
Vaygr Fighter

Started by Taiidantomcat, June 23, 2008, 02:35:57 PM

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My progress so far, need to do some touch ups along with adding more gray panels and what not. plan on arming it with a pair of russian-esque missiles when all is said and done. I used the Testors 1/48 F-5 and turned both sets of wings backwards and made a new engine that is closer to the Vaygr. i wasn't really "feeling this" after i primed it, but i put those black stripes on and... :wub: I really like the sharp contrast and i hope to finish it very soon. Just one pic for now i will add more when i am through.

"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." -Jules de Gaultier

"My model is right! It's the real world that's wrong!" -global warming scientist

An armor guy, who builds airplanes almost exclusively, that he converts to space fighters-- all while admiring ship models.


TTomcat it's about time you posted something else. ;D ;D  your stuff is just too cool  :wub:  Love the stripes :wub: very slimming :thumbsup: :bow:
I amuse me.
Huge fan of noisy rodent.
Things learned from this site: don't tease wolverine.
Eddie's personal stalker.
Worshippers in Nannerland


Is that from an SF series?


It's not by any chance the "Vargr" from the Traveller SFRPG is it?
"Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot."
 - Sandman: A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Neil Gaiman

"I dunno, I'm making this up as I go."
 - Indiana Jones


"Just your standard-issue big gun."
- Batou, Ghost in the Shell

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Very cool - it needs more asymmetry! Maybe a big weapons pod on one of the wings, but built-in rather than slung underneath?
Some of my models can be found on my Flickr album >>>HERE<<<


Very cool!  I love it when SF stuff shows up here.   :wub:
So I got that going for me...which is nice....


Now that's Capital F FUNKY!!!  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: More Mooooooore
Chris"PanzerWulff"Gray "The Whiffing Fool"
Self proclaimed "GODZILLA Junkie"!


 :bow: Thanks everyone, and next time i will i make sure to post more information about origins of the model. but yes it is from Homeworld 2 and i have literally dozens of models planned from the homeworld series almost all conversions of some kind of modern (and if i can find a way World war II) plane. in case you couldn't tell i really like those games! i wasnt sure if Sci fi would be the biggest hit around here, but i figured you couldn't be a What if modeler if you didn't have at least a passing interest in Science fiction. Nearly every Vaygr ship is Asymmetrical so i agree whole heartedly that it needs a little more in that area...open to suggestions...

"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." -Jules de Gaultier

"My model is right! It's the real world that's wrong!" -global warming scientist

An armor guy, who builds airplanes almost exclusively, that he converts to space fighters-- all while admiring ship models.


pretty much Finished:

Like the "bullseye" look of the head on view.

Just need to flat coat and add a pair of missiles to the right wing for the asymmetrical finish.
"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." -Jules de Gaultier

"My model is right! It's the real world that's wrong!" -global warming scientist

An armor guy, who builds airplanes almost exclusively, that he converts to space fighters-- all while admiring ship models.


Neato ;D I'm absolutely in the dark about computer games but sci -fi of any kind kicks butt :thumbsup: DO MORE :wub:
I amuse me.
Huge fan of noisy rodent.
Things learned from this site: don't tease wolverine.
Eddie's personal stalker.
Worshippers in Nannerland


Throw some checkers, random symbols and a blue star of david and it would have a Chris Foss feel.

I like it! The paint job really makes the identification of the base aircraft hard.

It's nice to see the occasional Sci-fi project here. 
Get this Cheese to sick bay!


Awesome.  The Chris Foss look is killer.


Homeworld Game Designers Say Foss and Peter Elson were their main inspiration for craft design, and even named one of the charecters in the game Elson. Keen Eyes Sisko and Noxious. Hope to do the checkers someday too. Thanks for the great comments everyone.
"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." -Jules de Gaultier

"My model is right! It's the real world that's wrong!" -global warming scientist

An armor guy, who builds airplanes almost exclusively, that he converts to space fighters-- all while admiring ship models.


Quote from: Weaver on June 23, 2008, 03:24:35 PM
It's not by any chance the "Vargr" from the Traveller SFRPG is it?

Thats what I was thinking as well.