Heinkel He-1062 "Molch" (Newt)

Started by sequoiaranger, March 17, 2011, 01:19:21 PM

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Belatedly, I'm *IN*.

At the prompting of Frank2056, I am combining his and my Lindberg He-162's to make the concoction I proposed in another thread. That is, a pusher, twin-boomed turboprop resembling the He-162, like so:

Herewith are posted the major parts. I will probably substitute the Lindberg Ar-234 jet pod (same green plastic and appearance, but slightly larger and longer), but otherwise it will be a Heinkel-ized Saab J-21. I need to finish my current "Bison" project, but neither it nor the He-1062 will be very complicated, methinks, and will proceed fairly rapidly. Aiding the anticipated rapidity of building is the fact that the Heinkel wing is a dead match in chord for the outer wings of the Saab J-21, and the tailplane between the booms is an exact match for the vee-tail of the Heinkel. I think the "vee" may be inverted for the whif. I'm not looking for a magnificant "winner" here, but I like to participate, and the time crunch means that simple is good and worthy.

My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!

Doc Yo

 CG issues aside ;) I think its a terrific idea and look forward to seeing it. The old Lindberg kits take some flak these days, but they're waht I cut my teeth on in the '60s, and I think they still hold up fine with a little
TLC. Good Luck!


Uh-oh!!!  Don't tell me I'm going to get the blame again. ;)


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


The original He-162 had the rear wheels directly under the center of lift of the wings (actually slightly forward of where mine are now in the drawing), and about the center of the jet engine nacelle. So does mine, though there would be SOME additional weight of the propeller and gearing (but not a separate "engine"). I have stretched the nose a bit to compensate (about two-and-a-half feet), and the weight of the pilot, armament, fuel, etc. should not alter the original CG. There will be a little more wing to help lift, and the boom tail is only about as weighty as the original.

One "liability" I see with the Lindberg kit is the canopy shape---doesn't have the same top curve, nor the bracing, nor the circular port (Heck--it was a $.79 cheapie when it came out). I used to have the Frog (DML?) He-162 and had made Vac-U-Formed canopies for my naval He113T, but I have since disposed of the donor kit. Maybe I will ask the Board for a duplicate from which I can Vac-u-Form a new one. Hmmmm.
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!


"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." -Jules de Gaultier

"My model is right! It's the real world that's wrong!" -global warming scientist

An armor guy, who builds airplanes almost exclusively, that he converts to space fighters-- all while admiring ship models.


OK--since the Bison had much "PSR" and I am waiting for putty to dry, I fiddled with the "Newt" and came up with this preliminary mock-up:

I will have a larger jet engine pod (courtesy of the Lindberg Ar-234). The wing-roots and boom end will hold the armament instead of the forward fuselage (partly because the Lindberg He-162 doesn't have them anyway!), the tailplanes will be an inverted-V, with perhaps the endplates bent out in an actual "V". I *JUST* noticed that the space between the booms is LESS than the radius of the prop blades (!!), so they may be cut down and squared off a bit. The prop hub will actually be up above the place I just tacked it, but the radius may still be a problem. Otherwise, the "Newt" is getting hatched!!

**Please help me with the canopy (Swap shop request) if you can!
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!

Old Wombat

Pity you can't contra-prop it (So, I have a thing for contra-turbo-props, OK?!) but it's an awesome idea anyway! :thumbsup:
Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


Contra prop would look great... Maybe use cuted ends, as a second propeller? It would look almost like propfan.



O-Wombat and Jeremak--Not impossible or a terrible idea, just something I have no general fondness for. I did a "contraprop" for a Macchi-Castoldi MC. 72 whif (the actual plane had them also), so it is not out of the question. I have the 3-bladed prop from the Saab J-21, and have numerous three-bladed spares with which I could probably match it, so....MAYBE. I am nowhere near having to deal with it (engrossed as I am in the Bison project), though I am thinking about strategies to engineer the prop(s) to spin (ALWAYS a drop-dead REQUIREMENT for Sequoiaranger models) and being able to attach them post-painting, before sealing up the engine.


I am considering an original "Newt" camouflage of small yellow spots on dark green, and having Croatian markings (if I can find them small enough), representing the various "ethnicities" that are fighting for the continuation of the Reich from "the Redoubt" in the Bavarian Alps (a little town named "Gingrich", I'm thinking). I may have to use the expedient of taking small Balkenkruzes and "whiting out" the parts to make it "Croatian", with the idea that in those last desperate days a little "license" in national markings was allowed to raise morale.

The outer wings will purportedly fold DOWN, to conserve space in the caves and railway tunnels where they are kept (at one time I had thought of making the aircraft Japanese, waiting for the invasion that never comes, but I have "too many" of those already).
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!


the plastic gods demand sacrifice


Craig, it's looking great! Are you mounting the wings in the original location (as in the drawing?) It's amazing how well the Heller bits fit.



>Craig, it's looking great!<

Thanks. You can see I have added length to the forward fuselage section, needing only to patch up the hole near the joint.

>Are you mounting the wings in the original location (as in the drawing?) It's amazing how well the Heller bits fit.<

Yes, the He-1062 will have the same high wing location as the He-162. That's why I will *NEED* to use the He-162 landing gear, as the Saab wing will otherwise be too high and spindly to take landing gear. I will remove the He-162 engine nacelle, and substitute the longer Arado one that, coincidentally, is EXACTLY the same length as the Heinkel nacelle plus the "fin" at the exhaust outlet (too many coincidences here!--I think this is telling me it was MEANT to be built!). The He-162 wing is much thinner than the Saab outer wing, so I may have to...don't know what yet. A W.I.P. fersure.
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!


Nice one - funnily enough, I've been thinking along similar lines lately, but in a different context....
"Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot."
 - Sandman: A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Neil Gaiman

"I dunno, I'm making this up as I go."
 - Indiana Jones


I have looked at the possibilities and engineering of spinning contraprops and have hit on an idea. Us old folks may remember that the original Revell 1/72 Zero had a beautifully-shaped, but OPPOSITELY-spinning prop (who FUBAR-ed THAT one?). Since Hasegawa has the correct one, I have a "matched pair" that will contra-prop. I had great success with stainless-steel tubing axles within each other on another model, so will try that here. Luckily, again (luck favors the bold, I am convinced), the Lindberg jet nacelles have perfect holes through bulkheads in the perfect center of the openings, so I will use them to prop up my props. A few discs of plasticard to be endplates should do it, but I have to pre-measure everything carefully. BTW, I had to cut off and turn over the nacelle forepart of the Ar-234 engine, as it was an "underslung" nacelle rather than the "overslung" one needed for the He-1062.

My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!