
Cheiftains - Bob Forrest Webb

Started by BadersBusCompany, July 09, 2010, 05:58:11 PM

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Just got a copy of 'Chieftains' by Bob Forrest - Webb off Amazon for £28! I am well chuffed  :cheers: :drink:


£28! They saw you coming, Mark! I got my copy for less than a Fiver, also from Amazon.
It's a great book with lots of whiffing potential. I've seen it compared favourably to Team Yankee, though with a somewhat different ending (won't give it away).
'Fire up the Quattro!'
'I'm arresting you for murdering my car, you dyke-digging tosspot! - Gene Hunt.


I had a copy years ago Jan but when I left home it disappeared, I tried to get it last year off Amazon and the cheapest one I could find was £250+!!! So I'm keeping this one safe, and its ok I know the ending  :thumbsup:


Got my copy a couple of years ago for 50p from a charity shop, i never trealised it was so sort after !
Everything looks better with the addition of British Roundels!

the Empires Twilight facebook page


"My country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right." - Carl Schurz


I noticed that it had gone up in price last time I looked. It must be getting quite rare now.

The big difference between it and TY is:

Team Yankee: almost everyone lives (except if you live in Birmingham, or Minsk).
Chieftains: almost everybody dies.

I've always thought that the ending of Chieftains was pretty sudden and quite shocking.
'Fire up the Quattro!'
'I'm arresting you for murdering my car, you dyke-digging tosspot! - Gene Hunt.


Good News!!!  :thumbsup:

Bob Forrest Webb has released Chieftains for the Kindle. You can now download this work for just £6.60. Even more amazing is the sheer number of what-if books out there purely online!
Haven't got a Kindle? No worry, get the Kindle Reader for your PC for free!

I've ordered a proper copy through my library which might arrive this year..... :rolleyes:


Get this: A copy of Chieftains has arrived at my library via the InterLibrary Loan Scheme. It's for libaray use only meaning I have to sit in the library and read it there :-\. But what really got me was where it came from....

Put it this way, the lending library is not in England. Who wants to guess where it came from?


 Somewhere else in the UK? America? Germany? Russia?

I remember wanting to read ACM Sir Hugh Dowding's book and having to do it in the library because if was an ILL from the National Library of Scotland.
'Fire up the Quattro!'
'I'm arresting you for murdering my car, you dyke-digging tosspot! - Gene Hunt.

Steel Penguin

managed to get the kindle copy, ( thanks for the heads up).  a nice riveting read.  but oh the ending..
i was a more than a touch disappointed. Evan with the hint above, i did expect more to it before the end.
still its re invigorated me for my 28mm 80s stuff, more Berlin brig stuff, more chally 1s, etc.
the things you learn, give your mind the wings to fly, and the chains to hold yourself steady
take off and nuke the site form orbit, nope, time for the real thing, CAM and gridfire, call special circumstances. 
wow, its like freefalling into the Geofront
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