
Pudingskiya Type 3; Glorious Soviet Jet Fighter For To Defend Motherland!

Started by puddingwrestler, February 05, 2011, 06:06:02 PM

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Commerades! From glorious people's archeiev in Moskow am for to be display profile of Pudingskiya OKB Type 3 Jet Fighter of design originate 1945, and for to be serve glorious motherland 1946-1948. Is design heavily influence by Polikarpov OKB, being of fat shape like barrel with small size and angry look. Shape have been earning amusing name with crew of 'The Fighting Hippo'.
Here is seen basic model in flight and landed position.
Za Rodina!

Profile for to be draw from scratch in glorious people's INKSCAPE open-source vector graphics program. Variant marking an machine for to be coming soon. Za Rodina!

(Yes, I was pondering the great What If question, "What If The Polikarpov I-16 Was Modified Into A Jet")
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


Here further example of later development is being!

Late 1945 is develop PUD-3 Bis with fitment of aerodynamic superior intake and nose, also increase of wing area. Is enter service 1946, become known as 'Platypus' from nose shape stylings.

Also 1946 is developing night fighter fit with radar which is improve upon captured german dog version. Having fitment of second cockpit for to sit radar operator. Fusealage is for to be made longer to accomodate. Nose shape is alter slightly to allow fit of glorious soviet electronics. Also noting larger fuel tank is fit under fuselage.

Final form is develop 1948, but not seeing service due to superior all new design from other OKB. Is fit with radar in nose, longer fuselage and canopy bubble such as seen in honoured british allies Spitfire. Also is carry Pudingskiya design Air-to-air missile which is guide by radar. Missile is also cancel before completion as reliability poor. Only four prototype are build, one is survive at musseum in Minsk (display next to PAH small car, rescue from garage recently).

Researchings of full glorious history of PUD-3 is underway by member of Minsk Historic Institute.
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


Some of my models can be found on my Flickr album >>>HERE<<<


You make it a jet, I gave it a contra-rotating prop.  I'm telling you man, this was the plane of the future!   :thumbsup:

Beautiful work to boot man, just lovin' the angry hippo!  :wub:


What would engine be of this fighter for defence of glorious motherland?
How to reduce carbon emissions - Tip #1 - Walk to the Bar for drinks.


There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


Ah, I thought Comrade in these days of modern Peristroika we now allowed to know secrets of state from bygone age!
How to reduce carbon emissions - Tip #1 - Walk to the Bar for drinks.


Commerades; details of PUD-3!

From "Soviet Jet Fighters of World War II" by Doktor P.W. Restlier, Oxford University Press, 1987.

QuoteOne of Russia's earliest jet fighters came about not through the efforts of the major OKBs, nor the efforts of the military hierarchy, but from the efforts of two brothers from Minsk.
Alexandr Puddingskiya, an engineer employed by the railways had been tinkering for some time with the idea of jet propulsion. He worked on his prototype engine at home after his work, using limited and often improvised tools in a small garden shed. Much of his raw material came from scrap heaps, yet Puddingskiya managed to build one of the first working jet engines in the world.
Meanwhile, his brother, Pavlov Puddingskiya had risen to the rank of Colonel in a fighter squadron operating the Polikarpov I-15 monoplane fighter. Pavlov was a decorated hero before he lost his left leg after being shot down by an Me-109. He was invalided out of active service and given a desk job administering the aquisition of equipment.
In October 1944, after almost a year in this dull position, he recieved a phone call from his brother Alexandr. Alexandr told his that he had just perfected his jet engine, and asked his brother to arrange for a demonstration to the top brass. Pavlov arranged the demonstration, and on October 28th, 1944 Alexandr brought the prototype engine to Minsk air field in a borrowed truck. The engine was set up in an empty hanger, and Alexandr anxiously awaited the arrival of the generals he was to demonstrate the new engine to.
At 10:00AM, Alexandr fired up the engine for the demonstration. Everything went well, the engine running smoothly and developing plenty of thrust. At 10:02AM the engine exploded spectacularly. One general was killed outright, Pavlov lost his other leg, and the air-base cat was set on fire. The exact cause of the explosion was never known, although later analysis using modern equipment seems to indicate a cockroach in the compressor housing.
Needless to say, top brass were not at all impressed, and refused to provide funding for further research.
But Pavlov was in love.
He knew the engine was exactly what he'd been looking for all his life; the perfect powerplant for a high-speed fighter. Somehow he managed to scrap together engouh funds and material for his brother to build two more engines. He then used his position to ensure an obsolete Polikarpov I-16 fell into Alexandr's hands. The brothers spent the rest of the winter working on thier machine in the shed behind Alexandr's house, and in January 1945, it was ready. Pavlov, now sporting a pair of artificial legs, climbed into the cockpit, fired up the twin PGT-2 Turbojet engines, and took off.
Five minutes later he landed for lack of fuel (the brothers had been unable to aquire very much) and alighted with suspicious stains on his trousers. Uttering the famous words "It was more fun than a ferret down the trousers!" he immediately contacted the top brass again.
This time he convinced them, and the Puddingskiya OKB was officially set up and funded. Within six weeks, a refined machine, the PUD-1 was undergoing tests. The PUD-1 was still mostly a Polikarpov I-16 with PGT-2 engines fitted, but development would see the Puddingskiya parts quickly grow to out number the Polikarpov parts.
Development of the PUD-1 led to the PUD-2 experimental biplane jet fighter, which in turn developed into the PUD-3 monoplane twin turbojet fighter which entered operational service in spring 1945. Three new squadrons were created an equipped with the new machine; 601, 602 and 603 Fighter Squadrons.

