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Wings Museum Sussex

Started by Army of One, November 05, 2016, 03:07:45 PM

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Army of One

Looking for something to do today to pass some time......knew about this place but never been.....thought an hour or so. Wow...how wrong can you be....!!! I could have spent two 12hr days walking around and still not seen everything....some things I saw in there I didn't know where in any UK museums.....I mean....I never thought I'd see a DB606 engine.....I have now.....so many things to see in there....I'll see if I can post some pics.....


Army of One




Looks good.
How long has this place been there?  I used to live in that neck of the woods and didn't know it existed.

- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..


Quote from: zenrat on November 06, 2016, 01:58:05 AM
Looks good.
How long has this place been there?  I used to live in that neck of the woods and didn't know it existed.

Must admit I've not heard of it before either, unless it's changed its name ? Doesn't suprise me as Sussex is a big county, second largest in England ?
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

Army of One

Ooh......not sure.......I'll enquire, they concentrate on WW2 stuff although a chap i spoke to said the boss was expanding.....evidenced by the Canberra and Jet Provost noses out the front. They also had the remains, in many peices, of a Ki43 under a tarp outvthe front.....


Captain Canada

Great shots ! Love the way the stuff is displayed as found, that's excellent and really brings it to life. A fully restored piece can be seen any day, or viewed online, but this really adds to the allure and imagination if you ask me.. More pics pls !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?

Army of One

Cap'n C.....I've said I'll volunteer as it is closed from this weekend. I can turn up any Wednesday n be put to work....I'll get some pics then. A lot of displays are items dredged up/dug up/caught in fishing nets n donated. One of the most recent was caught in a net and was a He111 main undercarriage leg complete with wheel n tyre....and bullet holes....two in an oleo n one in the tyre......



A friend of mine was once walking along a beach in Sussex close to Ford and Tangmere when he found a 303 Browning.
It was encrusted in marine life and he reckons a fisherman dragged it up in his nets and then left it on the beach not realising what to was (or not caring).  He gave it to a local museum who cleaned it up and put to on display.  They told him a Spitfire had gone down off the beach during The War so it probably came from that.


- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..


Saw Hank this morning and we obviously touched on this.

Anyway got home and had a look online. Quite an impressive website


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.