CAC 'Brumby'

Started by Glenn, January 28, 2004, 04:02:30 PM

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Back in Oct. 1945, CAC built this aircraft as a private venture for the RAAF. The official title, 'Brumby', (a wild Australian horse)was thought highly be it's crews, as it was a pleasure to fly and to operate. The pilots, however thought this aircraft was more of a thoroughbred, than a 'wild nag' and  affectionately called it 'Big Red'!
Big Red was the nick-name for the Melbourne Cup winner, Phar-Lap, of the 1930's.
(Australia's answer to Seabiscuit)
Used in service from 1946~1956, and saw action in Korea and Malaya. Fazed out of combat service during the Korean War, but served as an advanced trainer until retired.
Those that weren't scrapped were bought for the Reno races, and the last seen in The States was at Oskosh in 1986.
This photo shows the last aircraft flying, seen over the Queensland 'Gold Coast' from an Airshow in 1997.

Model       Heller 1/72nd P-51D
Modifications.   nose extended by 1/2 " (12mm) and the tail shortened by 12mm. Also, the undercart is now mounted in the centre of the wing, completely changing the C/G, as this aircraft had tricycle undercarriage.



Ves B)  
Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.


Glenn, that is sweet.  Looks like my P-102!!

Ask Tophe about that one.

B)  :P  :wub:  


:wub:  :wub:  :wub:  Great, Lyn !
And here is Ollie's one :  :wub:  
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


I plan to update my P-102 page with this new Brumby marvel. Is this paragraph correct for English readers ?
Early in 2004, Lyn Ludgate did present another P-51 with a nose wheel and different centering, that would have been built by the Australian society Commonwealth. The name of the Australian wild horse was replacing the name of the American one. Nose and tail were moved ahead, with a pretty short back.

The book is still waiting for TSR-Joe final checking of my last English pages about his Mustangs... I hope this will be finished in February, accepted in March, printed in April, received in May. And I will send in June (I hope) their free copies to Ollie, Lyn, Toad, Radish, Elmayerle, JCC, TSR-Joe, Alvis, Libellula, Zuid99 (and Luka if I got his address). For summer-holyday reading... (Sorry for Lyn: July is winter in Australia, I fear...)
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]

Captain Canada

Sweet !

I think it would look even better with a short nose and a short tail !

And I still love that F-103. I coloured one in one time, and drew an 'in flight' pic...I'll have to see if I can find them !

Good job, Lyn !
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


great model mate!

Love the back ground shot of a fly over Surfers Paradise.

Get this Cheese to sick bay!


   C.A.C. stands for Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation and have been making aircraft since 1941. Actually, Australia had an aircraft industry before we had a car industry.


Thanks Lyn, I knew the CAC name and that is why I wrote CAC on the drawing and Commonwealth in the text. Is that insultingly truncated ? For instance, I have discovered the CAC Boomerang kit first as "Commonwealth Boomerang" and I thought it was not insulting, was it ? Of course I know that the Commonwealth is a trade union gathering UK and its past colonies, but for us aviation-enthusiasts, Commonwealth means the nice Australian company that built Southern Mustangs and the Boomerang. No ?
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Sisko, are you from OZ?
If so, where?


I live in Adelaide now but I'm a born and bred Queenslander!

Spent 23 of my 34 years living in Brisbane.

B)  B)

Get this Cheese to sick bay!


Sorry about the delay, but having a 35mm camera depends on finishing the film.


Nice looking ride ride Glenn - any chance of seeing some 'export' versions in the future?


Quoteany chance of seeing some 'export' versions in the future?
This one would be welcome in France too. These are the same colours on our flag, even if JMNs would say the direction is different... Who cares ? I don't. Welcome, Brunbi ! Thanks Glenn designer !
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]

Captain Canada

Looks goof standing on it's hind legs Lyn !

Sure would have helped the pilots out on the ground, eh ?!

Cheers !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?