
BAE Systems Taranis

Started by Thorvic, July 12, 2010, 10:52:29 AM

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BAE Systems have today unveiled their latest UCAv building upon the development of previous Raven, Mantis, etc progams to create their latest Technology demonstrator - Taranis


Project Cancelled SIG Secretary, specialising in post war British RN warships, RN and RAF aircraft projects. Also USN and Russian warships

Green Dragon

Radio control planes don't really float my boat, prefer to have a real pilot with full situational awareness pulling the trigger instead of someone playing a video game with a toy plane and real bombs.

Paul Harrison
"Well, it's rather brutal here. Right now we are advising all our clients to put everything they've got into canned food and shotguns."-Gremlins 2

On the bench.
1/72 Space 1999 Eagle, Comet Miniatures Martian War Machine
1/72nd Quad Tilt Rotor, 1/144th V/STOL E2 Hawkeye (stalled)


Quote from: Green Dragon on July 12, 2010, 12:53:21 PM
Radio control planes don't really float my boat, prefer to have a real pilot with full situational awareness pulling the trigger instead of someone playing a video game with a toy plane and real bombs.

Paul Harrison



All hail the God of Frustration!!!


Oh, look, another attempt by my company to pitch an over priced project.
I exist to pi$$ others off!!!
My categorized models directory on my site.
My site (currently with no model links).
"Build what YOU like, the way YOU want to." - a wise man


It's probably just the red panel inside the intake, but it has a sinister look to it.
"Life isn't divided into genres. It's a horrifying, romantic, tragic, comical, science-fiction cowboy detective novel. You know, with a bit of pornography if you're lucky."-Alan Moore


Did anyone watched "Stealth"(that movie that bombed so hard at the box office that it is the second-biggest failure after "Battlefield Earth")?

Probably not, but I did ;D

The story is focused on a unmanned UCAV named EDI.

Apparently, some of these Aerospace companies are trying to make with these UAV/UCAV's.
Fulcrums Forever!!!
Master Assembler


I'm sure it will do very well, but it's just yet another grey triangle. Not exactly exciting....
Some of my models can be found on my Flickr album >>>HERE<<<


Quote from: Jschmus on July 12, 2010, 09:47:58 PM
It's probably just the red panel inside the intake, but it has a sinister look to it.

Agreed, all part of the marketing.

Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Quote from: Fulcrum on July 13, 2010, 12:12:37 AM
Did anyone watched "Stealth"(that movie that bombed so hard at the box office that it is the second-biggest failure after "Battlefield Earth")?

Probably not, but I did ;D

The story is focused on a unmanned UCAV named EDI.

Apparently, some of these Aerospace companies are trying to make with these UAV/UCAV's.

Shockingly bad movie!!!  As for developing UCAVs - already happening for years now:  Just look up X-45, X-47, UCAV etc in Google.  In fact early UCAVs (at least in the form we think of them now - ignoring the decades of uninhabited aircraft use) in form of Predator/Reaper have been in operational service for years now.


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


Shockingly bad movie?  Not completely.  It had Jessica Biel in it.  In a bikini, no less.  ;)

It had some nice "what-if" fighters as well and they even demonstrated how to "drop one's knickers" when being pursued by a fighter over water at low level, as the Buccaneer drivers claimed they could.

Of course the storyline was crap with the usual Hollywood attempt at a "cautionary tale" of how technology must be bad, but can ultimately redeem itself by assuming human-like aspects.  Yeah, sure.

Oh, and BTW, Skynet appears to be that much closer with Taranis.   :wacko: :wacko:
How to reduce carbon emissions - Tip #1 - Walk to the Bar for drinks.


Quote from: Green Dragon on July 12, 2010, 12:53:21 PM
Radio control planes don't really float my boat, prefer to have a real pilot with full situational awareness pulling the trigger instead of someone playing a video game with a toy plane and real bombs.

Interestingly the USAF which insists that its UAV drivers must be qualified and commissioned pilots has been reported to have a substantially higher accident rate than the US Army which uses NCOs who aren't pilots.  ;)
How to reduce carbon emissions - Tip #1 - Walk to the Bar for drinks.


Very interesting that.  I remember an article on UAV's in their early development & the author (Mike Spick IIRC) mentioned a pilot he knew who was routinely beaten on online simulators by games enthusiasts.  He went on to say that assuming the simulator was realistic, he thought pilots should continue to be in the fold because battle was a place for warriors.

He can have his warriors, I'll take the video game geeks & win.  History is littered with examples of combatants losing because they failed to adapt to new methods of waging war.
I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.


Quote from: Green Dragon on July 12, 2010, 12:53:21 PM
Radio control planes don't really float my boat, prefer to have a real pilot with full situational awareness pulling the trigger instead of someone playing a video game with a toy plane and real bombs.

I reckon that in the not-too-distant future, we'll see these things combined. Once they work out the bandwidth problems, you could have a pilot in a simulator fly the aircraft remotely, with better, 360° visibility and the ability to zoom in on selected areas, without the strain of sitting in an aircraft for hours. The aircraft could even be more manoeuvrable as it won't have to limit g-forces to keep the pilot from blacking out. Also, the weight and aerodynamic drag that comes with a cockpit and and life-support systems can be deleted, although the antennae for remotely piloting the thing have to be factored in as well.

Must, then, my projects bend to the iron yoke of a mechanical system? Is my soaring spirit to be chained down to the snail's pace of matter?


Quote from: ChernayaAkula on July 16, 2010, 04:38:20 PM
Quote from: Green Dragon on July 12, 2010, 12:53:21 PM
Radio control planes don't really float my boat, prefer to have a real pilot with full situational awareness pulling the trigger instead of someone playing a video game with a toy plane and real bombs.

I reckon that in the not-too-distant future, we'll see these things combined. Once they work out the bandwidth problems, you could have a pilot in a simulator fly the aircraft remotely, with better, 360° visibility and the ability to zoom in on selected areas, without the strain of sitting in an aircraft for hours. The aircraft could even be more manoeuvrable as it won't have to limit g-forces to keep the pilot from blacking out. Also, the weight and aerodynamic drag that comes with a cockpit and and life-support systems can be deleted, although the antennae for remotely piloting the thing have to be factored in as well.

Ryan Firebee drones were demonstrating that back in the 1970s.  They routinely beat USN pilots when the exercise limits were relaxed to allow them to manoeuvre at their maximum limits as against what was imposed on them to simulate manned aircraft.   Remember though, this was done with 1960s-70s technology.  I would expect that with 21st century technology they would be nigh on unbeatable in manoeuvre combat.
How to reduce carbon emissions - Tip #1 - Walk to the Bar for drinks.


Were the firebees completely autonomous or remote controlled?
That being said, I'd like to remind everybody in a manner reminiscent of the SNL bit on Julian Assange, that no matter how I die: It was murder (even if there was a suicide note or a video of me peacefully dying in my sleep); should I be framed for a criminal offense or disappear, you know to blame.