
Gwylan Models

Started by proditor, October 04, 2010, 10:05:15 AM

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Cliffy B

I already have whiff ideas muahahhahahahahahha!  :wacko:
"Helos don't fly.  They vibrate so violently that the ground rejects them."
-Tom Clancy

"Radial's Growl, Inline's Purr, Jet's Suck!"

"If all else fails, call in an air strike."


Notice they hint at a modern carrier in 1/700 as their new release

(Sods law that its CVF as they have produced one in 1/1250 scale for somebody else but gods knows how much one of those will be in resin as its a Big ship !)

The Russian Corvette looks rather tasty however, and at a reasonsible price.

Project Cancelled SIG Secretary, specialising in post war British RN warships, RN and RAF aircraft projects. Also USN and Russian warships


Yes, even importing it across the pond, it looks pretty competitive.

I do hope someone does a CVF, I need something sizable to round out my modern Brit fleet.   :thumbsup:


Excellent news! Thanks for the heads-up!  :thumbsup:
When I first saw this corvette I hoped there'd be a model of it one day. One of the best-looking warships around, IMHO.

The Kashtan CIWS looks very good. Would be cool to have as a stand-alone part for some Russian ships whifs....

Must, then, my projects bend to the iron yoke of a mechanical system? Is my soaring spirit to be chained down to the snail's pace of matter?


Well i was right, on Gwylans product page it has the CVF HMS Queen Elizabeth listed as their next 1/700 kit.


I suspect this will be a cracker as there is more info available now from when the smaller scale one was done which should allow it to be more accurate.

Only problem for Will now as the same one i face, will the govt change anything regarding CVF in the SDSR due in 10 days time !!!. Rumours vary from cancelling them, cancelling one, building both to switching to CATOBAR !!!!. However the hull, basic flight deck shape and Islands wont really change.

Project Cancelled SIG Secretary, specialising in post war British RN warships, RN and RAF aircraft projects. Also USN and Russian warships


I better start saving up for that one soon.  ;)


Quote from: proditor on October 09, 2010, 11:00:04 PM
I better start saving up for that one soon.  ;)

I thought you would like that news  :thumbsup:
Project Cancelled SIG Secretary, specialising in post war British RN warships, RN and RAF aircraft projects. Also USN and Russian warships


Hi Guys,

I just thought I'd drop and say thanks for all your comments. The master model for Queen Elizabth is being finished at the moment, we have had alot of help from the MOD and the Aircraft Carrier Alliance members (though we are in no way affiliated with them, acting on behalf of them or endorsed by them.) So we are confident that our model depicts the most accurate configuration of the class. The SDSR is due, yes, but they are keeping us informed of any changes so we can be sure to get it right. If this model does well, I am strongly considering doing some other currently un-modelled RN modern captital ships. With Dragon's Type 45 now out I'm really hoping that the modern RN will gain populariity with modellers - as a community we seem to be somewhat stuck in the late 90's in terms of whats out there for us to make for the RN.

Proditor, hopefully you won't have to save all that much. I can't make any promises but I am doing everything I can to make sure the model is under £100 at retail, and not as in £99.99, I mean actually significantly less. What I can tell you is that you will be getting a large airgroup with the kit, made up of F-35Bs and AW-101s, the masters for those have already been finished. You'll also be getting the big Grove deck crane. I may add further bits to it when we know more. I'm really pressing this one now I want to get it out fast, the Steregushchy has been a resounding success and we will be going ahead flank in the kit scales now.

If you want news as soon as there is news, become a fan on facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Gwylan-Models/133571043309

Cheers guys, happy modelling :D!


Cliffy B

That is some fantastic news Will!!!!  Thanks for the taking the time to stop by and let us know. 
"Helos don't fly.  They vibrate so violently that the ground rejects them."
-Tom Clancy

"Radial's Growl, Inline's Purr, Jet's Suck!"

"If all else fails, call in an air strike."


