
Ideas for an upgraded F-4 Phantom for the Honduras Air Force

Started by chrisonord, February 17, 2010, 01:41:31 PM

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This idea has been kicking around in my head for quite some time now. :unsure:
What if The Honduras Air force (the one in my back story for builds), put out a tender for a "new" multi role fighter aircraft based on a current or currently available airframe. Several different countries, including one unusual bidder put forward their rebuild/upgrade aircraft.

France. Dassault and another aviation contractor teamed up to offer an upgraded and ground up rebuild Mirage F1. This aircraft will compliment the Honduras AF squadron of Mirage III, 2000's and 2000/5's as there will be a lot of engine and avionics compatibility with this new build F1.

America. The USAF put forward an offer of a dusted off F-16 from Davis Monthan bone yard. The aircraft will have a refit of avionics, engine and they will also have the capability to drop European/Israeli/Japanese supplied ordnance, as well as US ordnance.

Israel. Israel has put forward a complete rebuild and digital upgraded F-4 Phantom, this too has new modern engines, AMRAAM launch capability, capability to carry all ordnance  used by the Honduras AF, and able to use Israeli current ordnance, including cruise missiles.

Singapore/Australian joint venture. This new consortium to the military aircraft contractor sector, is a totally new venture, and they are offering an upgrade  of the venerable (see ancient) Hawker Hunter. This is a very ambitious proposal by the new consortium, and their tender is a very colourful one. Mach 1.8 capability being the main eye opener. Also the hunters will be using ultra modern ordnance in the shape of ASRAAM, Brimstone, mauserwerke BK 27 cannons AGM- 84, AGM-65,HARM and ALARM anti radar missiles,AGM-123 skipper, and  a variety of laser guided munitions . The airframe will also be fitted with new composite wings for added strength and fuel, also conformal tanks can be fitted.

So to begin with I am in need of some more ideas of what to do to a 1/72nd scale F-4, without having to buy expensive resin upgrade/conversion sets. Weapons wise I am pretty well covered, but it is the other visible stuff that I am stuck for ideas on. Any info and ideas are welcome.
The dogs philosophy on life.
If you cant eat it hump it or fight it,
Pee on it and walk away!!


New engines, CFTs along the spine, a big belly tank, full bubble canopy, etc?
Some of my models can be found on my Flickr album >>>HERE<<<


I think you can add the same hump of recent A-4 Skyhawk and the same antenna helm of EA-6B Prowler and EF-111 Raven, plus canard of course  ;D
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Quote from: pyro-manic on February 17, 2010, 03:44:46 PM
New engines, CFTs along the spine, a big belly tank, full bubble canopy, etc?
I think I would struggle to find a full bubble canopy to fit really, unless a 2 seater F-18 canopy would fit....ish.
CFT's would be an interesting addition too.
The dogs philosophy on life.
If you cant eat it hump it or fight it,
Pee on it and walk away!!


I have thought about it in the past, and a single-seat canopy from a Eurofighter fits quite nicely. :)

EDIT: See pic below. A little work required to fair it in, but nothing too difficult.
Some of my models can be found on my Flickr album >>>HERE<<<


I'd definitely go for a blown windscreen that McAir produced for test and limited retrofit (Maintrack did on in both 1/72 and 1/48 if you can find any - if you do find any, please let me know as I wish to acquire a few).  Beyond that, I'd go with the PW1120 engines, theough F414s wouldn't be too bad either.  I've seen some work St.Louis did on conformal tanks other than a large belly tank or in the corners between inlets and fuselage.  Of course, the cockpit(s) - your choice of single- or twin-seater - would be updated, likely with goodies from the F/A-18.  Depending on how radical a change was wanted and just how good relations were between Israel and St. Louis, there's the rather radical version of the F-4EJ-Kai that was mentioned in the Aerofax Minigraph on the F-4E, the one with a new wing aerodynamically based on the wing of the F-15 (the root chords are rather close but you'd need to add the main gear wells to a spare pair of F-15 wings).  Internally, I reckon you'd see a major radar upgrade, your choice of which one to use.
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--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin


Quote from: pyro-manic on February 17, 2010, 04:30:24 PM
I have thought about it in the past, and a single-seat canopy from a Eurofighter fits quite nicely. :)

EDIT: See pic below. A little work required to fair it in, but nothing too difficult.

Love this upgraded cockpit :wub: :wub: :wub:
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