, I should have said I plan on doing this one OOB. Though I did wonder if one could have found its way to the Soviet Union after the Spanish Civil War but the 622 didn't go there.

Trouble is that Nieuport Delage started with the NiD 42 and this developed into a lot of variants including the NiD 52, 62, 72 and 82. The differences were such as wing shapes, tail fins, weaponry and the several engine types used. How minor some of these changes were is hard to say.

Users of the family included France, Belgium, Turkey, Romania and Peru. In Brazil and Spain they were used by both sides of their Civil Wars.


Built it in under 2 hours! Quick spray of grey primer, some minor sanding and fettling and now I'm ready for the top coat. But what shade of Olive drab green?  :rolleyes:

I'm going to shake up all my green Humbrol tins and see which one looks best. Got three to choose from and if they all look poor I can use Xtracrylix XA1117.