
Landgepanzerteschiff LgPzSc-IV Tausendfüßler

Started by puddingwrestler, November 13, 2009, 01:28:54 AM

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Those following my profile thread will have noticed a recent trend towards WW2 Mech designs. Those not following my profile thread will be keel-hauled.
I can now announce the beginings of the first WW2 Mech project; a diorama featuring a LgPZSc-IV Tausenfüßler (Armoured Land Ship Mk. IV 'Centipede') being escorted by some sort of mech. And possibly with air support, depends on how things go. Anyways, on to nattering about the model...

Today I collected a large cardboard box from the Leongatha Post Office, and upon tearing it assunder discovered it to contain two blue-grey boxes bearing mystic sigils and the words 'Hasegawa' and '1:72'. Closer inspection revealed these to be a Panzer IV Ausf G, and a Tiger 1 Ausf. E. These will form the majority of the Tausenfüßler.

The primary hull will be that of the Tiger, with it's turret mounted as usual. In fact, not much will be done to the tiger end of things. Apart from mounting the Panzer IV turret ON TOP of the Tiger turret. I am fully aware that mounting two tank turrets on top of each other is lunacy, this is why I am doing it. The upper turret will have it's mighty cannon replaced with some sort of multi-MG anti aircraft arrangement, and will be remote controlled.

THe secondary hull will be a sort of trailer unit made from the Panzer IV. It will be designed to carry cargo, but will mount a light MG armourment in cupolas. The two will be joined by a flexible linkage which will carry power freom the mighty main engines in the pirmary hull.

If i can get hold of another Panzer IV cheaply, I'll add another trailer unit. The design is modular.

I have alos just won an ungodly number of other 1:72 armor kits on the bay of e, all of which will contribute to the project in some way shape or form.

Oner nifty thing is that the Panzer IV kit comes with an unbelievable amount of spares. It appears that Hasegawa originally engineered the kit to represent something else (I think a Munitionschlepper, or whatever that thing whihc followed Morser Karl around with the ammo was called), and then decided to include parts to make it into a normal battle tank. As a result, there are some sprues which contain four parts you need, and a whole alternate upper hull with various interesting ammo shifting devices and the mother of all shells... this will come in handy.

Opperations will start sunday afternoon after I have gotten back home from a weekend of wargames, family visiting, swearing about firewire cables and so forth.
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.

Doc Yo

 Firstly, Sir, you can't keelhaul me, I'm a highly-evolved barnacle. Second-a Panther mounted on a Tiger?!?
Apparrently you Australians are a bit lax in you miscegination laws. My eyes are already watering at the
very thought of the aesthetic nightmare that is represented by the fusion of the sloped and angular Panther
turret with the circular verticals of the Tiger. Monsterous, I say, monsterous!

We will, of course, expect prodigious documentation.


I'm looking forward to seeing the frankenstein glory of this massive landship, PW.  Should be interesting.
Putty-fu, Scratch-jutsu and Bash-chi, the sacred martial arts of the What-If. Mastering them, is Ancient Chinese Secret.

Just your friendly neighbourhood Mad Scientist and Ship-whiffer.

Overkill? Nah, it's Insurance.  So are the 20" guns.


Quote from: Doc Yo on November 13, 2009, 07:12:22 AM
Firstly, Sir, you can't keelhaul me, I'm a highly-evolved barnacle. Second-a Panther mounted on a Tiger?!?
Apparrently you Australians are a bit lax in you miscegination laws. My eyes are already watering at the
very thought of the aesthetic nightmare that is represented by the fusion of the sloped and angular Panther
turret with the circular verticals of the Tiger. Monsterous, I say, monsterous!

We will, of course, expect prodigious documentation.

No no no my god doctor; you have mixed up our primitive non-steam powered earthling technology in your might steam-impelled victorian era brain; PANZER IV, not PANTHER! THe Panzer IV was earlier and had a sort of chunky turret, while the Tiger E has a slab sides round turret.
To wit and viz;
An Panzer:

An Tiger:

An Panther (a tank which is not involved in this insane plan at all... at the moment anyway)

I hope this brief lesson in non-steam impelled primitive earth weapons technologies will help in your plans of global domination and the forcable world wide adoption of te handle-bar moustach and pith-helmet combo.

Your etc;
Mr. P. W. Restler, late of his Britanic Magesty's Fourth Filthmuch Fussiliers.
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


Roughly speaking, this is the sort of layout we're talking about. Although details will vary.
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


Construction started last night; pics probably tonight if I don't get too distracted by 15mm scale castles...
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.

Doc Yo

My Dear Restler,

     My profound apologies for the misapprehension of your deuced clever confabulation: Young Poondah seems
to have laced the afternoon tea with the powdered Pone'pe fungal specimens. Fortunately the drooling has
ceased, and I am only giggling at odd intervals. Yes, indeed, it shows much promise! I should like to recommend
a rigid bar between two universal joints for the linkages-it makes the  overturning of one carriage far less
catastrophic for the rest of the train, doncha know. The turret skirt on the Tiger is an interesting innovation
as well, but follow though,  old boy! A hun with a bonnet and no skirts is quite rude!

