
Big Turboprops

Started by GTX, September 26, 2008, 01:44:07 PM

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Hi folks,

I was recently reading about the new EuroProp International TP400-D6 (the engine that will power the A400M) and started to wonder of the possibilities of designs using just one of these large turboprops (or similar - say the Kuznetsov NK-12 for instance).  Imagine a single TP400 of approx 10,000 shp powering something - an enlarged PC-12 or similar maybe? Your ideas?


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


I've been having thoughts along this line myself, but using this engine from a C-133.
If I'm not building models, I'm out riding my dirtbike


If im not mistaken, the Kuznetsov engine is almost as long as the PC-12 :thumbsup:

The Europrop really is overkill for anything smaller than a Dash-8-400. I did find this concept on the internet though:


Well Rolls Royce for one has been touting the idea of turboprops making a significant comeback as B737/A320 replacments - I think that drawing is right in that class.

How about a 1 or 2 seater powered by one of these babies though? :blink:


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


Add a tail ramp to that plane & you've got another short/med. haul intratheater job!

Shas 8)
Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.


Quote from: GTX on September 27, 2008, 11:48:48 AM
Well Rolls Royce for one has been touting the idea of turboprops making a significant comeback as B737/A320 replacments - I think that drawing is right in that class.

How about a 1 or 2 seater powered by one of these babies though? :blink:



I beleive the engine RR has been looking at is the unducted jet engine. Sorta like a crossover between a jet and turboprop...

Dunno about a 1 or 2 seater with a Europrop TP-400, but it better have 2, or the torch might make it a bit hard to control. Perhaps something like the Dornier Do-335, with swept wings?


QuoteI beleive the engine RR has been looking at is the unducted jet engine. Sorta like a crossover between a jet and turboprop...

Both the turboprop and the Open Rotor (new name for the UDFs) are being looked at.  See following links:

OpenRotors etc


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


How about one of these babies in something like the Ayres Loadmaster:


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


That would make a funky gunship.
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


What on earth is that? I love it! :wub:


It's Mike Myers in another rendition of 'Fat fuzzy bunny'   :wacko:
If I'm not building models, I'm out riding my dirtbike


Quote from: GTX on October 11, 2008, 01:22:41 PM
How about one of these babies in something like the Ayres Loadmaster:

The love child of a Budd Conestoga and a Cessna Caravan. 

OMG that's the ugliest thing I've ever, ever seen.

"My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over." - Gerald R. Ford, 9 Aug 1974


The Ayers LOadmaster is quite possible the most visually offensive thing to take flight.  :blink:

Trip7-Love your big TP concept.  That wing may be a bit thin/swept for an aircraft operating from restricted airports though.  That looks like a pretty fast wing, especially with no leading-edge devices.  Also you amy want to increase the rudder area with all that torque.  An engine failure at V1 would be interesting with such a small rudder area.  :o

Also, I'd give it a ceiling above FL250.  The Q400 is certified to 270 IIRC, and the D328 is certified to 290 I THINK.  Either way ,that wing looks like it would be happy high and fast.  Speaking of speed, your numbers are a little off. At 25,000 M 0.7 is closer to about 360kts, not 440.  At 250 440KTAS would be about .84 (with some variation for temperature). 

Still, it's a gerat design and I love the concept of a 320/737-sized turboprop.  It really makes sense for high-density, short-medium segments such as the US northeast corridor.   :thumbsup:
So I got that going for me...which is nice....


Quote from: AeroplaneDriver on October 13, 2008, 09:58:34 AM
The Ayers LOadmaster is quite possible the most visually offensive thing to take flight.  :blink:

Ah, but did they ever finish or fly the prototypes? My recollection is that the company, and project, tanked before aircraft completion.



I was under the impression the prototype flew, but on doing a little research it looks like it was still being developed when they folded. 
So I got that going for me...which is nice....