
Get your new "I Voted for the Whiffies 2010" banner here

Started by philp, February 13, 2011, 12:23:03 AM

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Thanks to Cliffy B for coming through with an updated banner for us with a new pinup.

Please feel free to use it after you have cast your ballots (and remember to remove it after the awards so the mods stay happy with us).

Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies

Cliffy B

I can update it for you.  Where do you want the finals; posted here or e-mailed?

OK, here's the updated ones Philip.

I can always change the pin-up girl too if you want?  Any suggestions/requests?

Edit:  I found another girl that will work.  Give me a little bit and I'll composite it together.  Its by the same artist as the current girl in the banner.
"Helos don't fly.  They vibrate so violently that the ground rejects them."
-Tom Clancy

"Radial's Growl, Inline's Purr, Jet's Suck!"

"If all else fails, call in an air strike."


Thanks Cliffy,
A new girl will add a new look to it for this year.
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies

Cliffy B

Here's the new girl.

Follow her example gents and spread the word!  Vote for the Whiffies!

Any changes?  I'm not sure about her dress draping over the numbers or not.  Thoughts?
"Helos don't fly.  They vibrate so violently that the ground rejects them."
-Tom Clancy

"Radial's Growl, Inline's Purr, Jet's Suck!"

"If all else fails, call in an air strike."


The new banner looks superb Cliffy. I like the dress draping over the numbers like that.  :thumbsup:


So how do we attach the lovely lady to our posts?

My Ability to Imagine is only exceeded by my Imagined Abilities

Gondor's Modelling Rule Number Three: Everything will fit perfectly untill you apply glue...

I know it's in a book I have around here somewhere....


Quote from: James on February 13, 2011, 02:46:12 PM
The new banner looks superb Cliffy. I like the dress draping over the numbers like that.  :thumbsup:

works for me  :thumbsup:...nice work
.............hes a very naughty boy!
allergic to aircraft in grey!
The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time........Bertrand Russell
I have come up with a plan so cunning you could stick a tail on it and call it a weasel. ......Edmund Blackadder

Cliffy B

So we're going with the new girl then gents?

Just quote my post and copy the link with the IMG tags (the small banner) and then paste it into your profiles.
"Helos don't fly.  They vibrate so violently that the ground rejects them."
-Tom Clancy

"Radial's Growl, Inline's Purr, Jet's Suck!"

"If all else fails, call in an air strike."


Works for me Cliffy, thanks for the help.

For those who haven't figured out how to use it, here is the code without the tags.


You need to open your profile (either click on your name in a post or use the Profile button at the top of the page.  Select "Forum Profile Information".  Scroll down to your Signature and paste the link in the box with [ img][ /img] tags around it (no spaces on the front brackets) and save.

Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies

Cliffy B

Cool, glad i could help  :thumbsup:

Philip, you have last years banner in that example link.
"Helos don't fly.  They vibrate so violently that the ground rejects them."
-Tom Clancy

"Radial's Growl, Inline's Purr, Jet's Suck!"

"If all else fails, call in an air strike."


Good Grief.

Ok, fixed it now.  Maybe I just need some sleep.
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


Love that new banner! Will be adding it to my signature with pride!!!

The Rat

Please excuse me, I'm computer illiterate - how do I add the banner? Do I have to save it and add it to Photobucket and then add it to my profile, or is there some nifty linky thingy that does these things autiomootically?
"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought, cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives." Hedley Lamarr, Blazing Saddles

Life is too short to worry about perfection

Youtube: https://tinyurl.com/46dpfdpr


Quote from: The Rat on February 14, 2011, 06:22:29 AM
Please excuse me, I'm computer illiterate - how do I add the banner? Do I have to save it and add it to Photobucket and then add it to my profile, or is there some nifty linky thingy that does these things autiomootically?

1°) Click on the "PROFILE" thumbnail in the dark blue bar at the top of the page.

2°) In the "MODIFY PROFILE" section, click on "Forum Profile Information".

3°) In the "SIGNATURE" box, add the following code: [_img_]http://i647.photobucket.com/albums/uu194/CliffyB/Whiffies---I-Voted2010V2Small.png[_/img_] (just remove the underscores "_" which I added here to make the code visible).

4°) That's it!!!


My Ability to Imagine is only exceeded by my Imagined Abilities

Gondor's Modelling Rule Number Three: Everything will fit perfectly untill you apply glue...

I know it's in a book I have around here somewhere....