Your Severely,
Rev. Dr. Erasmu P. Yo
Shambles Rectory, Whopping Old Escalators, Bent

QuoteAnd my apologies as well, PW-I have no idea how Uncle Rasmus got in here, much less out of the
attic room we've had him locked in for the last century. He came back dead from that expedition to the
South Pacific, but steadfastly refuse to either decay or stop subscribing to Garden & Rubber Hobbyist
Clark Yo jr.

Ahem. Seriously-its a neat concept, and I do think you ought to give it the side skirts-I know the Tiger never carried them, but hey...


It'll probably have them; they are just no shown on the profile because they would obscure everything else.
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


Schwartzland Obercommando Der Heeres internal memo no. 287, November 17, 1944.

From: Herr Doktor Professor P. W. Reistler; Schlosewieg GMBH
To: Herr General Wheipher, Kommandeur des gepanzerten Waffen Entwicklung

Herr General, I am pleased to report the development of Landgepanserteshciff model IV, which we have assigned the code name 'Tausenfüßler" is progressing well. We have taken into consideration the situation our forces will face in Northern Ashran during the projected invasion in developing this new weapon. Unlike previous LgPzSc types, the type IV is designed to opperate as an autonomous mobile fortress, carrying all it's own supplies and able to support a sizeable troop contingent long with supporting Panzergehen. We have also designed the type IV to be modular; allowing extra cargo and weapons cars to be added depending upon mission or prevailing strategic or tactical conditions.
Main armorment is carried by the front command and power car and consists of an 88mm anti-tank gun, turret mounted. To provide further defence, a second turret; remotely controlled; is located on top of this main turret. This turret is equipped with automatic cannon for anti-aircraft or anti-personell use.
Each cargo car is powered by a linkage from the forward power car; although for extremely long trains, aditional power cars can be fitter. Cargo cars can be configured to carry cargo of various types including liquids, or configured as barracks for troops. Each cargo car can also be fitted with defensive weapons.
The type IV is designed to cross great distances without need for resupply or refueling. It is able to operate on it's own for extended periods. This will be of incalculable advantage in Northern Ashran where water sources are few and far between, and where our supply lines will quickly become very long. We are also working on a more lightly armed variant which can be used purerly as a cargo transporter rather than a mobile fortress and resupply base.

Herr General, may I present these photographs of our prototype models.
Here we see a rough indication of the layout of a standard three car train.

Und here we see more developed prototypes showing the turret layout.

I have been consulting Dr Erasmus P. Yo, a renegade Prevish scientist and engineer on the subject of universal linkages and hope to have the bugs present in the earlier design studies ironed out shortly. I am confident the prototype shall be ready for evaluation before the year is out.
For the Fatherland; Heil Kessler!
Herr Doktor Professor P. W.  Reistler; Reiperheim.
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


Schwartzland Obercommando Der Heeres internal memo no. 155, November 19, 1944.

From: Herr Doktor Professor P. W. Reistler; Schlosewieg GMBH
To: Herr General Wheipher, Kommandeur des gepanzerten Waffen Entwicklung

Herr General; excellent news! final design and engineering work has been completed on the no.2 turret for the power/command car. Armorment has been finalised as three 20mm automatic cannon. The remote control system is still giving some problems; however I am sure we can overcome these quickly. I have included a photograph of the layout below.
We have also finalised the layout of the skirt armor over the track units of the power/command car. In fact, the unit itself is now almost complete; it lacks some minor fittings and, of course, the power coupling and towing mechanisms.
With the bulk of the power/command car work completed, we have been able to turn more attention to the standard cargo car. This will feature a slightly sloped armor super structure with four ball type mountings for machine guns to be operated by the crew. We are currently carrying out intensive study into the best arrangement for the cargo doors and ventilation systems.
Our workshops are also gearing up to begin work on the final of the three prototype cars we are porducing for the field trials; the rear defence car. This will combine a cargo area with a rearwards defensive weapons mounting and anti-aircraft capability.
I have included photographs of our progress.
For the fatherland; Heil Kessler!

Yours; Herr Doktor Professor P. W. Reistler; Reiperheim.

There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


As a tankophile.. my heart sinks  :o
I can hear the suspension creaking to catastrophic failure.

But as a Whiffer.. I say.. huzzah!!!! ;D ;D ... and why not. Over armed is pre-prepared  :lol:


Loving it.

Only question is how does that top turret basket avoid the 88?
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


what is this to turret basket of which you speak? THe upper turret is remotely controlled, this requires a much smaller mounting do-hickey.
And remember, all of this was inspired by an anime drawing; so the laws of physics (especially where they apply to very short skirts) do not apply!
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.

Ian the Kiwi Herder

I can think of many things that should never be done to a Tiger tank.... and this is most of them  :thumbsup:


"When the Carpet Monster tells you it's full....
....it's time to tidy the workbench"

Confuscious (maybe)