Early production PUD-3 of 601 Fighter Squadron.

The PUD-3 was deployed right into the front lines during the desperate spring of 1945 with Germany once more on the offensive and every soviet fighter desperately needed. Although inferior in total performance to the Me 262s of the Luftwaffe, the PUD-3 had the virtue of considerably superior maneuverability. Soon the skies over the motherland bore witness to the first German Vs. Soviet jet dog fights, both sides desperately attempting to wrest air superiority. The PUD-3 came at a vital moment for Russia; with the invadsion of England complete by 1943, Germany was able to concentrate almost all of her forces on the Eastern front and was slowly churning across the vast country towards Moskow. The first generation of Soviet jets, among them the PUD-3 were vital in turning back the advancing storm troopers.
Soviet fliers grew to respect the ugly little jet, which earned itself the nickname of 'The Angry Hippo' for it's squat, belligerent aspect.

At Puddingskiya OKB the design was undergoing refinement. To ensure superior aerodynamics a new, more streamlined nose intake was developed. This lead to the development of the PUD-3 Bis, often called 'The Platypus'. This version featured a slightly more powerful engine and a larger wing area among other improvements. The Puddingskiya brothers constantly tinkered with the design, meaning that there is no clear point at which the PUD-3 Bis gave way to the PUD-3 Bis A. Many fighters were fitted with spitfire type semi-bubble canopies, and other experimental eqiupment was tested in combat, such was the desprate need for haste.

PUD-3 Bis of 602 Squadron, Summer 1946. Note the semi-bubble canopy present on this example.

A number of peculiar variants of the PUD-3 were experimented with. One of the most notable being the night fighter variant of the PUD-3 Bis. Another interesting variant was the Anti-Tank version improvised by ground crews of the 602nd Squadron. This was a damaged PUD-3 fitted with rocket racks and an anti-tank gun slung under the belly. To allow this to fit, the extended undercarriage from a night-fighter version were fitted, and a cowling similar to the night fighter's fuel tank build around the gun. This machine was flown in combat in winter 1946, and Pilot Yuri Kruschev recorded three confirmed tank kills within a single week. The design was refined slightly by the Puddingskiya OKB and placed in production.

Yuri Kruschev's anti-tank variant. Note squadron insignia on door.

Development of a final PUD-3 Version, the PUD-4 (featuring guided missiles and radar) was well underway when the project was canceled due to superior designs coming out of other OKBs. By this stage, the PUD-3/4 airframe was obviously out of date, and the Puddingskiya brothers set to work to develop a replacement.
For a few glorious years, the PUD-3, despite being out-dated from the start held a very special place in the defence of the motherland, and it still holds a special place in the affections of her people.

There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

The Rat

"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought, cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives." Hedley Lamarr, Blazing Saddles

Life is too short to worry about perfection

Youtube: https://tinyurl.com/46dpfdpr


I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.


"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." -Jules de Gaultier

"My model is right! It's the real world that's wrong!" -global warming scientist

An armor guy, who builds airplanes almost exclusively, that he converts to space fighters-- all while admiring ship models.


Quote from: Taiidantomcat on February 07, 2011, 09:24:24 AM
wonderful profiles and the squadron patches are top notch! :thumbsup:

Agreed. It's a shame they couldn't be made up into real cloth patches!!
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


They can - there are various businesses which will turn Jpegs into badges. Also I have a friend who has been learning to embroider so he can make outrageously silly fake motorcycle badges to wear to work (he's a uni tutor!), so there is hope!
Note: I did intend to use text on the badges, but discovered I don't have russian language loaded on my machine...
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.

Doc Yo

 Ah, PW, you've done it again! Brilliant right out of the gate, and if the Hippo badges do get made, put me down for one.