
BAC TSR2 Lost Tomorrows of an Eagle

Started by Thorvic, August 29, 2009, 12:03:43 AM

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In Sami is an advert for the SAM Publications book by Paul Lucas about the propossed and speculated use of the TSR2 in service covering from concept in 1960 to 1980. This is the basically the 5 volume Model Aircraft Monthly articles re witten and redrawn covering a longer period upto the end of the 70's.

Supposed to be published in Septemeber and says that pre-orders are available on their website, however the website does not appear to be updated as yet.


Project Cancelled SIG Secretary, specialising in post war British RN warships, RN and RAF aircraft projects. Also USN and Russian warships


Hope the contents are more accurate than the picture on the front cover - it appears to be the inaccurate box art of teh Airfix 1/48th kit.



Anybody taken delivery of this book yet? I ordered mine in September and so far nothing.



I contacted SAM today and they said that they had just arrived yesterday and were putting them in the post today/tomorrow.

Just in time for the postal strike......



In Hannants (the shop) yesterday, 22 Oct 09.  Very nice!


Got mine this morning - agree looks like a right rivetting read.... Some very good info on proposed load outs..... excellent

Still got the incorrect Airfix illustration on the front cover though


ps postal strike???? what postal strike?


Quote from: GrahamS on October 20, 2009, 11:46:40 AM
Anybody taken delivery of this book yet? I ordered mine in September and so far nothing.


How the hell do you order it via their website !!!! :banghead:

Its finally listed but when you click the only option to order now it taked you too the books order list which doesnt include the TSR book !!!!

Looks like it will be better to wait till SMW and buy direct  :wacko:


Project Cancelled SIG Secretary, specialising in post war British RN warships, RN and RAF aircraft projects. Also USN and Russian warships


According to the uk hannants site its still under "future releases" so maybe that explains the problems ? *raises eyebrows*  hmm..... :blink:


Quote from: Thorvic on October 24, 2009, 02:10:31 AM
Quote from: GrahamS on October 20, 2009, 11:46:40 AM
Anybody taken delivery of this book yet? I ordered mine in September and so far nothing.


How the hell do you order it via their website !!!! :banghead:

Its finally listed but when you click the only option to order now it taked you too the books order list which doesnt include the TSR book !!!!

Looks like it will be better to wait till SMW and buy direct  :wacko:


Give them  a call on 08707 333733 and order the old fashioned way!



Any one know if they'll be re-releasing their various TSR-2 accessory/conversion kits in 1/72, or scaled up to 1/48, to go along with this book?
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin


When I originally ordered the book (about a year ago!) I enquired about the resin sets for the 1/48th. The lady I spoke to didn't know but promised to pass on to who ever............

Most of the SAMI 1/72 stuff seems to have been issued in 1/48th by the likes of Cammet and Model Alliance.



just recieved my copy, a well put together 'what if' senario (ill admit iv got issues with using the 'Spottiswood Report' as a baseline but its valid from the standpoint utilised) all in all a recommended purchase for the TSR.2 shelves

the main issue i have is uncredited and unauthorised use of images (taken from a cd compiled by Danny Barbour and myself on behalf of BAE. Systems) as well as again uncredited use of researches (most obviously Chris Gibsons 'Secret Projects, missiles' volume as well as material i passed along to a modelling 'colleague' in good faith that it was NOT for this use!) i wonder if a few phone calls re this aspect maybe useful, especially as the publisher is one of those who take a dim view of their own material being reproduced!

there are some interesting speculative reconstructions in the publication, most notably the chaff dispensers for which no information other than a description of a 'pylon mounted unit' have come to light, as well as the oft repeated fiction of underwing 'Blue Water, this time as a single missile, again speculative

ill admit iv mixed feelings re Pauls obviously well put together book, the main one being knowing where much of the material has come from and the fact that virtually all of it is unreferenced (the material i passed along to the previously mentioned 'chap' came from official files at The National Archives for which it would be useful for anyone to verify the information provided!)

cheers, Joe

... 'i reject your reality and substitute my own !'

IPMS.UK. 'Project Cancelled' Special Interest Group Co-co'ordinator (see also our Project Cancelled FB.group page)
IPMS.UK. 'TSR-2 SIG.' IPMS.UK. 'What-if SIG.' (TSR.2 Research Group, Finnoscandia & WW.2.5 FB. groups)


I thought the chaff dispensers were internal? Now knowing your knowledge on the subject is unsurpased im wondering where on earth i got that idea from....

Just another example of incorrect info regarding the big bird i guess....   :unsure:


the main issue i have is uncredited and unauthorised use of images (taken from a cd compiled by Danny arbour and myself on behalf of BAE. Systems) as well as again uncredited use of researches (most obviously Chris Gibsons 'Secret Projects, missiles' volume as well as material i passed along to a modelling 'colleague' in good faith that it was NOT for this use!) i wonder if a few phone calls re this aspect maybe useful, especially as the publisher is one of those who take a dim view of their own material being reproduced!

Oh dear - a tad naughty I would have thought. I don't know why but I thought that this was your book, Joe. I'd heard/read/dreamt that you were producing one and for some reason assumed that this was it.
