
Picnics of the Caribbean

Started by puddingwrestler, August 30, 2010, 04:22:14 AM

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I'll be getting some of these on Friday.
Nuff said.
behold thier furry greatness!
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


aww, that's cute :wub:

errm... I mean... yarr! :lol:


Taddy Bahrrs?!?!?!?!  TADDY BAHRRSS!!!! Ye be puttin' taddy bahrs on the Spanish Main?? Arrrrhh, Capn' Wrestler sahrr, ye be a cruel 'artless mann to put taddy bahrs to the sword ye be . . . looks forwards to the stuffin' flyin' on yon cutlassess I be, ahhrr . . .
Going to be finished in 2021 BEFORE I start any da*!#d new ones - CF-IDS Wolverine; Douglas Mawson; Bubba Wants a Fishin' Rig; NA F-100

Against the Wall - Maton Dreadnought; Fender Telecaster; Epiphone Les Paul Studio


Arrr! I be buyin' these cuddly rapskallions on Friday so I be!
I be havin' many o' them, including ye Cap'n with 'is trusty rubber duck, and yon scurvy crew o' dogs loadin' yon cannon wi' honey!
I be also gettin some tasty undead pirates while I be at it! yar!

What be more, there be other teddy bears available; there be zulu wars bears an' the 'undred year picnic, and then there be those wretched filth; cowboy bears! Yar, an' there be game rules wot go with them! Arrr! Shiver me timbers!

There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


I be partial to dem Frogs, Yarr.

Me thanks fer da link.
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


Arr, you be'n a strange pirate, seaman puddingwrestler.  Gaarr!!!!

Captain Greg, The Beardless One

All hail the God of Frustration!!!


Avast jimlads!
I be havin' finished the first batch o' scurvy sea bears, and I be paintin' the rest o' them an' their timber-shiverin' cannon.
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


Ah!  I see me no Hoka pirates!  Methinks, me hearties they are just the figments o' an over-active imagination and too much rum!  Gah!   :lol: :lol:
How to reduce carbon emissions - Tip #1 - Walk to the Bar for drinks.


Ar! Ye be doubtin' me ye scurvey an' scrofulous south-sea galley cook?
I be finishin' be bears an' here they be!

This here be Cap'n Black Janice (bein' a present ferme scurvey ship-mate an' teacher o' the king's english to the bogan hordes who be called Janice), Cap'n Stumpy Jack Duckworth an First Mate Honeyspigott!

An' this be the crew o' Black Bessy, the most feared an' hated honey cannon e'er to terrorize the spanish main!

These here be salty sea bears wi' black-powder weapons.

An' this be a boardin' party armed wi' cutlasses!

An' this here be a terrible battle twixt the pirate bands o' Black Janice an' Cap'n Duckworth!

Be ye not doubtin' me word in future or I be sendin' you the black spot!

Ps jimlads: I be workin' on paper model wargames terrain so I be! I be makin' SF western stuff now, but I be plannin' to make some pirate stuffs. So I'll be a postin of pictures o' these scurvey knaves on thier proud ships soon!
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


Capn Wrestler, who ye be callin scrofulous, arrr, arrr, scroffy I mayst bee but scrofulous? Ye taddy bahrs be foinely colered and cutely formed Id ave ye know, noswt mine brothers gurl wanst me to put them bahrs inta moi normal builds she does . . .  the trouble thee hast caused me, ahrr a good keelhaulin' d be a pleasureable swop it would . . .
Going to be finished in 2021 BEFORE I start any da*!#d new ones - CF-IDS Wolverine; Douglas Mawson; Bubba Wants a Fishin' Rig; NA F-100

Against the Wall - Maton Dreadnought; Fender Telecaster; Epiphone Les Paul Studio