
Finished Product Preview: CA-114D "Kangaroo Rat"

Started by Shasper, August 24, 2008, 10:27:52 AM

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Ok, since for whatever reason all of my finished projects post prior to the forum switchover are now lost in the matrix  :banghead:, I'm gonna start fresh. Everything seen here is just about finished, with only a few minor details that need to be fixed prior to being put up in the main gallery here. Over time both the title & content will change so try and keep up  :thumbsup:

Shas 8)
Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.


CA-114C Verret (Warthog)
No. 114
Assigned to RCAF Europe det.
RCAF Breinhorst 1982

  The development of the CL-41K started in mid -1968 as an enhancement of the CL-41G Tebuen sold to Malaysia, with the 1st prototype flying in the summer of 1969. Not long after the first flight the Royal Canadian Air Force started to take a particular interest in the project, noting the USAFs use of the A-37 (derived from the T-37) to provide Close Air Support to US & ARVN forces in Viet Nam. After 3 months of intensive testing and weapons trials, the RCAF ordered a refined version of the CL-41K prototype into production as the CA-114C.

  Among the changes made to the airframe were the addidtion of 2 extra underwing pylons (bringing the total to 8), and 3 fuselage stations, as well as a 50 gal. fueltanks on each wingtip, and a pair of removable 12.7mm gunpods that could be attached under the fuselage. The original J85 engine was replaced by the more up-rated J85-15, while the undercarrage and flight controls were beefed up, armor plate was added, and the airframe was stressed & strengthed to bear the additional weight. Deliveries started in March of 1970.

  A total of 120 aircraft were delievered to the RCAF, serving with six squadrons based in Canada, two squadrons in Newfoundland and 18 aircraft assigned to the RCAF in Germany. Primary role of the Verret (as the aircraft came to be known) was to provide Close Air Support to friendly ground forces, often working in conjunction with airborn forward air controllers flying CO-100 Broncos. The CA-114C served with distingtion on the front line, with regular deployments made to the US, Britian, Italy & Australia. Ten Verrets were sent to RAF Akrotiri as a part of the Canadian forces dispatched to help maintain order on Cypress in 1975. The Verret remained a part of the RCAF until 1990, when the improved CA-114D started to replace them in service.
Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.

Big Bird

The Rat

Quote from: Shasper on August 24, 2008, 10:31:22 AM...serving with six squadrons based in Canada, two squadrons in Newfoundland...

You's is sayin' dat loik dey separated from us me son. Sumtin in dackstory ya hain't tellin' us?
"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought, cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives." Hedley Lamarr, Blazing Saddles

Life is too short to worry about perfection

Youtube: https://tinyurl.com/46dpfdpr


Nope, other than Newfie is certaintly big enough to be their own country. . . Think my line of thought when I came up with that one was, in the even of war breaking out in Europe, Newfie would be the jump point for any RCAF units trying to get across the pond. Since ground pounders would be needed to stop ol' Uncle Joe, it would make sense to position some mud movers in Newfie as sorta rapid-reaction force . . . oh great now I've got yet another idea! *shakes head*
Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.


CA-114D "Kangaroo Rat"
Based at Al-aWati FAB
Saudi Arabia 1991

   Bombardier Aerospace (formerly Canadair) started work on what would become known as the CL-41P in 1988 when the J85 engine in their CL-41K demonstrator was replace with a non-afterburning version of the General Electric F404.  After placing the aircraft through an extensive flight test program, Bombardier approached the Royal Canadian Air Force with a proposal to upgrade the aging CA-114C fleet. While at first the RCAF turned the proposal down, favoring instead to replace the CA-114s with surplus US A-10 Warthogs or British built Jaguar attack aircraft, but in the end economics prevailed & the RCAF approved the upgrade program (now known as the CA-114D) in the fall of 1989.

  72 CA-114s were selected to go through the conversion process. Among the improvements made were the addition of two underwing pylons (bringing the total to ten), the nose mounted landing light was replaced by an IR seeker, and the cockpit was updated. The original J85 engine was replaced by the GE F404, which necessitated the addition of a pair of airscoops aft of the cockpit.  A fixed refueling probe was mounted on the starboard intake and a new Radar Warning Receiver system was installed in a pair of blisters behind the cockpit. Range was increased by replacing the original 50 gallon tiptanks with larger 275 gal. tanks, and armament was enhanced by the addition of the AGM-65 Maverick anti-tank & AIM-9 Sidewinder air to air missiles. The first conversion was completed in Jan. of 1990.

  Only 28 aircraft were partially finished when Iraq invaded Kuwait in August of 1990, and these were quickly thru the final stages of the program. One last minute addition to the aircraft's armament prior to being sent to the Middle East was the integration of the British built 30mm Aden gunpod. Modifications made once deployed to Saudi Arabia were an IR exhaust suppressor, a pair of flare dispensers, and a 3-tone desert camouflage was applied over the normal green & gray scheme.

   During Operation Desert Storm the CA-114D (known as "Kangaroo Rats" due to their size) performed close air support for Coalition troops, usually working in conjunction with forward air control aircraft like the RCAF CO-100 or US Marine OV-10D Broncos and USAF A-10s. Midway through the conflict the CA-114s started flying armed FAC missions, and towards the end of the war they were employing laser guided bombs against fortifications in Kuwait & southern Iraq, with target designation provided by other Coalition aircraft.

  After the end of the Gulf war the CA-114D's role in the newly integrated Canadian Armed Forces was expanded to include forward air control & air support for search and rescue operations, both missions previously undertaken by the old CO-100 Bronco. The 'Rats were deployed in response to the conflicts Bosnia and Kosovo, undertaking FAC missions & supporting Coalition forces despite the marginal weather conditions that prevailed in keeping the aircraft grounded most of the time. During the run up to Operation Enduring Freedom it was decided that the CA-114s would not be deployed, citing the aircrafts slow speed & lack of performance in "hot n high" conditions. Current plans call for the CA-114D to be replaced by the CF-155B Snowhawk in 2003.

Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.


"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." -Jules de Gaultier

"My model is right! It's the real world that's wrong!" -global warming scientist

An armor guy, who builds airplanes almost exclusively, that he converts to space fighters-- all while admiring ship models.


Yeah buddy, cooler than the other side of the pillow ;D :thumbsup:
I amuse me.
Huge fan of noisy rodent.
Things learned from this site: don't tease wolverine.
Eddie's personal stalker.
Worshippers in Nannerland