
Sukhoi Syb-A ... FSW demonstrator !?!

Started by Deino, March 14, 2004, 08:14:14 AM

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Hmmm ... I think I forgot this project ... but yesterday I've read an article from WAPJ No. 34 regarding the S-37's development and there was a short note abaout this "single engined FSW demonstrator built by Sukhoi !"  

Are there any more information - maybe more recent ? - regarding this project ... after some Google-ing I only found some very confusing "facts" ...:
--some telling it seems to be a FSW fitted Su-17 following the earlier Su-7 FSW (Any PICTURES ?????)
-- others think that it was just a rumour because MiG + TsAGI (see below) was working on MiG-23 based designs and Sukhoi with FSW-versions of the Su-27 ... but ??????

.... would be an interesting "what-if" modeling project !!!    :wub:  :lol:

and then this: http://aeroweb.lucia.it/~agretch/RAFAQ/six5th_5.html

"S-37 is by no means the first FSW designed by Sukhoi. At one point Su-9 was fitted with FSW to explore the aerodynamics of the layout. It is not clear which Su-9 was used for the FSW tests, likely a single engine fighter, rather than postwar twin engine Me-262 look alike. Although German FSW influence is tempting, there were by far more time and funds for experimental work in 60s, when few Su-9 aerodynamic testbeds were flown.

Sukhoi's SYB-A first flew in 1982, more than a year earlier than Grumman X-29 FSW demonstrator. Initially discovered by US intelligence at Saki airfield, close to Syberski in the Black Sea region Sukhoi FSW was codenamed SYB-A, in tradition of indexing Soviet experimental aircraft according to the places these were first seen.

FSW Su-9 and SYB-A are likely to be closely related if not the same aircraft. Moreover, few sources suggested that S-37 in early stages of its development was to be much smaller, single engined attack aircraft, very much like Su-9 and SYB-A. What is interesting, SYB-A was spotted on what appears one of the naval airbases which give additional clues about the genesis of the S-37."

Any comments or even photos of the Sukhoi-bird ????

Deino  :P
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever; I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now; put out every one:
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods:
For nothing now can ever come to any good.
W.H.Auden (1945


Dear Deino,

I have the same sources in my research about this mistery bird. I can only add that I have read in Aviation Week and Space Technology  that FSW fighter studies at Sukhoi had an strong connection with naval fighter needs because FSW (according to my sources, unfortunately I'm not an aerospace engineer :( )) offers very good characteristics for a carrier-born naval fighter.


FSW is particularly good at cutting takeoff and landing runs, very useful in a STOBAR carrier.

I don't think that the "SYB-A" was necessarily a full-scale manned plane. The most likely explanation in my opinion is a subscale drone/model or a mockup of S-32 was photographed at Saki, possibly being touted to Naval Aviation. The T-60 got designated "NOVO-C" without ever flying or even being finished...

The Su-9 connection makes no sense, unless this is a mistake and the "FSW Su-9" project was actually the ORIGINAL Me-262 clone design- as FSW was tested extensively in the Soviet Union at that time.
Paul Martell-Mead / Overscan
"What if?" addict


QuoteSukhoi had an strong connection with naval fighter needs because FSW (according to my sources, unfortunately I'm not an aerospace engineer  )) offers very good characteristics for a carrier-born naval fighter.

Thanks Libelua, you've just given me a brilliant idea for what to do with the SU37 I'm planning to get.... B)  B)  B)  
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


the S-32 (as it was) was touted to the Russian Navy.

Here's a picture of a model S-32 shown to Navy officials- note the tailhook!
Paul Martell-Mead / Overscan
"What if?" addict


Paul Martell-Mead / Overscan
"What if?" addict


Paul Martell-Mead / Overscan
"What if?" addict


Paul Martell-Mead / Overscan
"What if?" addict


Paul Martell-Mead / Overscan
"What if?" addict


Captain Canada

Awesome stuff !

Man, I gotta scrape up some cash and grab that Berkut kit :wub:  
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


You can see how the Berkut evolved out of that one.
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin


The 2D vectoring single exhaust for both engines is unusual, and clearly different. The wingtip ECM pods look like Sorbstiya ones of an Su-27, and the vertical fins slope inward. Other than that it is fairly similar to the final Berkut design.  
Paul Martell-Mead / Overscan
"What if?" addict


Hang on,

that Su looks familiar. <_<

Remember the Italieri/testor Mig-37 Ferret - supposed Soviet stealth fighter?

Don't they look broadly similar?

Which came first? The faceted MiG kit or the bit more smooth SFW Su proposal?

Or is it just me?  :wacko: