Keep watching the Imperialist dogs!

Started by Ollie, February 03, 2004, 07:44:33 PM

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I've learned that my full report on the La-15K has been intercepted and sent to one of the big Three.  Keep watching this space or the aforementionned sites for details.

Major Olivienev Jakovitch Lacombski, SPD VVS (Special Projects Division)


As those Imperistic pigs are so fond of saying, "Oh $#!* !" I've already alerted my people & the Kremlin of a possible breach in security.

Vespernoliavich B)

Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.


greetings comrades

this is grave news indeed, when will our assets be able to confirm this?

Comrade Ramonov



The Imperialists have struck!

La-15K spotted at Modeling Madness

:lol:  B)

Major Olivienev Jakovitch Lacombski, SPD VVS (Special Projects Division)  

Captain Canada

That's okay....they were asking for help for thier updates....nice to see folk helping out !

Great looking bird, Ollieskovitch !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Well, since I'm a regular contributor to MM, it's just normal I send them stuff!

I got good raves about it too!

B)  B)  


Well done Tovaritch Lacombskie, but I must say that I noticed one suspious man in the crowd that came thrue yesterday (tall, gray hair and had a noticibly un-russian accent.)

Vespernolianvich B)  
Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.


Well done Comrade Lacombski!  Even the imperial capitalist Tom Cleaver has high praise for your patriotic achievements!  I recommend that Comrade Lacombski here be awarded the Order of the Red (What-If) Star!
"We can resolve this over tea and fisticuffs!!!"


Speaking of what if's, what if the former Soviets had taken something like a Typhoon class sized ship and converted it to a submersable carrier? The Japanese figured out how to do it a bunch of years ago, why couldn't the Russians. Five or six VTOL or STOL aircraft located in bins straddling the pressure hulls. Take out the missle tubes and you'd have gobs of space, a hanger deck perhaps, and the top could serve as a runway. <_<

The thing might not be the deepest diver in the fleet, but it could deliver aircover for the assault forces emerging from the converted Typhoon assault submarines that might be landing armour and troops on some capitalist shore.  
Getting back into modeling


Comrade, firstly your way of speaking is very disappointing.  No proper Soviet citizens speak in such a Western decadent way.

Secondly, keep the watch for Comrade Toadarov is preparing something that should please you.

<_<  -_-

Major Olivienev Jakovitch Lacombski, SPD VVS (Special Projects Division)  

Joe C-P

QuoteSpeaking of what if's, what if the former Soviets had taken something like a Typhoon class sized ship and converted it to a submersable carrier? The Japanese figured out how to do it a bunch of years ago, why couldn't the Russians. Five or six VTOL or STOL aircraft located in bins straddling the pressure hulls. Take out the missle tubes and you'd have gobs of space, a hanger deck perhaps, and the top could serve as a runway. <_<
Comrade Wife-Threatened,

An excellent suggestion; in fact, so excellent that it has already been done! I am am searching through my references for pictures of said subject, and will post the same when found.

Comrade Iosef R, shipbuilding directorate
In want of hobby space!  The kitchen table is never stable.  Still managing to get some building done.


COmrades, imagine these glorious cr=arrier subs surfacing off an enemy coastline to give air support to our glorious Ekranoplans as they hurtle towards the shore to disgorge wave upon wave of trrops to crush the imperialistic opposition forces. Imagine the terror in the enemy when they see our glorious aviators hurtle over them when they are least expected.
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die

Joe C-P

Aha! Here are the images of our great Soviet triumph, the SSVN!

The elevator is just forward of the bridge. Removing the missile tubes allowed carrying 5 advanced YaK-38Cs, with uprated engines and attack radar.  :ph34r:

Up the Rrrrrrevolution!

Comrade Iosef R  
In want of hobby space!  The kitchen table is never stable.  Still managing to get some building done.