a different type of Zero.

Started by Glenn, September 13, 2008, 12:48:46 AM

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500 feet above the Hawai'ian islands, a lone Zero awaits orders to attack. Close to one of the islands below, two boats speed along...one awaiting orders, the other giving them.
Suddenly, the clapper board is closed, with a voice..." Scene 37...Take 5..........Action!"
The Zero goes into a shallow dive and lines up with the two bombers and escorts them into the scene.
A behind the scenes look from the movie, "PT-109" maybe!
Model : HobbyBoss T-6 and a little help from PhotoShop.

Brian da Basher

Tora tora tora dis!!!!!

Nice one, Glenn!
Brian da Basher


That brought a grin to my face !  Nice work, Glenn...you have the photoshop thing down to a science !


 :banghead: WEASEL!! :banghead:

(I'm working up the same thing, just using the Academy kit.  :thumbsup:
One of the CAF's Tora Tora Tora birds is kept at an airport about 30 miles from my home.
Nothing better than having access to the real article!!! )


 ;D Very very cool! Mind you, wouldn't it be SUPERcool if someone did a full Tora Tora Tora conversion on a kit? Ya know - new canopy, three-blade prop, modded tail and wings? :mellow:

Oh, hang on a sec! http://modelingmadness.com/reviews/mod/yatest6m.htm

:thumbsup: :rolleyes:

How does the Hobby Boss kit build? I'm seriously considering picking one up for another, FICTITIOUS movie conversion.....unless some of you remember the 1973 movie Dauntless Squadron?


Zac, the model is built with a small number of parts...the fuselage is one piece with the cockpit seats being glued to the wing, and slotted in place. Detail is good, and the price was around $10 Aust. Decals in National Chinese and USAF.
There are hundreds of T-6's you could make, including the ones in Tora! Tora! Tora! left unconverted, and just repainted.
Rotorhead, mate, pal, buddy...where do you live again? I'd love a model of a Tora 'Val, Nate and Zero'....oh, one can dream!
Last photo 'till I do something else.


I'd love to get my hands on a Pavla BT-13 and bash her into a TTT Val. If I had the money I'd love to buy and syndicate a 1:1 example. What a seriously foxy machine ;D



I'm in Austin, and the CAF birds are in San Marcos, just a short drive south of me.
Have a look at their website: http://www.realtime.net/centex/Cntxwing.htm


Hey, Rotorhead...we're almost neighbours! I only live about 8,000 miles from you! Yeah, if I can't get the Vultee Valliant model, I'll settle for plans of one.
I've thought of a few movies with T-6's in them....
A bridge too far
Tora, Tora
Where Eagles Dare
In Halm's Way
The Great Escape
The Final Countdown
Operation Petticoat
and a Dutch movie, made around the time as Bridge too far, but built as a Fokker DXXI
any more?


Quote from: Glenn on September 15, 2008, 12:23:01 AM
I've thought of a few movies with T-6's in them....
and a Dutch movie, made around the time as Bridge too far, but built as a Fokker DXXI
I think that was 'Soldat van Oraanje', with Rutger Hauer. ;D ;D

By the way T-6s were, I recall, used to replicate Typhoons, P-47s and possibly FW190s in 'A Bridge Too Far'.
What If? & Secret Project SIG member.
On the go: Beaumaris/Battle/Bronco/Barracuda/F-105(UK)/Flatning/Hellcat IV/Hunter PR11/Hurricane IIb/Ice Cream Tank/JP T4/Jumo MiG-15/M21/P1103 (early)/P1154-ish/Phantom FG1/I-153/Sea Hawk T7/Spitfire XII/Spitfire Tr18/Twin Otter/FrankenCOIN/Frankenfighter


Will die without understanding this world.