avatar_John Howling Mouse

Completed Entries

Started by John Howling Mouse, June 20, 2008, 08:01:01 PM

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John Howling Mouse

Please post a few pics of your entry model and one of the original profile which inspired it here.  Clearly indicate both your name and the designation you've given your subject.  Please note the profile artist's name (even if just his What If handle) and also post a link to your original build thread so folks can see how you achieved your masterpiece.  If the profile which inspired your model has a thread of its own (about that particular profile idea), feel free to post that link as well.

As usual, we ask that viewers restrict their comments to the modeller's original build thread so that this thread remains focused on the entries themselves.

Looking forward to all entries and the usual nail-biting that will ensue as we try to pick a winner.
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


My name is Ron Fulce .Here is my completed entry for this Profiles Tribute

Here is the profile by GTX that it is based upon

GTX called the Profile the Sabrecat but I chose to name it the Hellstorm
Here is the link to the complete build thread in Current and Finished Projects
I posted a photo essay with complete backstory here
Here are a few more pics
From above

From below

Fly by
I amuse me.
Huge fan of noisy rodent.
Things learned from this site: don't tease wolverine.
Eddie's personal stalker.
Worshippers in Nannerland


My name is Ron Fulce. This is my second completed entry for this GB the Mstang

While the design is from my warped imagination it's paint and decals were inspired by this

Posted by the excellent profiler ARC3371 here
Here are a few more views

While in my opinion it is not technically as good as some of my models it is a series of firsts for me.
It is the first paintjob I have ever done from someones profile

It is also the first time I have made my own decals

I actually downloaded and printed the German Coat of Arms to apply to the tailplanes
I also mocked up the roundels to match the profile

If you would like to see the whole sorry mess you can go here
If you would like to read the backstory on the aircraft and see more views please go here
I amuse me.
Huge fan of noisy rodent.
Things learned from this site: don't tease wolverine.
Eddie's personal stalker.
Worshippers in Nannerland


G'day Gang,

Here's a couple of completed builds along with their profiles.

First up the RN Hornet FRS.1 off the Hasegawa 72nd F/A-18D (yeah right) and then the JASDF FV-8J off the Esci AV-8B.  The Harrier has had a nose job with radar & FLIR replacing the ARBS.

Multiple shots and other pics are in my 'Proposed builds' thread, here: http://www.whatifmodelers.com/index.php/topic,20277.0.html

Again, many thanks to Steve (Aircav) for the Harrier kit.



Roger the Cabin Boy

Zim J-10, inspired by Gekko. 

The future's so bright, I gotta wear NVGs...


Mirage 2000BJ, 301 Hikotai JASDF.

Here is the profile

Profile is by Iranian F-14A

And here is the finished model


Build thread here

Between almost-true and completely-crazy, there is a rainbow of nice shades - Tophe

Sales of Airfix kits plummeted in the 1980s, and GCSEs had to be made easier as a result - James May


G'day Gang,

The Miracle 2000 isn't mine.  The work looks familiar but I can't quite place it.

The A-14C is finally completed.  Somewhat of a 'silk purse & sow's ear' sorta deal methinks.




Hi All!!

She's done. The only thing left is to put her on a base which will have to wait for the weekend as payday is on Friday :)

The kit is the Academy 1/48 MiG-21MF. Quite a nice kit that required a minimal filling and sanding routine to get it ready for paint. The inspiration is this profile by Richard of Gekko Graphics fame:

My A/c however represents a E.C. 03-03 "Ardennes"  machine in 1987 operating in Djibouti.

The last one is in because I took all the other pics and then realised that the blade antenna behind the 'pit wasn't painted :P Now she is though!

As always crits and comments most welcome!

Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.


G'day Gang,

Here's another entry for the GB, namely a twin-tubbed Cutlass.  Although I have a couple of entries still on the go, time constraints will most likely see this as the last official entry for the build.  It uses the Fujimi 72nd scale F7U-3M as the base kit with another cockpit added behind the provided one.



Ian the Kiwi Herder

"When the Carpet Monster tells you it's full....
....it's time to tidy the workbench"

Confuscious (maybe)


2nd (and probably final) entry done.  First profile by (I believe) Glanini, 2nd profile by BlackOps

Mitsubishi Taifu, 3 Hikotai, Misawa AB, JASDF, 2010

More pics and IP work can be found here http://www.whatifmodelers.com/index.php/topic,20392.new.html#new
Between almost-true and completely-crazy, there is a rainbow of nice shades - Tophe

Sales of Airfix kits plummeted in the 1980s, and GCSEs had to be made easier as a result - James May

Bryan H.

