
Martin-Baker Forked-Ghostbuster (stairs-tail?)

Started by Tophe, October 31, 2009, 11:36:25 AM

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I had promised BdB my next built would be a twin-boomer with spats: and I had one waiting construction, the Martin-Baker Tankbuster (Unicraft Models 1/72, see 2 of them at http://www.unicraft.biz/uniphot.htm ). This is an unbuilt project so what-if enough in itself.
However, I faced 5 (little) problems...
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


1/ As I am naively pacifist, I will not build a flying huge-gun :wacko:, my own will be a glider :lol:, twin-boom for beauty only, without weapon nose. And in my universe, there is no tank, just phantoms scaring naive people like me :blink:, and a flash of light :angry: is making them run away in darkness ;D... (the name will not be Tank killer nor Tank buster but Ghost buster, and even Forked Ghostbuster as it is twin-boom and present in my second Forked Ghosts book). <_<
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


2/ As I have not room enough in my shelves, such a huge span is impossible to accept, so this will be a biplane, of half span – or a little more, asymmetric, with a short port wing below and a long port wing above.
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


3/ As I usually remove fragile undercarriage/legs to have models/birds standing on their belly, I was ready to discard spats <_<. But BdB's memory cried painfully in my mind and I felt sorry :blink:, like having insulted him, spitted on his face. Shame on me :angry:. So, what to do? :unsure:
Well, the bird will rest on his belly, yes, and the spats will not be standing upwards exactly, but will be used as inter wings pylons, solid and aerodynamic, yes!

Why wheels between wings? :unsure:
Uh... :blink: they are not "wheels" with black rotating tires, no, just half-cylindrical sky-blue fixed devices, with a secret goal (related to electronics or something called "bipolar rad-arr", but I don't know more...).
:unsure: ;D
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


4/ With the 2 half wings at different levels, there will be one boom above and one boom below. No problem, I love asymmetry, but... how to install the tailplane? Well, I must explain, the whole story of special tailplanes:
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


5/ As I am very bad handling thermoformed tiny canopies, I will black paint a panoramic canopy. So here will be the result, to materialize in resin soon:
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]

Brian da Basher

You know I'm enjoying this one already, mon ami! I really like the idea of biplaning it!

Oh and about those spats...
:wub: :wub: :wub:
Brian da Basher

John Howling Mouse

This gives me an idea: what about a twin-boom airplane with a double set of stabilizers, one stacked slightly above and aft of the first one?
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


Stargazer, thanks for the cheers and the word-game Tophe-Top, while, uh... I do prefer humility (Jesus-way, Marx-way) than any pretension to reach the top (American-way pretended Christian, Soviet-way pretended Communist)...

JHM, your idea (if I have understood it) created this morning the JHM-38 A, B, C at the end of my P-38-fantasy site http://www.kristofmeunier.fr/#Sit , thanks! On the Martin-Baker -buster model, this (below) would require scratch abilities or a second kit. Interesting but I guess I will follow my way presented above.
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Tophe, you are a strange, strange person. In a good way. :thumbsup:
Some of my models can be found on my Flickr album >>>HERE<<<


Pyro-manic, how to read your judgement? I remember at school our English teacher saying "strange" is a "false-friend" not meaning our French "étrange" (queer) but meaning "unknown". Like "Stranger in the night" ("un inconnu dans la nuit" in French: someone unknown walking in the night)... Well, with more than 4,000 posts here I guess I am no more unknown so what? I would like the meaning condemned by our teacher: queer, odd, incomprehensible... To go further in that direction, I add a reversed-T-tail MB ~buster, that could stabilize diffently my model on the shelf:
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Yes, "odd" would be another way to put it. Unusual, weird, unique. :)
Some of my models can be found on my Flickr album >>>HERE<<<


This one would be nice as a UAV. Possibly an orange/yellow/red/white SAR/Forrest fire detector/trafficjam detector aircraft :wub: