TSR2 versions & schemes

Started by Geoff_B, August 07, 2003, 01:10:15 PM

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I thought it might be a good idea to describe each of the versions being produced for the nationals so we what each person is producing, eg origin of model, version of TSR2, Service User, Squadron, era of service etc. Perhaps then MartinH can plan the display with some sort of order and we can get data cards produced for each model. Then Wooksta will be able to index the photos for the examples that he might include in his book.

I know we started this topic on the old server under the general forum but now we have the space we might as well use it !!!! :unsure:




Cheers Wooksta,

BTW what about your original XR219 the resitech one ?

Now to my TSR2 contribution:-

XR222 - Overall White, with the U?C mod fitted for her first test flight.
XV498 - 17 Sqdn 2000, current two tone grey scheme armed with either Storm Shadaw or ALCM (Not decided which yet).

A late first batch aircraft of 31 sqdn RAF Bruggen 1975 with DSG/DG/LAG scheme, type D roundels as a nuclear strike aircraft armed with two Nuke Martels.
A RN VG version from the mid 70's from HMS Furious (CVA-01 or ex-USS Forrestal) EDSG/W not sure on Sqdn yet.

RAF EW/ECM/WW variant as a Canberra replacement with teeth (Radar Martel or Shrike). Not sure on scheme 70's DSG/DG over LAG, or 80's DSG/DG wraparound or maybe even late 80's Hemp/LAG (Any opinions Wooksta as to which would be most suited ?)
CAF Germany early 80's still in standard Nato colours (don't fancy the all over green applied to CF104's !!!) - Any ideas on Canadian weapons loads, what Bombs do they use ? (Probably try US types  with US style drop tanks)
I have a third kit to do but no idea on scheme (I was thinking RAAF in current F-111G scheme but i think Magnus or Aircav have that one covered or was it martin ? - i know SOMEBODY's doing one). Before you Wooksta no i don't fancy the idea of Sweedish Viggen scheme !!!!!)

So whats the rest going to be on the table ( we know Magnus has a few built already, and has a number of new ones to go at !!!!)




The problem with XR219 is that I didn't build it so I don't count it as being mine.

I do have the tail on the go for the Luftwaffe tigerstripe one, plus I'll be doing an all black 16 sqn machine with the Saint on the fin.  That's dead easy!  

And on the same sheet there's markings for an Italian aircraft as well.

Lazlo Woodbine

Hi, its me again, to let you know about my current TSR 2 plans for the nats, if the weather doesn't melt them all first B)

Aussie 1970's scheme
RAF Gulf War part 1
Defence research establishment
VG RAF version

12 sqn Sea Eagle armed based at Lossiemouth, all over grey scheme
USAF Bicentennial markings
RAF winter camouflage
Swedish?!!! (I'll do it!)
RAF exercise Red Flag 1977
RAAF Gunship grey scheme
RAAF ARDU either green/yellow or orange/white scheme

There'll also be a couple of F111Ks as well


Hope everyones  
"Ladies and gentlemen, England will be playing four-four f&*$£*^g two"

Mike Bassett

Lazlo Woodbine

B******s! forgot to finish, hope everyones ok.  I am currently trying to find out if Wooksta is really evil or just merely rogueish. :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  
"Ladies and gentlemen, England will be playing four-four f&*$£*^g two"

Mike Bassett


Cheers Gaz

Just a few to keep you busy then ? I knew somebody was interested in doing a modern Aussie one, that means Aircav was thinking of an IDF version. The Sweedish one would look good if you can pull the camo scheme off, there should be suitable bofors missiles in either a Viggen or Gripen kit.

Wooksta's German Tiger scheme should be interesting.

Thinking of possibly a JASDF version for my third one ?




QuoteOther thing - the ground support vehicles will be available at the nationals

What sort of ground support vehicles wooksta ? Sounds interesting.

Re: - TSR2 RAAF 2000 Yeah Gary said he was doing one when at the North Show, A tiger scheme tail should still look good on a German TSR2, pity we never really got on the band wagon, although the RN Merlin in the new Revell kit looks very nice in a tiger scheme, just a pity its a two tone grey.




From memory, the TSR-2 project asked for the entire aircraft to be usable from a forward operating base (read: last surviving airfield!) including refuelling, loading, towing and repairs.
It was decided to create a set of ground vehicles for the roles mentioned above. BAC created a 4WD General Servicing Vehicle, which could run on nearly any fuel, to tow the aircraft, supply air-conditioning, pneumatic, electric and hydraulic power, function-test each aircraft system and pump fuel. Fuel would have been delivered in large rubber bags.
There was also a self-powered heavylift trolley able to load any weapon or help change an engine or wing. It would also act as a mobile platform, necessary when you consider the height of the TSR-2.
The other vehicle was a universal testing trolley towed and powered by the GSV, which could test all the electronic gear onboard.

All three vehicles and fuel would have been delivered by an Argosy transport, or even the HS.681 which was cancelled. Operational Requirement 343 called for the TSR-2 to be capable of being at instant readiness for up to 30 days continously.

Details checked/corrected with Wings of Fame 4. If the plan had worked, they could deploy a flight of TSR-2s to sudden hotspots like Kuwait or Belize within days and supported them for the time it would take to build up and deliver the bulk of the troops and regular vehicles to an area. Only backup needed would be fuel and weapons deliveries.

Nick  B)  


Hi Nick

Thanks for the data on the GSV, i look forward to seeing these items at the nationals. i suppose it would make for an interesting display for an operational TSR2 with its ground crew and support vehicles. Land Rovers & Bedfords are now produced by JB Models (pity they don't do the lightweight version or Pink Panthers !!) for that 70's feel. Wooksta's MEAF version would probably look the best on forward deployment.



Lazlo Woodbine



If you want good modern landrovers, BW models and CMSC do them, even a 'Pink Panther', well i'm fairly certain they do.  I can get details as i've got the lists somewhere.  
"Ladies and gentlemen, England will be playing four-four f&*$£*^g two"

Mike Bassett


Cheers Gaz

BW Models range

Found these listed at a Manchester Model Shop so i might go have a look tomorrow, some of those Crash Tenders sound interesting as well as the Landrover range. I suppose for a 1975 period the 109 LWB Landrovers would do with some of the new 1 ton's to go with the GSV vehicle, but a discovery parked near the 2000 one would look good as well.




Talking of support vehicles, I've seen some in Rebel Troop. I'll take a recce later on today after I've done Hannants.
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


QuoteTalking of support vehicles, I've seen some in Rebel Troop. I'll take a recce later on today after I've done Hannants

Hi Lance

Did you have any luck with your support vehicles or did the Yak 38 put you off your stride a bit. I went to see our local stockist, but they only had a Green Goddess and a couple of Leyland DAF eight wheel cargo lorries. I did however get a list off them of the range, so now trying to decide what to get and from what era.




Hi Thorvic,

No luck on the support vehicles. It wasn't the Yak 38 that threw me off, but the M25 AGAIN!!!! Totally solid from J19 all the way round, so I had to find a cross country route. I'll get up there tomorrow or Tuesday.
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


Hi Lancer

Well your bane sounds to be the M25 at the moment !!!!. :(

The only problem at the moment is that now i have the full list, deciding whats best. Obviously the GSV will have to wait till the nats, but do i try some of the modern Land Rovers for the 2000 era and an appropriate Crash Tender, or go for some 60's/70's stuff to go with the TSR2 development & early Career.

