
Started by Libelula, December 11, 2003, 02:40:34 AM

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Hello everybody

I'm looking for drawings of a postwar french fleet carrier called  PA-52 project (I think) that was never built. It was a contemporary design to the Clemanceau and Foch but much bigger. Its Air Wing would have included the Dassault Mirage IV naval interceptor variant.

Thank you very much for the help! :wub:  

Joe C-P

If you obtain access to such, there are drawings in Conway's "All The World's Fighting Ships 1947-1982 Volume One : The Western Powers".

I'll see if I can find drawings elsewhere on the web.
In want of hobby space!  The kitchen table is never stable.  Still managing to get some building done.


Hi Joe

The PA-58 drawings are basically an enlarged Foch design, It would have been intresting if this design was redevolped in the late 60's tyhen we might have seen an Anglo-French CV's then. I noticed the PA-75 CVH (Nuclear Powered Helicopter carrier !!!!! <_< ) has alot of features that were integrated into the Charles De Gaulle design.

(Reminder to self - must consider doing a revised PA-58 when i finally get Foch completed !!!!  as a counter point to the CVA-01 design !!!)


Thor  B)  


Hi my friends,

I have found this link with info about the PA58 carrier including its name.


Verdun attack aircraft carrier

Displacement: 45,000 tons full load
Dimensions: 860 x 112 x ?? feet/262 x 34 x ?? meters
Extreme Dimensions: 939 x 190 x ?? feet/286.3 x 58 x ?? meters
Propulsion: Steam turbines, 4 shafts, 200,000 shp, 33 knots
Crew: ???
Armor: none
Armament: 2 Masurca SAM, 8 single 100 mm DP
Aircraft: unknown
Concept/Program: A larger carrier, intended as a nuclear-strike ship. Cancelled due to cost; one of a series of projects to meet this fate. Authorized 1958 but abandoned 1961 before work started.
From "Les Avions de Combat Françaises 1944-1960. Vol II. Jean Cuny. Docavia Vol 30. Editions La Riviere. I have collected the following information :

After abandonment of  « Mystère IV M », the French Navy has no night/bad wheather capable fighter projects available. The desired high performance fighter envisaged March 1955) was in the 20 Tm range which was too big for the Clemanceau class. But it was no problem  for the projected PA-58. (The PA-58 was a single class unit bigger than contemporary Clemanceau and capable of fulfil the nuclear attack role)
A "programme sommaire"  from 13 December 1955 demanded a 15 tm aircraft with maximum length of 17 m and 12 m of wingspan.
Sud Ouest offered a SO 4060-01 derivative named SO 4060 M. Dassault proposal was a member of the Mirage IV family. The Mirage IV M was selected in December 1956. Aircraft dimensions were length: 19,35 m ; wingspan: 11.75 m ; Max weight: 16500 Kg. It could be armed with a couple of AAM or a semirecesed 1 Tm nuclear bomb.
In 1958 (Acording to Jean Cuny) the PA-58 was cancelled. Consequently the Mirage IV M suffered cancellation too. The French Navy tried then to get a third Clemanceau but even this was not authorised due to budgetary reasons.  :ar:


If you can find the Docavia book on French Combat Aircraft from 19455 - 1960, it has drawings of a Mirage IVM.
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin


:cheers: Thank you very much for your help elmayerle!

I have Les Avions de Combat Françaises: 1944-1960 at home. I strongly recomend it for Aviation Enthusiasts. This is the pic: