
YF-23 meets bandsaw

Started by Gary, April 19, 2004, 08:02:39 PM

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Well, I got inspired by some of those cute Russian light fighters on one of the forms. So I went out to my furnature shop with a YF-23 and an idea. What if you took this large two engined fighter and cut her down to one engine. She'd look a bit like some of those images. Any how here's phase one, marking her up and sorting out the cut lines.
Getting back into modeling


some more fiddling with markers...
Getting back into modeling


And buzzzzzzzzz nipppppp, measure, curse a bit, get the bits in a box and tap some together and ...
Getting back into modeling

Captain Canada

Wicked !

That's truly wicked !

And to think, all's you had to do was chop 'er up with a bandsaw !

Great idea, buddy.......now I can't wait to see her all done up, maybe shooting down an F-16 ?

Cheers !
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Funny you should show an SU-27. My first real big conversion was to take an SU-27, chop her just back of the main wing, push the engines forward, shorten the burner cans considerably, clipped the horz stab and inserted them just aft and below the canopy hinge (the naval 27 hadn't been seen yet) and ran a spine down the back to attach the single main fin to. I also filled in most of the tunnel between the engines to make up for lost fuel and avionics spaces, added a fuel probe and a folding ventral fin. It was in answer to the Gripen that had just been released by Italarie and was flying on my window sill.
Sadly an enemy anti-aircraft cat, also known as Sly, shoved my baby off the ledge and left a non-smoking hole in the carpet. The excessive putty and modifications to the structure couldn't withstand the impact.
After the FAA investigation it was determined that the experimental aircraft from the Sukoi family suffered a cat-astrophic structural failure. :D
Getting back into modeling

Captain Canada

cat-astrophic structural failure. :D
...caused by human error, no doubt !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Holy crap If Your Wife Finds Out!  I can't wait to see it done!  Is it taking up a lot of time?  'Cos if it is, and if your wife finds out...
"We can resolve this over tea and fisticuffs!!!"


Swweeeeeet! :P

I can imagine a two seat version in USAF training markings as a replacement for the T-38 Talon..........................or maybe a Red Arrows Hawk replacement!


QuoteHoly crap If Your Wife Finds Out!  I can't wait to see it done!  Is it taking up a lot of time?  'Cos if it is, and if your wife finds out...
Well, this part only took about 30 min. I was supposed to be in the furnature shop and garage cleaning it up for the insurance adjuster. Shhhhh. I don't expect it to take too long, I'm gonna use mostly stock kit parts. The back needs to be faired in and the exhaust was gonna be a vectored box type along the along the line of one I saw in being tested an SU-27 detail book. The inlet needs some thought. Other than that it's stock.

I was thinking about Chinese stars and bars or perhaps in Egyptian air superority colours just prior to the 4 day war of 2009. (perhaps a vindication of Northrup ideas in a smaller package when they plastered the Isralie F-22 export version. If not for the stockpile of older F-16s that were kicking about in training squadrons, the Egyptians would have succeeded in completly overrunning all the disputed territories.)
Getting back into modeling

John Howling Mouse

Gotta love a fellow 'basher who's willing to take a bandsaw to a brand new model.

Sir, I salute you!!!!


And here I've been, trying to figure out how to ADD engines to planes such as the Starfighter and the A-4 Skyhawk!
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


QuoteGotta love a fellow 'basher who's willing to take a bandsaw to a brand new model.

Sir, I salute you!!!!

And here I've been, trying to figure out how to ADD engines to planes such as the Starfighter and the A-4 Skyhawk!

Same sentiments here Barrie, i have seen some aerodynamic model of something similar to a single engined F-23 on one of the US websites so it might not be as far fetched as we might think.

As for the twin engined Skyhawk how about  cutting out the last quarter of the fuselage and adding twin lengths of plastic tubing of suitable diameter then merge it in with scrap plastic and filler (lots of filler).


Geoff B B)  


If you remember that site I'd love to see it Ogwash!! :cheers:  
Getting back into modeling

John Howling Mouse

QuoteAs for the twin engined Skyhawk how about  cutting out the last quarter of the fuselage and adding twin lengths of plastic tubing of suitable diameter then merge it in with scrap plastic and filler (lots of filler).

Do you think I'll need any "filler" though?

Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


QuoteAnd here I've been, trying to figure out how to ADD engines to planes such as the Starfighter and the A-4 Skyhawk!
It depends on the proposed engines.  Remember, you may have to adjust the size of the intakes since they do need to breathe right.  What engines where you considering?
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin


Don't you think a twin engined Starfighter would look a lot like a double barreled shotgun?!?  :P

OK back into the room o' doom..........
