
the one with a little bit of cross-kitting - CASA 2.217

Started by kitbasher, October 02, 2016, 03:13:36 AM

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...and using the 1959 Airfix Do217.

Second hand (again!), in a bag (again!), no decals, no instructions (the ones I now have were downloaded).  When first bought was intended to be Handley-Paged but now something Iberian and more or less out of the bag.

As with the Flora I'm keeping it simple.  Wings and cockpit interior assembled, hopefully will get all of the sub-assemblies done today.

There may still be a third offering, but I'll see how things go wit the two I've now started.
What If? & Secret Project SIG member.
On the go: Beaumaris/Battle/Bronco/Barracuda/F-105(UK)/Flatning/Hellcat IV/Hunter PR11/Ice Cream Tank/JP T4/Jumo MiG-15/P1103 (early)/P1127/P1154-ish/Phantom FG1/I-153/Sea Hawk T7/Spitfire XII/Spitfire Tr18/Twin Otter/FrankenCOIN/Frankenfighter/Zero


Stick some Merlins on it, they did it with the Me-109s and He-111s.  ;D
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)


Martin H

Quote from: PR19_Kit on October 02, 2016, 11:54:38 AM
Stick some Merlins on it, they did it with the Me-109s and He-111s.  ;D

I like your thinking ;D
I always hope for the best.
experience has taught me to expect the worst.

Size (of the stash) matters.

IPMS (UK) What if? SIG Leader.
IPMS (UK) Project Cancelled SIG Member.


I did say 'more or less' out of the bag, so something changes.

Not Merlins though, but there is a connection. 

And no, not Griffons.
What If? & Secret Project SIG member.
On the go: Beaumaris/Battle/Bronco/Barracuda/F-105(UK)/Flatning/Hellcat IV/Hunter PR11/Ice Cream Tank/JP T4/Jumo MiG-15/P1103 (early)/P1127/P1154-ish/Phantom FG1/I-153/Sea Hawk T7/Spitfire XII/Spitfire Tr18/Twin Otter/FrankenCOIN/Frankenfighter/Zero


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Clever boy!

Using the engines left over from my Griffon Beaufighter TF.11 plus long chord carb intakes from Aeroclub and a pair of their Brigand props.  They may need to be shortened a bit.

Merlin connection is that the Beau II Merlin power eggs were essentially what was fitted to the CASA 2.111; the Beau is I think always associated with the Hercules.

Going for the silver and blue scheme worn by some real world 2.111s.

My build sees the 2.217 being in service not the 2.111.
What If? & Secret Project SIG member.
On the go: Beaumaris/Battle/Bronco/Barracuda/F-105(UK)/Flatning/Hellcat IV/Hunter PR11/Ice Cream Tank/JP T4/Jumo MiG-15/P1103 (early)/P1127/P1154-ish/Phantom FG1/I-153/Sea Hawk T7/Spitfire XII/Spitfire Tr18/Twin Otter/FrankenCOIN/Frankenfighter/Zero


Owing to the current financial difficulties, the light at the end of the tunnel will be turned off until further notice.


What If? & Secret Project SIG member.
On the go: Beaumaris/Battle/Bronco/Barracuda/F-105(UK)/Flatning/Hellcat IV/Hunter PR11/Ice Cream Tank/JP T4/Jumo MiG-15/P1103 (early)/P1127/P1154-ish/Phantom FG1/I-153/Sea Hawk T7/Spitfire XII/Spitfire Tr18/Twin Otter/FrankenCOIN/Frankenfighter/Zero

The Wooksta!

No.  Go for a "Battle of Britain" movie scheme and really screw with the JMNs.


Hey that's looking sharp! "Silver and blue..."    Cool.  :mellow: :mellow:
-Sprues McDuck-


Nice! A Swedish version could also be an option - AFAIK the type was actually considered in Sweden as reconnaissance aircraft/bomber, not certain about the potential engines, though.


B25 colour scheme would mess with people as well . Looking good.


Wooksta - evil genius, stop it!

B-25 - like the idea but were I to do that sort of whif I think a B-26 Invader would be the base model.  Only because of the nosewheel.

So this build is a convergence of past plans.  Originally the Do217 was going to be Handley-Pagified to be a sort of successor to the Hampden (HP Haringay).  The original Spanish build idea was based on an Airfix Ju88.  The only markings I could get at the time were Kora Ju86s.

Anyway the build start was delayed.  Then decided on a minor stash reduction and the Ju88 went, the Do217 stayed and the Haringay idea was dropped alongwith the idea of a monoplane Heyford (HP Hillingdon).
What If? & Secret Project SIG member.
On the go: Beaumaris/Battle/Bronco/Barracuda/F-105(UK)/Flatning/Hellcat IV/Hunter PR11/Ice Cream Tank/JP T4/Jumo MiG-15/P1103 (early)/P1127/P1154-ish/Phantom FG1/I-153/Sea Hawk T7/Spitfire XII/Spitfire Tr18/Twin Otter/FrankenCOIN/Frankenfighter/Zero


A really subtle, yet un-subtle, B-25 scheme would be the one carried by the 'Psychedelic Monster' camera ship used in the BoB film. In reality the aircraft was a lot more weathered than this rather pristine looking model by Terry Moore.

Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)


The Wooksta!

Dave, if you go for the "Battle of Britain" idea, we can have a mini theme at Telford next year.