What is the real-world parallel to the Warhammer 40K Griffon mortar?

Started by dy031101, September 12, 2010, 09:12:35 AM

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If I want to find post-WWII counterparts to the Imperial Guard's Griffon SP mortar, what would it be?

Thanks in advance.
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The M106 is the mortar armed version of the M113. http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/land/m1064.htm
There is the PLL05 which is a wheeled mortar/howitzer. http://www.sinodefence.com/army/artillery/pll05.asp
The 2S31 Vena is also a mortar/howitzer on a tracked system. http://defense-update.com/products/v/VENA2S31.htm

Probably the closest is the Israeli Soltam which mounts a 160mm mortar on a converted Sherman chassis. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soltam_M-66
Phil Peterson

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Last night I figured that one day I might expand my previous question to cover projectile-based Imperial vehicle weapons in general, so I gave it a quick thought......

Here is what I think:

      Imperial Weapon                   Real-life Counterpart

  • Storm Bolter                    -> 7.62~7.92mm MG
  • Heavy Stubber                -> 12.7mm MG
  • Heavy Bolter                   -> 14.5mm MG and maybe 20~23mm Machinecannon
  • Autocannon                    -> 25~30mm Machinecannon
  • Long-barrelled Autocannon -> 35~57mm Machinecannon
  • Demolisher Cannon            -> 142~165mm Demolition Gun
  • Battle Cannon                  -> 120mm/L44 and 125mm Tank Gun
  • Conqueror Battle Cannon   -> 105~115mm Tank Gun
  • Vanquisher Battle Cannon  -> 120mm/L55 Tank Gun
  • Baneblade Battle Cannon   -> Experimental 120mm Electrothermal and 135~140mm Tank Gun
  • Griffon Mortar                  -> 120~160mm Mortar
  • Earthshaker Gun               -> 122mm Howitzer
  • Medusa Siege Gun            -> 240mm Mortar and 38cm/L5.4 Raketen-Werfer 61
  • Manticore Missile              -> Artillery Rockets 300mm and above, MIM-23 HAWK (although not indicated in the stats, a SAM ordnance is available according to the Imperial Armour book)

What do you think?  Is it agreeable?  Or would you come up with a more fitting suggestion?  All comments are welcomed.
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I'd go for the Gun Carrier Mk.I, although you could say that it's more of a paralell for the Basilisk.  Imperial Guard armour is roughly based around British WWI tanks.

The HS.30 is good paralell, has a similar look.  Here's a link showing vsrious mortar carriers including the HS.30 & M113:
I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.


If we have to stick to the in-universe Leman Russ tank form factor as much as possible, then I can only think of this Japanese Short 12cm Gun for the Battle Cannon......

Does anyone have info on it or indeed this Chi-Ha conversion?  Thanks in advance.
To the individual soldiers, *everything* is a frontal assault!


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Quote from: dy031101 on October 10, 2010, 02:09:40 PM
If we have to stick to the in-universe Leman Russ tank form factor as much as possible, then I can only think of this Japanese Short 12cm Gun for the Battle Cannon......

Does anyone have info on it or indeed this Chi-Ha conversion?  Thanks in advance.

There's a blurb on the Wikipedia page "List of Type 97 Chi-Ha variants"

QuoteShort Barrel 120 mm Gun Tank
Late in WWII, the Imperial Japanese Navy  made the Type 97 Chi-Ha variant by replacing its gun with a naval 12 cm (120 mm) short gun. Produced in small numbers and deployed in Japanese Special Naval Landing Forces.
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Just another low velocity, short barrel gun.  Nowadays you'd use a breach-loading 120mm mortar or a 165mm low pressure demolition gun as used on the Centurion AVRE.
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Doc Yo

 From what I can remember of it, I think a better match for the Griffon might be some of the WW1 German
"MinenWerfer". Getting up to nine or ten inches on bore, they were rather elaborate mortars, that looked
more like small howitzers in some respects.