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1/72 Sopwith Sandwich built from breadclips

Started by Brian da Basher, June 30, 2008, 04:04:34 PM

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Brian da Basher

In World War I, many members of the British nobility answered the call to defend King and Country. Montague Charles Montagu, the 9th & 1/2 Earl of Sandwich was no exception. "Monty" Montagu had a keen interest in aviation and thus was one of the first British noblemen to serve in the Royal Flying Corps. The 9th & 1/2 Earl of Sandwich spent the first few years of the war commanding a training squadron in Dorset. When the formation of the Royal Air Force was announced, the Earl decided the time was ripe to get a transfer to a combat unit. Not only did he lobby powerful friends in the new air arm, but he also ordered the Sopwith Aero Co. to build a fighter of his own design. The new aircraft was armed with two .50 cal. machine guns and powered by the Gnome Stone rotary engine of 200 h.p. Never forgetting their high-born customer, the designers christened the new aeroplane the Sopwith Sandwich. The Sandwich was mistakenly varnished in PC 12 instead of PC 10, due to misinterpretation caused by a mustard stain on the plans.

The good Earl and his Sandwich departed for France on the last day of April, 1918. By the end of the following month, the Earl had proven his mettle in air combat against the Germans and had 13 victories to his credit. Thus began the dreaded Sandwich Scourge. Between May and October, 1918, the Earl and his Sandwich had claimed 38 enemy aircraft downed in combat. The good Earl was called back home to take over the Earldom in October, 1918 when his father suddenly fell ill. The 9th & 1/2 Earl of Sandwich returned to R.A.F. duty after his father recovered in 1920. Air Commodore "Monty" Montagu left a legacy of fearlessness in the face of the enemy and was also lauded for his development, along with Squadron Leader Frederick Rye and Flight Officer James Mayo, of the Sandwich and Rye with Mayo theory of air combat. "Monty's" Sopwith Sandwich can be seen on display at the Museum of Early Flight in Poole, across from the cafeteria where one can get a decent ham sarnie.

Brian da Basher

Brian da Basher

Most of this project was made from plastic bread clips. I also used some spare struts and wheels as well as an engine, cowling and propellor. The machine guns were cut from old pieces of sprue. CA was used to bond all the parts together and the model is rigged with some excellent plastic wire provided by the very generous Jeffry Fontaine.

Brian da Bashyer

Brian da Basher

The model was painted by hand with acrylics. I used Model Masters Rust which looks like PC 12 to me on the uppers and cheap craft store Tan on the undersides to represent Clear Doped Linen. The engine and guns were painted with craft store Gunmetal and I used Liquitex Mars Black artists' colors on the cowling. Polly Scale Gunship Gray was used on the tires and the rudder stripes were done with Polly Scale Red and Blue (the white is the gesso primer I used). The decals are from spares, most come from a sheet for SE-5s. It took me about four days to put this little Sandwich together and I hope you enjoy it.

Brian da Basher


Will die without understanding this world.


It's brilliant!! How do you do it Brian?? How do you go from a plie of bread clips to a brilliant little model like this?? Would it be possible for you to describe your build method please mate? Many thanks
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


Aha!  My suggestion for a name lives on!!!!!
Good work, BdB, you're on a roll.  You clearly used your loaf in coming up with this one.
;D ;D
What If? & Secret Project SIG member.
On the go: Beaumaris/Battle/Bronco/Barracuda/F-105(UK)/Flatning/Hellcat IV/Hunter PR11/Hurricane IIb/Ice Cream Tank/JP T4/Jumo MiG-15/M21/P1103 (early)/P1154-ish/Phantom FG1/I-153/Sea Hawk T7/Spitfire XII/Spitfire Tr18/Twin Otter/FrankenCOIN/Frankenfighter

Brian da Basher

That name was just too good to pass up, kitbasher! The slope of the engine decking and the shape of the wings and tail are subtle nods to the Sopwith lineage. I couldn't help thinking of the Sopwith Tabloid while I was working on it.

Lancer, a PM is on the way with my breadclip building techniques.

I'm really glad you gents enjoyed my Sandwich. After eating all that bread, I wasn't hungry anyway.
Brian da Basher





Now go away and leave us ham-fisted kit-assemblers in peace.  Taunt us no more!
So I got that going for me...which is nice....



Wow...You're amazing  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup: 

The color you chose is beautiful and the backstory is really creative.   :lol:

Love ya,
Trace  :wub:


Locked in the Broom Cupboard.

"The CH-53 is proof that if you strap enough engines to something it will fly."

Daryl J.

Breadclips!!!!!!!!! BdB, what could you do with Evergreen sheet????

Daryl J.

Brian da Basher

Quote from: Daryl J. on July 23, 2008, 11:05:34 PM
Breadclips!!!!!!!!! BdB, what could you do with Evergreen sheet????

Daryl J.

Sheet styrene? That's what I use to scratch-build spats. 

It never ocurred to me to use it for the other parts.  :banghead:

Brian da Basher