
French Roundel Blue

Started by Librarian, October 22, 2016, 05:50:52 AM

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Is there a Humbrol equivalent or a simple mix to match the rather pleasant lighter blue centre of French roundels and also stripes on the rudders etc. Anything from the Xtracolour range? I've Googled but Haven't had much luck.


I've loads of various French Blues in my White Ensign and Xtracolour drawers but don't have a roundel blue. However Humbrol do a middle blue No 89 in their current range which looks as though it might fit the bill ? Certainly for a pre WWII roundel. Post WWII not sure
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Many thanks...I'll have another rummage. One of these days I'm going to find all the boxes, trays etc around the shed and get them sorted. I love spiders but have an uncontrollable arachnophobia and the shed is their form of Heaven ;D


Humbrol 89 is a good choice, but I prefer 48 (glossy Mediterranean Blue). It's a tad less yellow-/green-ish, and might have to be made even more pale with a little white. But IIRC, the French roundel was not truly defined, esp. until early WWII there was a wide range of blues in use, some as dark as RAF roundel blue. Just make sure the tones of the roundel dots and the fin flash match.


Quote from: Dizzyfugu on October 24, 2016, 12:30:06 AM
Just make sure the tones of the roundel dots and the fin flash match.

Yes, very, very good tip as far as French roundels are concerned  :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


That's what I'm working towards. I've a set of roundels with that very attractive 48/89 colour and I need to paint those full rudder stripes with blue to match. I enjoy a bit of colour mixing and with your good advice (Chris and Dizzy) I have tins to work with...methinks a trip to Hobbycraft is in the offing ;D.