EWR VJ 101 German VTOL

Started by Michel Van, January 31, 2010, 12:00:34 PM

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Michel Van


It doesn't seem like they came up with any armament scheme before the cancellation......

Since it was supposed to be an interceptor, the Sidewinder missile is definitely part of the weapons suite.

Actually, didn't the Luftwaffe tough it out with just the Sidewinders until early 90s?
To the individual soldiers, *everything* is a frontal assault!


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Michel Van

in that case would armament  simelar to F-104G ?

2 to 4  AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles
1 × 20 mm (0.79 in) M61 Vulcan gatling gun, 725 rounds
or a
1 x 20 mm (0.79 in) revolver cannon simelar to Mauser MG 213 ?


That would be a good start. The VJ 101 does have a limited payload (2000 kg for fuel plus weapons). I don't know how much the gun weighs, but it's unlikely to carry mroe than 2 Sidewinder.


If not a Vulcan, then a couple of ADEN or DEFA cannons? They're pretty much clones of the MG213.
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Michel Van

Quote from: pyro-manic on February 01, 2010, 07:58:28 AM
If not a Vulcan, then a couple of ADEN or DEFA cannons? They're pretty much clones of the MG213.

first is french, second is British

but there German Mauser BK-27 (by Rheinmetall)
It was developed in the late 1960s for the MRCA (Wat became Tornado)
27 mm revolver cannon, Weight: 100 kg plus 374 kg for 725 rounds

now used in the Tornado, the Alpha Jet, the JAS 39 Gripen, and the Eurofighter Typhoon.
and almost was build into F-35

on AIM-9B Sidewinder
the weight is  85,5 kg per AIM
so 4 Sidewinder can be mounted on EWR VJ 101
like this ?


Quote from: Hobbes on February 01, 2010, 06:42:53 AM
The VJ 101 does have a limited payload (2000 kg for fuel plus weapons).

Does the word "plus" mean "and" or "in addition to"?
To the individual soldiers, *everything* is a frontal assault!


Current Hobby Priority...... Sigh......

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uk 75

The VJ 101 C led to a similar VJ 101 D which replaced the podded engines with
a battery of centrally mounted lft engines.  The project died off in 1965 or so and
was then replaced by the even more wonderful/silly AVS programme with the US.

As a Starfighter replacement the main role of these planes was to leap up into the
air and fly across into East Germany and dump a US supplied nuclear bomb. Thus
they did not need much range or payload capacity.  When NATO moved to the
flexible response ie more conventional weapons strategy these wonderful but
impractical beasts died.

A service VJ 101 C in Luftwaffe silver with some nice JABO squadrons would only
need a nuclear or practice store under the fuselage like the Starfighter and bingo
you have Luftwaffe 68  Franz Josef Strauss style!