Here's my RNZAF Bristol/Mikoyan-Gureyvich CF-127K inspired by Rallymodelers 'Wheat for Planes' threads.  Here's Rallymodeler's thread... http://www.whatifmodelers.com/index.php/topic,8817.0/highlight,wheat+for+planes.html

Here's Rallymodeler's profile, created because of Zac's request. 

My model as completed obviously has a different scheme.  However, since the NZ MiG-27's mentioned in the thread were not profiled, I felt free to take the original concept a step further. 

As the ex-Canadian MiG-23's and MiG-27's were bought at 'bargain' prices, the RNZAF was able to form three combat squadrons (in addition to 14 Sqdn. with the Aermacchi MB.339's).  RNZAF 2 Sqdn., and (re-commissioned) 20 Sqdn. use the CF-123K while 75 Sqdn. uses the CF-127K.  Three full combat squadrons allowed NZ to have a greater spectrum of combat missions - intercept/air superiority, maritime strike, armed (photo) reconnaissance, ground-attack, CAS/BAI, SEAD - each squadron has a primary combat specialty and cross-trains on other missions.  All RNZAF MiG-23/27's have been upgraded with GE F110 engines and Kahu-grade ECM, avionics/electronics and weapons capability. 

75 Sqdn. primarily specializes in CAS and attack missions with reconnaissance and day fighter being secondary missions.  Four of 75 Sqdns. CF-127K were modified by Air New Zealand to accept a reconnaissance pallet - these four machines can be reconverted back to full combat standard with a GAU-12 25mm cannon in less than 1 hour at base.   

Enjoy and :cheers: Bryan

Miscellany (that effects modeling):
My son & daughter.
School - finishing my degree

Models (upcoming):
RCN A-4F+ ArcticHawk


Handley Page HP-111C Harrogate C.MK1 as inspired by Wooksta's profile

Still fixing the Krystal Klear cabin windows and need to add the odd aerial but it captures the concept.

Went with a later code as the 111 dates to Belfast era and used Belfast style titles.

Hope you like it


Project Cancelled SIG Secretary, specialising in post war British RN warships, RN and RAF aircraft projects. Also USN and Russian warships

Ian the Kiwi Herder

"When the Carpet Monster tells you it's full....
....it's time to tidy the workbench"

Confuscious (maybe)


Sagdeyev Sag-1 Borat, February 1943
September 1941, and RAF fighter pilots flying on missions across the English Channel report encounters with radial-engined fighters variously misidentified as Bloch 151s or Curtiss Hawk 75s impressed into Luftwaffe service.  Later that month, camera gun footage reveals the existence of the FW 190.  
Such events are not rare, and occur on all sides.  Luftwaffe pilots on the Eastern Front began reporting sightings in mid-1942 of Hawk 75s (again!) and even Brewster Buffaloes in Soviet service.  The July 1942 edition of the official Luftwaffe magazine 'Der Adler' even went as far as to publish a detailed profile (shown here) of what it claimed was a Soviet copy of the American P-40E, reverse–engineered (in modern parlance) to take an Ash-82 radial engine*.  In fact, what these pilots had encountered was the first fighter aircraft to be designed and built in Kazakhstan – the Sagdeyev Sag-1 Borat.

The Borat was the brainchild of Boltok Sagdeyev, Kazakh scourge of the Soviet media, who led a crusade to establish his homeland as a major industrial region of the Soviet Union.  One manifestation of this was the establishment in 1937 of an aircraft factory and airfield at Kuzcek, on the outskirts of Almaty.  With the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War, Sagdeyev determined to build a fighter aircraft of his own design - the Sag-1.

The prototype, piloted by Azamat Bagatov, first flew from Kuzcek in early 1942.  The type performed satisfactorily in tests and such was the demand for aircraft to defend the Soviet Union from the Germans that the Sag-1 was ordered into production shortly afterwards.

The example shown, 'White 25' was flown by Sagdeyev's son Bilo.  It was unusual in that it carried the Kazakh national emblem on the nose (a practice normally frowned upon by the Soviets), with the famed Kazakh battle cries 'Высоко Пять!' and 'Сексуальное время!' emblazoned on the fuselage sides.

(donor kits: Airfix Kittyhawk, Revell La-5FN)

*Long thought to be lost, the profile was rediscovered and posted on the What If? forum by contributor Chap in February 2007.
What If? & Secret Project SIG member.
On the go: Beaumaris/Battle/Bronco/Barracuda/F-105(UK)/Flatning/Hellcat IV/Hunter PR11/Hurricane IIb/Ice Cream Tank/JP T4/Jumo MiG-15/M21/P1103 (early)/P1154-ish/Phantom FG1/I-153/Sea Hawk T7/Spitfire XII/Spitfire Tr18/Twin Otter/FrankenCOIN/Frankenfighter