Started by Radish, May 14, 2003, 01:53:29 PM

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I'm with you Geoff.
I'm building a REAL aeroplane instead of the overhyped junk that's of a mythical nature.
Perhaps we should call the RAF F-111s the TSR3 to show its superiority?
My TSR3 will be all white.
As for the build list for the Nats....it becomes ever longer, but as I'm knocking them out in 7-10 days a piece, that'll mean, apart from real aircraft (5 C-47s for Stafford, plus others), there's about 6 Canadian ones plus the TSR3 (Ha!!!!! I like it!!!!) in white, the Vulcan when I find it, and a severely different Luftwaffe Victor, not to mention the spaceship based on the Warspite. (I said not to mention that!!!!)
:aa  :dr  :aa  :dr  :aa
Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen

Martin H

QuoteTSR3 (Ha!!!!! I like it!!!!)
Ok Lee you bring the Timber.  Lancer the nails. And Ill bring the rope for the gibbit that terry will be swinging from at the nationals after the TSR-2 fan club has finnished with him :TT

Ill will concede thou. That the F-111 (ill wash my mouth out later for swearing here) was semi reasonable after the bugs had been ironed out....But the TSR-2 would have been exceptional.

the case for the prosicution rests m'lud
I always hope for the best.
experience has taught me to expect the worst.

Size (of the stash) matters.

IPMS (UK) What if? SIG Leader.
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Thorvic 1

QuoteThe Blackbeard one is going FAA, as the dark camo will - I hope - hide all the flaws.  Couple of Martels under the wings and its a goer.  I still have to get an u/c.

Hi Lee

If its a Carrier Version of TSR2 then wouldn't it have received a different configuration of u/c. I doubt the twin wheel configuration would be used, so perhaps you could rob and F-14 of A-5 u/c to use instead. Of course with all that resin a metal version would be preferred to prevent bowing or worst collaspe. Wonder what aeroclub have available.




:zz  :zz  :zz  :zz  :zz  :zz  :zz  :zz  :zz  :zz
Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen


Hi Skorpio

After picking up another 2 TSR-2 today (ouch) and the inferior F-111 - great to meet you and MartinH BTW; how about seeing if SAM might consider doing an Aircraft in Detail on TSR-2 along with artwork for the Possibilities of its operational career and users. Perhaps the display of them in variopus configurations at the Nats might encourage them.

I suppose Mike would go along with it (#### he might even join in !!!) but you would have to see what neil says.

Enjoy your read tonight, i'll have to await mine in the post from Midland counties sometime in the Future. Be interesting to see what possible build you can come up with.


(Geoff B)


A USAF TSR-2, sounds an interesting concept. I wonder if we could get a revised TSR-2 front fuselage created, shorten it a bit move the cockpit back to allow a larger nosecone, then some of the fighter versions could be created.

On the colour scheme above, wouldn't the demarkation line be lower down the fuselage and continued under the wing area along the engine bays. What colour would you do the underside, Aluminium or Light Aircraft Grey, but if this is for your weapons test variant then i suppose white will be fine, possibly with various calibration markings underneath (On that subject i think i might have some from the Sea Harrier FA2 test decals from Model Alliance)




QuoteOk Lee you bring the Timber.  Lancer the nails. And Ill bring the rope for the gibbit that terry will be swinging from at the nationals after the TSR-2 fan club has finnished with him

Will 6\" nails do Martin??....I always thought heritics were burned at the stake....
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


It could well be too late for SAM as Neil is leaving for another job, but as Neil is open to what if possibilities there maybe something elsewhere?  More later...


That scheme was copied from a copy of the official scheme, so it's about right.  The recce one is going to have a much lower demarcation line, but won't be ready for the weekend.  Grr!


Hi' Lee,
let me have a drawing for the Blue water and I'll turn you one in aluminium if you want.
"Subvert and convert" By Me  :-)

"Sophistication means complication, then escallation, cancellation and finally ruination."
Sir Sydney Camm

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Nigel Bunker


How do you like your stake done?
Life's too short to apply all the stencils


Hi Skorpio

I was just thinking that it probably wouldn't have started weapons trials till 1966 (How about a World Cup special !!! - LOL) and that was about the time the camo lines lowered.

VG Version with swing wings is still on the filler & sanding process, hopefully i may get the U?C by weekend so i can mount it on bluetack to test balance  (may need weight the cockpit and shade the canopy to get the balance right, or drop the tail hook, as it wont have the tandem mainwheel luxury. The RAF 2000 version is slowely being fitted out, need to put RWR on Fin and i may put EW/ECM bullets on the winglet tips (what do you think ?). Will add various sensors and aerials to the fwd fuselage and trying to decide where to put a TALID pod.




Hi Steve

Can we have Four !!! (very cheeky - i know), but it was one under each wing, with a belly tank. I'll see if i can copy the drawings for you if Lee doesn't get a chance before Sunday.

Diameter is about 0.84 cm and length is 11.06cm minus the tailcone covering the motor.




Hi Skorpio

[/QUOTE]Indian markings in the new Sea Harrier? Don't tell Magus, as he'll buy up the lot, and he already has more Sea Harriers than the Royal Navy

I noticed !!!!, as soon as i found one and he saw the markings he was off like a shot. I think he was very tempted by ED's offer on the 1/24 scale version at £47.99, but as there was no way he could have snook that one past the other half !!!!

Well at least the Sea Harrier is back on the market and with Model Alliances FA2 conversion and decals we night be able to build some before they retire to pastures new.




Oh, I forgot to add, it depends on what shift I'm on - theres a 1 in 3 chance I'll be working that weekend...I should find out in the next week or so ( I start shifts on the 30th so I'd better!)
Between almost-true and completely-crazy, there is a rainbow of nice shades - Tophe

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