EF-111 as an Anti-Whaling Aircraft

Started by Cobra, July 24, 2010, 06:22:23 PM

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Hey Guys, What If some Anti-Whaling Group had Somehow Gotten their Hands on a Few EF-111's? What would That Do to Pirate Whalers & Others Who Ignore International Whaling Rules? just an Idea that sprange into my Head just now. Thanks for looking.Dan


Being as how the EF-111 was an electronic warfare platform, I'm not sure what use it would be other than to jam the whaling vessels intership and ship to shore communication channels.

However, an F-111C with a couple of Harpoons would be another story. :wacko:
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my thought was to use the EF-111 as an Impromtu AWACS for steering the Anti-Whaling Group towards the Whalers & to Track Pirate Whaler Movements. That work for You?


Still wouldn't really work as the EF-111 isn't an AWACS in any sense - in fact, the standard F-111 would probably be just as good in the role.  You might like to read this though.  The S-3 would be an altogether better platform for what you propose.


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There again it is "What If" and we, if nothing else, are a broad church. If it floats (or sinks in this case) your boat "Cobra" go for it :thumbsup:
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Agreed, an S-3 would be more than ideal for long loiter ELINT and C3 - however, imagine the effect of a supersonic shockwave at deck height! - and besides, an EF-111 would have a pretty fearsome signal tracking capability


Quote from: deathjester on July 25, 2010, 09:04:36 AM
Agreed, an S-3 would be more than ideal for long loiter ELINT and C3 - however, imagine the effect of a supersonic shockwave at deck height! - and besides, an EF-111 would have a pretty fearsome signal tracking capability

If we're going down this insane route, what's to stop the whalers from getting a BPDMS or other SAM's on deck?
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might i suggest that if it's armed with harpoons it might make a better anti whale aircraft. sure you'd probably need something else (like a giant vacuum cleaner) to pick up the pieces afterwards. a line of whale shaped kill markings (maybe a giant squid or kraken as well) would be a given, those whales don't have a hard enough time of it already goddamnit they should be hunted to extinction with the most modern weapons at our disposal*.

*note that i do not really advocate the wholesale slaughter of whales (especially with antiship weapons, they make terrible sushi that way)