Globrey Blordiator Completed!

Started by sequoiaranger, August 13, 2009, 10:59:57 AM

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Somewhat a continuation of the previously-named "Bleariator" thread, my Malta-saver Gloster Gladiator-on-steroids is, AT LAST, ready for major painting. The top wing is not yet cemented on (has to be done POST-painting); neither are the top wing guns, cockpit access hinged panel, nor propeller. Rigging and some minor struts also need to be done post-painting, so are absent here.

In the first pic, without the top wing (picture left) you can get the "feel" of the enlarged and empowered Gladiator.

In this second pic, you can see the general "tough" look of the Blordiator, with wing-top guns and under-wing 20mm. Spatted wheels (yes, even the tailwheel--not seen), wing-to-fuselage struts, "N" struts, dinghy pod, and other protuberances make the Blordiator look a little clunky, but "tough-and-ugly" is what you want in a "bar brawl" like over Malta in 1940.

In the next pic, you can kinda see the pilot, the bullets for the cheek guns, and the twin wing-mounted Lewis guns. Tell me this conglomeration would not be the envy of any pilot in 1918 sky!

Painting and decoration will be as the "Bleariator" thread proposed.
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!


Quote from: sequoiaranger on August 13, 2009, 10:59:57 AM
In the next pic, you can kinda see the pilot, the bullets for the cheek guns, and the twin wing-mounted Lewis guns. Tell me this conglomeration would not be the envy of any pilot in 1918 sky!

Sure, unless he was a Sopwith Dolphin pilot with his two fixed Vickers and two over-wing trainable Lewis guns. ;)


That Sopwith Dolphin was a good find, but the Blordiator has two 20mm cannon as well, plus about 4X the horsepower and 2X the speed. In a 1918 sky, comparatively the Blordiator would be like piloting an Me-262 in the Battle of Britain.
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!

Brian da Basher

That's coming along spledidly, SR! If I didn't say it before, I want to tell you how inspired those modified spats are! Just perfect for this baby and the paint scheme is shaping up to be a real winner!

It looks like you're in the home-stretch now!
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Brian da Basher


Here is the first look of the "look" of the Malta-as-seen-from-the-air camo. I first sprayed the upper wings with Floquil "Depot Buff", then masked off the areas that would be painted Floquil "Conrail Blue". Funny, the low-tack masking tape I used was about the same blue as Conrail, but I was using the blue to mask off the Buff! So after I sprayed, the whole plane looked blue, but peeling off the tape revealed the Buff underneath.

I deliberately made the top wing and bottom wings similar (DARE I use the word "same"?) with the same masking, but the placement is slightly different (partially due to the interference of the struts.

So I'm GETTING THERE, and I like the effect of the "harbors" mixed in with the general "city" ochre. Now I will attempt the hand-painted building shadows, agricultural areas, and even a few boats in the "harbors" for the full effect.

Hey! This is **FUN**! Like whifs oughta be!
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!


Likes to re-invent the wheel

Captain Canada

She does look big and powerful ! Funky paint too !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Loving the Malta Splinter so far, SR, she's coming along quite beautifully now.
Putty-fu, Scratch-jutsu and Bash-chi, the sacred martial arts of the What-If. Mastering them, is Ancient Chinese Secret.

Just your friendly neighbourhood Mad Scientist and Ship-whiffer.

Overkill? Nah, it's Insurance.  So are the 20" guns.

Brian da Basher

Nice start on the camo, SR. It certainly gives the impression of a harbor. I'm looking forward to your next update.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Brian da Basher


Can't wait till see that cammo finished  ;D  ;D
Everything looks better with the addition of British Roundels!

the Empires Twilight facebook page

"My country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right." - Carl Schurz


Great so far can't wait to see more!
"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." -Jules de Gaultier

"My model is right! It's the real world that's wrong!" -global warming scientist

An armor guy, who builds airplanes almost exclusively, that he converts to space fighters-- all while admiring ship models.


Thanks for the encouragement, guys! Here is the pic of the "finished" camo scheme. Note the picture of the real Valetta harbor in the background, from which my inspiration is taken. My camo is just an abbreviated, abstract impression of the landscape intended to break up the shape of the aircraft to make it harder to see. The detail is really an un-necessary element, but FUN!

Next is a close-up of the detail. I have ships and wakes in the harbor!!  :huh:  and lots of little "shadows" of geometric shapes to represent the built-up parts of Malta (as well as parks and gardens). It's just FUN! There are blank spots on the top wing and fuselage sides where the cocades will go--no sense wasting paint and effort there. I still have some paint work to do (touch-ups mostly), then the gloss-coat will go on so the decals can go on.

It's my feckin' model and I'm having a feckin' ball with it!  ;D
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!

Ed S

Now that is original.  Very interesting.  I like this so far. 

We don't just embrace insanity here.  We feel it up, french kiss it and then buy it a drink.


i really don't know what to say, i love it :wub:  :wub:
Everything looks better with the addition of British Roundels!

the Empires Twilight facebook page

"My country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right." - Carl Schurz

Barry Krell

An interesting camo scheme to say the least!  Hats off to this one.
Aston Martin  - Power, Beauty, Soul.