I do believe that after that news, we need a dancing snoopy smilie.   :thumbsup:


Hi folks,

Many of you have been asking when our 1/700 QE will be available. Right now, quite honestly, we don't know. As most of the UK modellers here probably know by now (if you haven't heard read this) the carriers have been "saved" in the defence cuts but the Royal Navy will have no fixed wing aircraft operating from any RN carriers for the next 26 years, as the entire Harrier fleet is to be scrapped. So it'll be choppers only for some time.

This means fairly significant changes to the way these vessels will be built, and indeed the way our models will be built. So, having spoken to our contacts at the Ministry of Defence we have decided to suspend developing the model until they know more about what configuration they will be built in. We want to make sure thay these models are as accurate as possible, and as far as we have been told we are the only company who are developing models of the class with the advice of the MOD heads in charge of the project. So when they know, we'll know, and when that happens we'll work like stink to get the models finished for you :).

So, not quite what we had hoped for, but much better than what could have happened. Thanks again for your support,



A wise move Will as the exact details and the corresponding artwork will take a few months to appear.

Still look forward to getting her when the kit is produced of course.

I suppose you can consider some of vessels that are likely to continue as possible kits instead to fill the gap  :thumbsup:


Project Cancelled SIG Secretary, specialising in post war British RN warships, RN and RAF aircraft projects. Also USN and Russian warships


Yeh I may follow some of the suggestions people have given me, there's no shortage of subjects. Shame about Ark Royal :(.


I'm happy for Will, but sad about CVF.  Cross posted from Model Warships.

QuoteDear Freinds,

First, I'd like to thank all of you for making my last few products such a success. The 1/700 Stereguschy sold very well, and the Colombo express decals have been a steady earner for some time.

However, it is with great regret that I have decided to back away from model ships for the moment. This saddens me as I have already had good success with the market and I've made some great freinds. I'll still be here, but as a hobbyist.

The situation is quite simple, the resin casting side of my work has taken off to the point whereby I am making enough money from it to make it my full time job providing me with enough money so I can move out of my parents house. Lord knows they will be pleased to see the back of my barrels of resin, fumes and bits of resin chips trodden into their carpets! I'd like to publicly thank them for being so patient and giving me the opportunity to live under their roof while I get to the point where I can stand on my own two feet.
Although the ships have sold well they have not come close to the profits of my resin casting work for other manufacturers. My clients have been pleased with my work, it has helped them to grow, and now they are all expanding and thus putting even more work my way. I decided some time ago, during college actually, that I wanted to make this my full time job and live off it after graduating. One year since graduating I've got to that point now, and I'm very proud. The downside is that I have to be quite choosy about what I spend my time working on, and making ship kits simply doesn't offer the same £/hour that casting does.

However, this is not the end of my work! I have sold all the assets of the 1/700 Steregushchy to Combrig Models, and I know that Dmitry and his team will manufacture them to the highest quality and more people will be able to enjoy them because of Combrig's greater market reach. I am looking for buyers for my other design assets, so if any manufacturer reading this would like to buy any of my masters, decal or photo etch designs please feel free get in touch.

I'm not sure what to do with my masters for the 1/700 HMS Queen Elizabth (CVF.) My aggreement with the MOD and Aircraft Carrier Alliance (ACA) obliges me to be covered for product liability, but since no one would cover me for sales to the USA (90% of my customers) I put the project on hold. If there is a manufacturer out there who is insured for all their sales territoris, I'm sure we could work out a license transfer. It would be a damned shame never to see this model reach the market, but because I can't get insurance you'll never see it from me . So maybe someone can help us all out there, I'm pretty sure it's going to be a fantastic seller if it ever reaches market. If anyone has any suggestions of who to approach with this I'd be very grateful.

So, for the moment, I bid you all farewell and thankyou again for all the support you have given me. I'm amazed I've got this far, and there's a whole career left in front of me .