
GruntZ 15mm (Now with 100% more armoured might!)

Started by puddingwrestler, July 23, 2011, 03:40:39 PM

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Hey guys!
I've just gotten hold of my first actual 15mm SciFi figures to use with GruntZ. I popped in to Eureka Miniatures on my way to my parent's house of Friday and picked up two squads made of a mix of Ground Zero Games Colonial Militia, NAC Ghurkas and Islamic Federation troopers to represent my militia units. They'll be riding in the scratch built trucks. I also picked up a squad of power armour, and then Nic (the guy who runs the place and convinced me to buy silly things  :wacko:) brought out the Sentaurans. These are a brand new range of 15mm SF figures which Eureka has just brought out - in fact I don't think they are even on their website yet, so mine may be pre-release. Anyways, they are based on an old line by Dixon(?) which were 25 or 28mm. I saw them once in an ancient tome on Wargames and wanted them BAD. Eureka have got the rights to produce them in 15mm, and they look really tasty. I got a squad of them with squad support weapons, and a pair of heavy weapon teams.
I will start to paint later today. I've only done a very little but of 15mm painting, none of it SF, so this could be interesting. I have got a few ideas, and I have been watching some tutorials on the net. We shall see...
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


Quote from: puddingwrestler on July 23, 2011, 03:40:39 PMbrought out the Sentaurans. These are a brand new range of 15mm SF figures which Eureka has just brought out - in fact I don't think they are even on their website yet, so mine may be pre-release. Anyways, they are based on an old line by Dixon(?) which were 25 or 28mm. I saw them once in an ancient tome on Wargames and wanted them BAD.
Denizen made the original Centaurans. And they were (are) closer to 20 mm. I've still got (and game with) a couple of dozen!
What if... I had a brain?


<david attenborough>And here we see the Radium Falls Militia in their own natural surroundings as they play and disport in the long grass.</david attenborough>

There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


And now, atlast you can look upon the fearful magesty of the Radium Falls Mining Company Security Team and Radium Falls Militia!

There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


Behold the partially painted armoured might of my partially painted armoured support!

There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


I amuse me.
Huge fan of noisy rodent.
Things learned from this site: don't tease wolverine.
Eddie's personal stalker.
Worshippers in Nannerland


The tanks are 15mm scale, the guys who go with them are big strapping chaps in armour, so they are about 17-18mm tall. Critical mass's site hase plenty of pics showing them together - these tanks are fairly large by modern day standards and a little exaggerated in places.
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.